~Chapter Two~ What Are You Doing With Her!?!?!

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Harry's POV (I remebered I did not do P.O.V's for the first chapt. so I'll do em now!)

I took her by the hand and walked through the halls......Every eye looking at us, And then I see Louis, BLOCKING our way waiting for us as if he's going to try to not get us through......Ooooh I'm SO SCARED! not! As we walked down the halls i felt her grip tighten while we got closer to Louis Her palms started to sweat and it felt like mine did too......Finally when we got closer only a feet away he begun to glare at us and give ME a 'What Are You Doing With Her!?!?' look. I just rolled my eyes like it was no big deal! Plus I already know why he's giving me that look....He liked her ever since they knew each other,And I don't know about Lianna but well I have no clue! I knew she likes me....Because she still talks to me...Right? I mean I like her too that's the reason why Louis hates my guts and hates her because she dated me.....

-What are you doing with her!?!?!?!- Louis asked....

-Well because she wants to be with me?- I lifted our hands that were still holding and showed him an evil smile saying 'I'm getting her back!and there's nothing you can do!'

-Right Lianna?!?!?!- I gave her a small smile and glanced at her she smiled back saying

-Yup! now will you excuse us? We need to get to class because the bell is about to ring in 3....2.....1- 

Ring Ring Ring Rind!!!!!!!!!! She gave him an 'I told you! now move!' look it made me so happy that she still hates his guts! While Louis looked at me coldly passing by he hit my shoulder with his making it hurt,I hide my feelings of pain and just continued walking hand in hand with Lianna we walked in complete silence...Not awkward silence but the silence we used to have when we walked through the park looking at little kids playing and all that and old couples walking as well it made us wonder "Will we ever have children and live happily in the future?" well we weren't sure about that after LOUIS told her that I only asked her out to get my stupid ex back...He'd do any thing to freaking get her single last time in Middle school he showed her  boyfriend a picture of Lianna in the toilet (but really it was photoshopped) and then next thing I knew he broke her heart...Then I came along after her break up with Jake, I conforted hur and gave her a shoulder to cry on then one day I couldn't take it any more so I kissed her out of the blue she kissed me back and we started dating, then I asked her to be my girlfriend,Offentually she said yes, We ended up being together until High school at the 3 period she dumped me because of a cold cruel lie Louis has told her! I mean,seriously i you like the girl then why don't you just ASK HER OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She finally broke the silence by saying something very very very loving ting she ever said

-Harry I can't take it anymore,I still love you!- Then she kissed me :) making Lois turn around, and looked hurt in his eyes but anger at his clenched fist, i thought oh ooh this shit is about to get bloody........... when she pulled away I gave her a peck on the lips hugging her closly, whispering

-Will you be my girlfriend? Again? and this time don't believe a word Lou says because he's lieing.....- She started to chuckle but I heard stomping closer and closer

-Yes I'd love to be your girlfriend,again- She pulled away but still looking at my eyes I could see her smile which made me smile, until someone took me by the shoulder and yanked me out of her hands and just before I knew who it was BOOM! I got hit on the nose, then another hit bye the eye, After I could at least make a move I heard crying and shouting,And I fell on the floor completly seeing nothing but bitter black.......................

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