๐Ÿ’—~Karaku x Female Reader MODERN AU!~๐Ÿ’—

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3rd Person POV:

A girl named Y/N was walking home after her long shift at work. The streets were empty, the alleyways where full of drunk people, you could hear unpleasant plessurable sounds of people in their apartments and you felt being watched by someone as you walk your way home.

You stopped and turned around and you saw green eyes watching every movement you do...

You were in fear and you rana way but those eyes followed you and caught up with you. You felt the person grab your wrists tightly and you were very scared...

You turned around and they had green eyes shoulder length long black hair and they were tall and muscular...

"L-leave me alone you even are you?!"

You yelled at them in fear...

"You shouldnt be walking through these empty and dark streets love..."

You were shocked their voice was familiar...


You said shaking in fear, the street lights on a few seconds later when you asks them and it reveals their face it was Karaku... Your boyfriend who you thought died in an accident...


"Karaku-kun let me come with you to go tot he grocery store pleaseeee!!"

Y/N said clinging onto him. Karaku chuckled and kisses Y/Ns cheek

"Nope~ your going to spend too much money on clothes or on your skin care again so no my love~"

Karaku said in a playfull tone as he cuddle you. You bkushed and nuzzled his neck and smelled so nice and you like his warmth against your skin


"Nope~ and dont worry your charming and strong boyfriend is coming home safe and I will buy you your favorite icecream~"

"WAHH! I want it! I want it!! and please be safe ok... Its really dark when its night especially in our neighborhood streets they are quite creepy..."

You said and you kissed his cheek. Karaku chuckles and kisses your forehead

"I had to go now love~ I'll be safe dont worry~"

Karaku said and left the house....

Minutes and hours of waiting he hasnt come home yet... Until you heard an accident occur in the news... It hapoend in your neighborhood streets... And you were shocked and heartbroken... Karaku was in that accident too...

You quickly got up and ran through the streets and you saw ambulances... And flashing lights... Until you saw your boyfriend getting carried into an ambulance... Your an towards the ambulance and banged on the door

"W-WAIT! Please let me see him!! Is he still alive...!! P-please... Be alive..."

A nurse come up to you and frowned...

"Im sorry to say this ma'am but... The patient is dead... We had tried to save him but it was no use... Are you a relative of the patient ma'am..?"

You were shocked and was heartbroken... You sobbed after hearing your boyfriend dead...

"I-im his girlfriend..."

You sobbed and you cant believe it... The love of your life is dead...

End of fladhback...

"H-how are you alive... They said you were dead...!!"

You said crying and you hugged him tight his scent was really like him... His warmth that you really missed for so long...

"Well... A mysterious company faked my death and they wouldnt let me see you again because they forced me to cooperate or work for them... Im so sorry but it was so complicated and I felt really alone... Until I saw you walking through these streets so I followed you... Im sorry my love..."

Karaku said and nuzzled your neck...

"Its ok... I really missed you... I-i..."

You were cut off when Karaku kissed your lips and you blushed...

"Stop crying my love... Its ok~"

He said and carried you in a bridal style. You chuckled and kissed his cheek...

"Still silly as always hehe~"

You said and he carried you back to your home.

"Karaku... Please stay I dont want to be alone anymore... I know you wouldnt be alone too..."

You said holding his hand gently and caressing it...

"Well I had good news... My boss allowed me to visit you whenever I want! As long as I do my job well~"

You smiled happily at the good news and hugged him tight that both of you fell...

You both laughed at each other and got up...

"Im glad your back again my silly prince~"

"Ohh~ so thats my new pet name huh loveyy!~"

He in a teasing tone and kissed you passionately...

"I wont ever let you go Y/N..."


Well guess who is back๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€


I was not able to post actively bc I was busy and I had low motivation to post some chapters๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ sorry my bbgs and pookies๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿคž

I had been staring at this for almost an hour now and credits to the artist on twitter๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคž

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