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Monday November 01 2021: El Día de los Angelitos

Dominik woke up at the Crack of dawn and slipped out of bed. He gingerly tiptoed out of the room then down the hall to the door that is attached to the garage. Making a beeline for the RV, Dominik unlocked the door so he could go into the back room. On both of his nightstands were Mexican flag mats with a bouquet of fake neon flowers in a stone angle vase. Around it were several carved crystal skulls, faces painted like sugar skulls, facing the angle. Flickering flameless votive candles circled them. Candies were scattered around the nightstands as were baby and kids toys.

He dropped to his knees in the doorway and pressed his forehead to the floor.

“Querido Señor, acércate a nosotros en nuestra tristeza, trae bendición por el dolor, y ayúdanos en nuestras lágrimas y dolor para saber que estás de pie junto a nosotros y para experimentar tu amor. Gracias por la esperanza de vida eterna que han estado recibiendo. Señor, gracias por mantenerlos a salvo hasta que nos encontremos. Confiamos sus almas en su cuidado y le agradecemos por todo lo que ya ha hecho. Amén.”

Standing up he took a picture of the alters and sent them too the family chat with his prayer. Dominik made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast for the house. Once the food was made he left a plate on each alter before leaving.


Tuesday November 02 2021: Día de los Muertos

Rhea was the first to get on the RV, Damian and Liv in tow. Finn was holding DJ while Dominik trudged up behind him. He walked straight to the back room to grab the plates tossing the spoiled food in the can beside the dresser. After setting the plates down he slowly picked up each skull, kissing it before setting them in the top drawer of the nightstands. He replaced them with larger skulls, that he kissed before setting them down.

“oh señor, creador del Universo, en tu gracia nos prometes que los que mueren aún viven en tu presencia. Sus espíritus simplemente han sido transformados pero no han terminado. Rezo en gratitud y esperanza por mi familia, parientes y amigos que han ido antes que yo, y por todos los muertos conocidos solo por ustedes.”

Crossing himself he stood to fetch the full bag from the little trash can, and turned around. He was surprised to see his friends watching him, curiously.

“Día de los Muertos alterse. Please drive carefully tonight.”

“I got you bro.” Damian asserted, crossing himself before blowing a kiss to the heavens.

“Why did you change the skulls.” Liv inquired, voice cracking slightly.

“Yesterday was for the children that passed; El Día de los Angelitos. Today is for the adults.”

A tear rolled down her cheek as she and Finn did the same gesture as Damian. As Dominik made his way out the room she grabbed the bag from him, kissing his cheek before rushing off the bus to throw it in the dumpster. Rhea took a deep breath, nose wrinkling at the rotting smell, then walked to the windows and opened them. Dominik noticed the Oder as well so he grabbed the can of air freshener and sprayed the room, picking up the plates along the way.

As he left Rhea gestured for Finn to put her son in his crib, which was attached to their bed. She made her way to the dresser to grab him a fresh onesie. Opening the drawer she found a orange and black tie dye one with a golden skull at the chest. Smirking she took it as well as a pair of orange socks, then closed the drawer and began making her way to the bed. Rhea stopped at the alter before crossing herself then kissing the skulls.

“We got the fifteen hour drive, you two just mourn or whatever you need to do.” Finn offered, holding his hand out for the clothes.

“Thank you.” Rhea sighed handing them over.

He simply smiled, then turned to the baby with a bright smile. DJ was fighting sleep as best as he could, mouth wrenched opened as wide as it could go by a yawn. Finn and Rhea couldn’t help but coo as he began switching his clothes. Rhea took the opportunity to strip off her ring gear. Unfortunately she didn’t get a chance to shower and change like the others but luckily the shower was connected to the bathroom.

“Get some good rest lil man, allow the dream fairy ta take ya.” Finn whispered to the baby before kissing his nose.

Standing he walked to the door with a quick, “Sleep sweet sis.”

Dominik stopped and stepped aside so Finn could pass.

