I put the makeup brush down when I was satisfied with the result.My eyes gleamed at the phone that was sitting right beside me on the table ; I let out a sigh as I saw the time:
3:59 pm
"Areeba, beta neechay ajao," I heard my mum call out from downstairs.
Tayeba was out , tutoring some kid in Sana's class.She's mentioned him a few times saying how difficult he can be when it comes to concentration and how he seem to not bother about anything.I usually laugh at her , I mean I would show sympathy but how would that make me be a annoying-little sister, that role would go on a downhill, wouldn't it so I usually laugh...
A lot
Sometimes I laugh at certain things that are not particularly funny just to make the other person feel better.The last time I saw myself laughing was at something for real was at what he said.He knew how to bring out the real person inside of you , no matter how hard you tried to hide it.He would come up with these stupid pick up lines that weren't even good if you ask me, just to see a smile...maybe that was something that made me love him.
I went downstairs with my phone in my hands because well you can't leave your baby in this big, scary world...alone, can you?
A small smile appeared across my face as I remembered that the whole sqaud was going to come to my house today.Finally.I've been waiting for god knows how long for us to meet up.It seems like ages that I've heard Sania say something with her cheery voice, Areeba and her inspirational speeches , Hania with her perfectly beautiful face making anyone fall in love with her instantly.If I'm honest I would personally think she would get a guy before any one of us do ; you can't resist her, really!Not forgetting my childhood sister ,Sana , her personality and jokes are something you can't really turn your back to.
It's been too long since we met-
Ding Dong
My thoughts were interrupted by the door bell.I ran to get the door before the bell made a sound again but-
Ding Dong
I saw my hand reach for the door handle as I turned it round to open and see the beautiful faces I've been waiting to see.
"HELLO,HELLO,HELLO,"Sania uttered following by Hania and Areeba , both blurting a "hey" as they gave me a hug.
I saw Sania roll her eyes as they made contact with mine while she took off her shoes. I returned the eye roll by scoffing.See we do this thing whenever we meet eachother , we would look at eachother, roll our eyes , fold our arms and act like we hate eachother and...hug.Yeah, you heard me , hug , as tight as we can before suffocating eachother to death.Its a tradition as we like to call it.
I saw Sania come to me by giving me the hug which I returned without saying a word.God I missed this girl and her hugs.
I was about to close the door but I saw Sana's car , well technically her dad's , come toward our driveway.
"Allah hafiz," Sana said before closing the car door and sprinting and literally sprinting to get into the house.
"Pakalu, the queen may be late but she can't handle the rain,ok"
"Yeah , yeah take your time , it's like we are standing here waiting for you to come so we can close the door like we are peasants,"I said as tilted my head and did the famous eye roll.
"Hain!How rude is it that you are being sarcastic to the queen of bants,"Sana said clearly faking how offended she is.
Areeba , Sania and Hania started laughing at the response and I couldn't keep it in for longer so then I started laughing....
Let's just say we all caught the laughing virus and took us a good 15 min to calm down!
"Okay guys we have to do our famous photo shoot today because we all look like goddesses today,"Sania said while sitting at the bed.
"Yaazzz,"Sana responded with a smile.
"And Carlos here can take the pictures," Areeba said while pointing a finger at herself.
So the thing is , me and Areeba both have the same name so what we did was that name her Carlos.It's cute and different.She might go all inspirational but there are moments when she trys to make us all laugh by saying something something in a Spanish accent or as she would like to say, Carlos' accent.
"Should I wear my scarf then?"Hania questioned, "Are you guys going to post it on Instagram?"
"Yes pepellos, otherwise Sania's going to go on and on about her feed not having the sqaud photo shoot picture in it," Carlos uttered by facing at Sania with a mischievous smile.
"Okay I get it," Sania said," I go on and on about my feed but there's a reason behind it..."
"Yeah and what's that"Areeba interrupted
"I need to tell people that I have friends you know , they should know that I'm not a boring ass soul who just stays on her phone 24/7"
"That's because you do!"
"Carlos there are time when I doubt our friendship!"
"Yeah same Dora but the thing is that you can't live a day without me and my love for burritos,"Areeba smirked.
"I'm going to prove you wrong," Sania said getting up from the bed and stomping her foot, " I'm gonna go explore for a burrito maker , anyone coming?"
"Yeah I am , I need a new exciting thing in my life.This Carlos is getting boring each day.Living with her is miserable, worse than keeping a mouse in a box where it suffocates and dies cause it's lacking oxygen."
"Hey!!Hania don't be so mean and that mouse example just disturbing and-"
"Just like you face,"sarcasm coming out through Sania.
Sana has never been so quiet today, what's up with her today.
A thought came to me as I turned to face Sana.And just when I did , I saw her holding up her phone to make a video of them arguing.That sneaky biotch.
"Umm guys," I blurt out as I pointed a finger at Sana's phone.
"WHATT!!"All of them said in a unison while Sana...
"MUHAHAHAHA,"Sana did a villain laugh ,"got em."
And we all started laughing...again, for a good 15min and catching the laughing virus...again.
Hello people or should I say pepellos😏 but seriously what did you guys think of the chapter, leave a comment below telling me which part was your favourite!?!
Mine personally was the whole Sania doubting her friendship with Carlos , I found it so fun to write and hopefully you guys enjoyed it too xx
Translation of what Areeba's mum said in the beginning:
"Areeba, beta neechay ajao" basically means Areeba darling come downstairs.
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