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Monday February 14 2022: Valentine's Day

Dominik looked over the tray one more time, content with how he arranged everything. The gang had opted to get a hotel so it was just him, Rhea, and DJ in the RV.

“Hopefully she loves it.” He whispered to himself, heart racing.

Taking a deep breath he picked up the tray and carried it into the room, where his beautiful wife was cuddled up with their son.

“Mami….Maaaaami…..wake uuuuup.” He whispered.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, vision a bit blurred as she looked at the man.


He smiled head nodding to DJ, who had his head on her breast. His face was streaked with tears, teething binky hanging loose in his mouth. Rhea slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Her movement caused the boy to shift away from her reaching for Dominik. The man set the bed tray over her before rubbing DJ's back and moving him to the crib. After kissing his cheek, Dominik gave DJ a octopus stuffy to snuggle before getting in the bed.

“What’s all this?”

“Breakfast, happy Valentine’s Day.” He whispered, kissing her cheek.

She smiled looking at the red plate. There were four heart-shaped frittatas with tomatoes and lettuce stacked on top of each other. Perfectly poached eggs sat on the tomatoes with a beautiful pink hollandaise sauce. All surrounded by bacon shaped into roses. On the side was fifteen thin cuts of stake and puffy heart-shaped French toast.

“So I made the frittatas with the left over fajita veggies and potatoes. Also I cooked half of the stake with vegemite compound butter and the other half with a flavorful spiced butter. The French toast has peanut butter and bananas in the middle. Then I let it sit in the tres leche pan overnight to soak all them juices up. I added strawberry white wine and food coloring to make the hollandaise pink. Finally we got two flutes of Strawberry Shortcake Mimosas.”

Rhea kissed him passionately then sighed, “Thank you Papi. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“So what’s on the agenda for today?” She asked.

“The gang made plans for the day so it’ll just be you me and D. There’s a bunch of stuff to do out here; Go to a museum, the zoo, there’s a green canal we can rent a boat for, gardens, theaters. Whatever you wanna do we got plenty of time till RAW.”

Rhea nodded then glanced over at DJ, fast asleep.

“Let’s just stay in and enjoy today together; I feel like we always do a bunch of shit but like…..when was the last time the three of us just chilled like this?”

Dominik followed her gaze, smile spreading across his face.

“Can I show you something?” He asked, picking up the remote.

“Of course, babe.” She agreed, while eating.

The way his face lit up gave her butterflies and made her heart race. Now she was curious so she looked at the TV. He had his Prime app open and was typing in the search engine. Once the word was complete she squinted to read it.

“Untamed Heart?”

Dominik nodded, selecting an image with Rosie Pérez, Christian Slater, and Marisa Tomei.

“Oooooh, my three childhood crushes I like it already….bit shocked I’ve never heard of it or seen it before.”

“Mami, I swear,  you’re my soul mate.” He chuckled as he hit play on the movie.

She looked at him, mouth full as she smiled and slid closer. Dominik wrapped his arm around her, patiently waiting for her to get full so he could finish her plate.

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