“Sleep sweet bro, we gotcha.” He stated, patting the younger man on the shoulder.

Upon entering the room he found Rhea in her bra and panties, retrieving a towel and washcloth from the bottom drawer of the dress. He felt bad that she didn’t have the time to shower cause she had to take care of DJ between her segments.

“Next time tell me and we’ll do this together.” She stated while standing.

He nodded, watching her walk over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck then kissed him passionately.

“I'm gunna hop in the shower. Get some rest, I know tonight was tough for you.”

“Not really, getting chewed out by my dad for letting my anger get the best of me.”

“Yeah but it shouldn’t be, and if it really meant nothing then why were you pumping iron all night?”

He averted his gaze, hand rubbing the back of his neck.

“Papi, it’s OK to not be ok, especially when that was total bullshit. You mean to tell me that fucker can hear you slap Theory while his back was turned but whenever someone gets hit with a chair behind his back. Either he doesn’t like you or he really likes Austin but that call was total bullshit and everyone knows it.”

Again she kissed him before turning to the bathroom door and heading inside. Dominik smiled as it closed, head shaking while he toed off his shoes. Once he was down to just his boxers he crawled under the covers, facing his son. The baby watched him through heavily lidded eyes, still combating. His sock covered hands roughly rubbing his face. Smirking Dom kissed DJ’s forehead then placed his hand on his son's pot belly.

“🎶Podría quedarme despierto sólo para oírte respirar

 Mirarte sonreír mientras duermes

 Mientras estás lejos y soñando

 Podría pasar mi vida en esta dulce rendición

 Podría quedarme perdido en este momento para siempre.

 Donde un momento pasado contigo es un momento que atesoro

No quiero cerrar los ojos

 no quiero quedarme dormido

 Porque te extrañaría bebé

 Y no quiero perderme nada

 Porque incluso cuando sueño contigo (incluso cuando sueño)

 El sueño más dulce nunca serviría

 Todavía te extrañaría bebé

 Y no quiero perderme nada🎶”

DJ sleepily smiled as the sweet melody caressed his eardrums.

“🎶Tumbado cerca de ti, sintiendo los latidos de tu corazón

 Y me pregunto qué estás soñando

 Me pregunto si soy yo a quien estás viendo

 Entonces beso tus ojos

 Y gracias a Dios estamos juntos

 Y sólo quiero quedarme contigo en este momento para siempre.

 Por los siglos de los siglos

no quiero cerrar los ojos

 no quiero quedarme dormido

 Porque te extrañaría bebé

 Y no quiero perderme nada

 'Porque incluso cuando sueño contigo

El sueño más dulce no lo conseguirá

 Todavía te extrañaría bebé

 Y no quiero perderme nada🎶”

Tears welled up in his eyes, voice cracking as he recalled the last night he spent with Eddie in the exact same position. He was older than DJ but he too was fighting sleep on his back, while Eddie rubbed his belly and sang to him. He recalled the man drawing him so close he could hear his father’s heart racing a mile a minute, like his heart was in that moment.

“🎶No quiero perderme una sonrisa

 Y no quiero perderme ni un beso

 Y solo quiero estar contigo

 Aquí contigo, así

 Y sólo quiero abrazarte cerca

 Siento tu corazón tan cerca del mío

 Y quédate aquí en este momento

 Por todo el resto del tiempo


 No quiero cerrar los ojos

 No quiero quedarme dormido

 Porque te extrañaría bebé

 Y no quiero perderme nada

 Porque incluso cuando sueño contigo (incluso cuando sueño)

 El sueño más dulce nunca serviría

 Todavía te extrañaría bebé

 Y no quiero perderme nada🎶”

DJ took his father’s thumb in his left hand and pinky in his right. He squeezed as tight as he could but it didn’t faze his father, who continued to sing.

