πŸ’—~Hantengu Clones x Male! Reader~πŸ’—

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Author POV:

You were a new demon, your trying to fit in, in this new life of yours.

You were forced to become this being, yet you struggle to fight against demon slayers who were trying to eliminate you until one day...

Male Reader POV:

I was walking through the forest after eating some humans until I felt another demons presence.

I looked around and I saw a small demon that looked like an old man and had a huge bump on his head.

"A tiny sized demon?.... What are you doing here little guy?..." I asked and the demon twitched.

"Kyaaaaahhhh!! Are you going to hurt me like the others do! If you dare!" the tiny demon said.

"Im not ok?... And chill I wouldnt dare to shatter a small fragile demon like you" I said with a kind smile trying to let the little demon trust me

"Ok! Ok! I trust you if you dare to mess with me Im going to kill you!!" The little demon said

"Ok! Ok! And whats your name dude?"

I asked raisng my other brow.

"Hantengu uppermoon 4!!"

"Huh- who the heck a little thing like you become uppermon 4 when Im bigger than you dude😭" I was shocked when he said that.

"Dont underestimate meΒ 'Ν‘β€’_'Ν‘β€’Β "

"Ok...ΰ² _ΰ²  The names M/N by the way...!" I said patting its head

I then felt a strong presence that was about to attack Hantengu. I reacted fast and used myself as a shield to protect him from a demon slayer. I cough out blood as the sword was stabbed through my chest. Hantengu screams in shocked and runs away.

"I shouldnt have trusted that pesky bastard he just left me here...!'"

I said in annoyance and I pulled out the sword out of my chest and slowly regenerate.

I felt a huge wind attack the demon slayer leaving it flying it away and got caught by a demon that had huge hawk wings and sharp talons.

I watched as the demon slayer limbs gets brutally separated by the two demons.


I felt a tug on my shoudler and saw it was Hantengu.

"T-this is my pay back for saving me from getting stabbed by that ugly demon slayer !"

"Thanks bro..." I said and gently puts him on a tree branch

"HYAHAHAHAHAAH! Did you just saw that demon ayer get beated up and killed brutaly by us Sekido!!!" The green one said.

"Shut up Karaku. I pity you for being this all I felt is just annoyance and rage against you and Urogi..." the red one said and his name was Sekido.

"HAHAHAHA!! Well the demon slayer get what he deserved! He hurts Hantengu he gets to feel torture!!"
The yellow one called Urogi said joyfully.

"Cant you all shush my ears hurt because all of you... This makes me sad..." the blue one said


"Look! another demon!!" Karaku said pointing at you.

"Huh me?...." Yous said in confusion

"Yes you idiot..." Sekido said probably annoyed

"Sekido you shouldnt be mad at him he used himself as a shield to protect Hantengu..." Aizetsu said trying to calm down Sekido.

"Fine! I forgive you but you had to come with us..." Sekido said

"Alright you angry ass bulldog..." I said walking towards them

"Excuse me?! Im upper 4 for your information!!"

"I know and ok( -α·…_-α·„)..."

Urogi: "Hey! He looks interesting I like his long hair! Its red at the ends too!!"

Karaku: "Lets keep him!"

Aizetsu: "I dont see any problems with that..."

Sekido: "Aurgh fine! We keep him but only as a body gaurd to Hantengu!"

Male Reader: "hmmm... What if I.." *touches Aizetsu's horns*

Aizetsu: *blushes and slightly whimpers* "Thats my sensitive spot!!!"

Karaku: "Oh shit! He whimpers!!!"

Urogi: "KYAHAHAHAHAAHAH! I didnt know you could be so turn on by jusy touching your horns Aizetsu!"

Aizetsu: "S-shut up!" *cuddles you and puts his head on your chest*

Male Reader: "E-eh-" *blushes*

Karaku: "OHOHOHO!! Whats this moment then!!"

Aizetsu: "S-shut up!"

Urogi: "Well its unfair to only cuddle Aizetsu M/N..."

Karaku: "I agree what about us!!"

The both pout like puppies

Male Reader: "Ya'll are annoying but alright...."

They all cuddle you especially Sekido you were shocked but its ok for you.

You and the clones started to bond and get close to each other.

Until One Day...

Male Reader POV:

I was in the forest just chilling on a branch of a tree until I felt Urogi's talons wrapped around my waist and he kissed me on my cheek....!

Male Reader: "H-hey what was that for?!..." I blushed

Urogi: "Hihi~ me and my brothers want to tell you about something~"

Aizetsu: "Y-yea..." Aizetsu was behind me so he gently cuddles me by my waist

Karaku: "HEY WHAT ABOUT ME!!" Karaku joined in and nuzzles your neck from behind

Sekido: "Ok M/N... We like you alright as in inlove you know?!..."

Male Reader: *blushes* "Really...?"

Aizetsu: "Yes sweetie..."

Aizetsu lift you chin up and gently kisses your lips and you blushed deeply

Karaku: "Hey! Why the hell Im the one who gets left out!! ŏΜ₯Μ₯Μ₯Μ₯םŏΜ₯Μ₯Μ₯Μ₯"

Male Reader: "Come here you clingy ass..."

Karaku: *kisses your lips and blushes* "hihihi~"

Sekido: *cuddles you* "And... May we have your permission to share our blood with you dear?...."

Male Reader: "What do you mean like that?..."

Sekido: "We will tell Hantengu to give some blood to you and we will be forever just like what Rui lower moon 5 did..."

Male Reader: "Hmmm... Ok! I accept the offer!"

A while later Hantengu lets you drink a glass of his blood. It felt like the time you were turned into a demon but it was less painfull....

You looked at the miror and you had small horns and dark pink veins under your eyes and on your forehead. Your e/c was turned pink also you noticed your tongue has the name "love" on it. It was like the emotions that represented rest of the clones.

Karaku: "You look more attractive lovey!!~" he cuddles you

Male Reader: "Thank you hubby..." you cuddled him back

The three clones come inside of your room and joined too.

You enjoy the moment and you were happy that they love you too.

Part 2 will be soon...(Β΄ΰΌŽΰΊΆβ–½ΰΌŽΰΊΆ') I had to do other request here-

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