“🎶no quiero cerrar los ojos

 no quiero quedarme dormido

 Porque te extrañaría bebé

 Y no quiero perderme nada

 'Porque incluso cuando sueño contigo

 El sueño más dulce nunca serviría

 Todavía te extrañaría bebé

 Y no quiero perderme nada

 No quiero cerrar los ojos

 No quiero quedarme dormido, sí

 Y no quiero perderme nada🎶”

Eddie and a horde of spirits watched them drift off together just as Rhea exited the shower. They turned to her and she stopped suddenly, feeling a cold shift. Again she crossed herself before slipping into bed behind him.


“So what’s the plan for today? How are we celebrating Día de los Muertos?” Liv asked as she looked at Dominik in the rear view.

Since she didn’t have a match the night before she took on the long third shift. Damian and Fin helped out by driving two hours each, so she got to take a four hour nap. The boys were cuddled up on the pull-out couch under a thick black blanket. Finn's eyes opened when Liv asked her question, falling on the yawning young man.

“It'll just be rest, we’ll paint faces, and have a feast.”

“What kinda feast?” The Irishman asked.

“The favorite foods of everyone I am honoring. For breakfast we’ll have carnitas huevos rancheros for my great uncle Sergio, conchas for Tia Querida, chorizo breakfast bowls for cousin Luka, papas con chorizo for great uncle Enrique, mexican hash for Gory, and horchata for cousin Javier. Then Lunch will consist of beef birria tacos for Tia Nika, empanada beef chili for cousin David, albondigas for cousin Arnold, lime-chipotle carnitas tostadas for cousin Silvia, steak fajitas for Tio Carlos, chicken-stuffed cubanelle peppers for Tia Florence, churros for cousin Jose, carne guisada for cousin Raphael, chipotle turkey chilaquiles Tia Madison, sopaipillas for Tia Georgiana, pork chile verde for Tia Irina, and agua de Jamaica for Tio Kaleb. Finally dinner will be beer fried catfish for Eddie, sheet pan tequila lime chicken nachos for my Tio Chavo, pork posole for cousin Zack, fresas con crema for cousin Joseph, chicken tamales for Tia Henrietta, tres leches for cousin Eduarda, and red sangria for Tio Yanik.”

Finn licked his lips while liv did a little fist bump.

“Sounds delicious bro.” Damian muttered.

Dominik couldn’t help but smile as he began to gather the ingredients he needed.

“If you guys want I can add some dishes for special people you've lost.”

Damian opened his eyes and sat up, causing Finn to do the same but he shifted to look at his lover.

“Wait seriously…….”

“Of course. Dia de los Muertos is a day to honor those you've lost with the ones you love. It would be selfish and disrespectful not to include your family members. Especially since… guys have sorta become my family.”

“Awww……shut up your gunna make me cry.” Liv said.

“How many dishes can we add?”

“Since it’s kinda last minute five each but we can make a list for next year, if we travel together…..that is.”

“Surullitos, tembleque, arroz con dulce, y mofongo para mi abuelos.....Oh and asopao de pollo for my great uncle Louis?”

“Ummmm… for my cousin Mel boxty, uh.. for Granpa Timmy yellaman, Granny Sue loved colcannon mash, Nana Rose could never stay away from the potato farls, and barmbrack for Poppa.”

“Would you do chocolate chip and cherry browned butter cookies……for my dad?”

“Of course.” Dominik stated, pulling out his phone to look up the new recipes.


Thursday November 25 2021: Thanksgiving

Dominik’s alarm went off at six am. He turned it off before it could wake up Rhea and DJ. Slipping out of the bed he quietly left the room. He descended the stairs to their airbnb then made his way to the kitchen. To his surprise Bianca was in the kitchen.

“Good morning.” He greeted.

She turned with a smile then said, “Morning. You come down here to chef it up with me?”

“Well I was gunna make breakfast but I can help with the dinner.”

“Period. Ok hook up some of that beer battered catfish oh and those bomb ass tacos.”

“That’s not gunna take long.”

“Boy them mother fuckers you’ve been travelin with have been bragging so much Tez and I made a list of shit we wanna try. So you might just need all day.”

“Oh really? Let me see thi-"

“Ba-damn!” She laughed while pulling a rolled up piece of paper out of her bra.

Chuckling he unrolled it and read:

·        Portobello Ropa Vieja

·        Empanada Beef Chili

·        Chicken-Stuffed Cubanelle Peppers

·        Carne Guisada

·        Agua de Jamaica

·        Chicken Mole

·        Pork Posole

·        Fresas con Crema

·        Beef Birria Tacos

·        Chicken Tamales

·        Albondigas

·        Churros

·        Conchas

·        Mexican Turkey Soup

·        Tres leches pumpkin flan

·        Poblano and Corn Casserole

·        Papas con chorizo

·        Steak Fajitas

·        Lime-Chipotle Carnitas Tostadas

·        Horchata

“Well I’m glad I woke up early.”

“Me too.”


DJ's eyes fluttered open, due to discomfort in his diaper and a rumbling in his tummy. Strong arms were wrapped around him, holding him tight against a soft and supple chest. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before scratching his face with blunt nails. He wiggled out of Rhea's hold then sat up and looked over her.

no papi?


He looked around the room before letting out a loud whine. His chubb little fists hit Rhea, desperate attempt to wake her up.

mami no papi! Where papi? mami up! up!


Rhea’s eyes opened as the whines turned to cries then whaling she rolled onto her back and sat up. Looking to her left she saw the empty space, immediately realizing what was going on.

Sighing Rhea got up causing the boy to start full blown crying and hollering. She crouched down in front of the diaper bag to grab a fresh pamper, diaper ointment, the pack of wipes, gloves, a shopping bag, aloe vera cornstarch based powder, and the folded up changing mat. Rhea made her way back to the bed, laying out the large and soft square. Warm hands rubbed his bare chest before moving him into the center. After pulling on the gloves she began changing him.

no! we find papi! I want papi! where papi! I want papi! I want papi! I want papi! I want papi! I WANT PAPI!


Taking off her gloves she tied up the shopping bag now filled with the soiled diaper, wipes, and gloves.

“Now that you’re fresh and clean let’s find Papi.” She said picking him up and patting his back.

all I want! papi! papi! papi! papi!


Following her nose she made her way to the kitchen. Dominik heard them before he saw them and he immediately deflated.

We forgot to say bye to DJ before we left.


We gotta make it up to him.


“You forget to do something?” Rhea accused when she entered the kitchen.

DJ leaned away from Rhea, reaching out for Dominik as his crying subsided. Once in his father’s arms the boy slapped him twice before laying his head on Dominik’s shoulder and putting his thumb in his mouth.

“I’m so sorry, Papito, I didn’t say goodbye.” He sighed, pampering his wet cheeks with kisses.

Bianca looked at Rhea, who rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

“He's such a Daddy’s boy.” Bianca chuckled.

“Nah he just likes knowing when we leave before him and that we’ll be back. We're still getting use to his personality.” Rhea explained kissing the boys back.

“That reminds me, Mami try the flan.”

With a nod she did as asked, eyes fluttering shut as she moaned.

“Papi this is amazing…….can Jr try some?”

Dominik kissed their son's forehead then smiled.

“I mean I do want to transition him to more solid food, cause I’m excited to make his baby food. Gerber is so fuckin bland I wanna wake up his taste budes…..”

Nodding Rhea blew on a small spoonful and brought it close to DJ's face. Without prompting he sat up then opened his mouth and leaned towards the spoon.

“He's got great body control for a four month old.” Bianca praised.

“I think it’s genetic cause Vickie has video of his sisters doing the same and Dom started walking when he was six months.” Rhea explained, gingerly smearing some flan on his tongue and lower lip.

His eyes lit up, looking between his parents before leaning in for more.

“I’ll grab the baby spoon.” She chuckled, kissing the boy's forehead then ran back to the room.

Dominik kissed DJ's cheek before blowing in his neck, causing the boy to laugh.

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