Part One: Shadows And Ice - Chapter Two

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The next big thing that I remember was when I decided to talk to the Pack Second about our common heritage as Rogue turned. We both shared that in common and I could see that our experiences, though different probably, did have some similarities.

I knocked on the doorframe of his office several days after I'd gotten Altair and hoped that he was available for a quiet talk.

The young wolf looked up from what he was working and waved a hand in a gesture that I read as a come hither sign, "Close the door if you want.  Adam indicated you might want to talk.  He didn't say about what but I've been waiting you to come in.  If you want something to drink I have coffee, tea, flavored waters, and if something stronger a nice bottle of whiskey." 

I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me, Altair walking right on my heel as I did so before I began taking a look at what Zane had stocked his credenza with.

Zane picked his coffee cup up and walked over and refreshed it while he waited for me to make my choice.

It took me several minutes to figure out what I wanted before I sat down and sighed. We'd not had a chance to really meet until today, partially because I figured that he was relatively new to his rank as Pack Second, and partially because I was going to be attending the Academy for the next couple of years.

"I'm not sure how to go about this, so perhaps I should introduce myself first, I'm Mark McEwan and I am Assistant Guardian of the Blackwater Pride." I said, "Which is in a way similar to your own position as Pack Second, though I still have much to learn in that regards, after all I wouldn't be here if I didn't have so much to learn." I continued sipping on my coffee to which I'd added a splash of whiskey, though I had to make do with American Bourbon instead of my own personal preference of Rye or Scotch.

He tilted his head and I could tell that something in my choice of words had been not quite correct, possibly because he'd already kept abreast of my information, though I'd probably been an Assistant Guardian longer than he'd really had much rank. "I have been keeping up with the other pack's and prides.  This is especially true with changes in the upper management.  I have read some of the files Adam has on you.  Obviously not everything but enough to keep up to date on your status."  I could tell the he wasn't totally sure why I was there to talk but I knew that he was a smart wolf and he'd probably figured it out.

"The first time I came through here, eight years ago, Adam mentioned another Rogue Turn, like me, but he didn't say much beyond that since he said that the Were was more than a little jumpy about the situation. When I asked this time he said that you were that same person. I hoped that we could compare notes so to speak, but if talking about it does bring up bad memories we can leave off this meeting." I said, as smoothly as I could, sometimes talking about my own circumstances made me more than a little upset, though I had learned to suppress those feelings over the years.

I could tell that he had been wondering if that was why I was here. He sipped on his coffee for some time considering what he was going to say, before he finally responded, "Some I will talk about, some only my team, direct family, and former Alpha and Luna know about.  Not sure what you want to talk about but if it gets close to anything I won't talk about I will say so."  He told me, and I could see that he meant it when he said that. At least he didn't make any threats about it because he was aware that I wasn't anybody's fool, "Is there anything in particular you wanted to ask about?"

I paused to figure out how to frame my response, since from what my senses were telling me, the topic was still a sensitive one for the young wolf. "I am guessing that some of our experiences were rather different because of the age difference, but we both woke up afterwards trying to figure out way through a world that we'd been told since childhood didn't exist. Am I correct on that one?"

His eyes narrowed slightly as he considered what I asked him. The information I had on him wasn't quite complete since our own digital records at Blackwater were far from complete and most of the information that was available on the Were-Net was fairly general in nature, probably owing to the sensitive nature of the information and how much the Turning had affected the young wolf. The information I did have pointed to the fact that he'd been turned while in his early teens and compared to me he'd been little more than a cub at the time while I'd been a full-grown adult. "That is very true.  My change was vastly different than yours." He said finally and his body language and the scents in the air told me that it was still a sensitive topic for him. "For me it was the loss of my parents, Olivia being hurt and waking up to find this out.  To an extent waking as a wolf was less of a blow.  My world had already been destroyed so what was one more detail?  I had my problems with what had been done to me.  The why of what had been done caused me more problems than what had been done."  He kept his voice level and reasonable though it was obvious it was bringing back memories.

"I guess that much we do have in common, after all both of use were turned by creatures who were more than a little crazy, in one way or another. I saw the report of the death of that wolf back in '18 and what it took to take him down." I shivered slightly, Mikel may have been somewhat crazy, but I'd still managed to get through to him so that I could take him down. "I also read that his death knocked you for a loop for a bit. I imagine you read the old report of what happened to my Rogue?" I finished before taking a sip of my coffee while I sat back in my seat and considered the wolf in front of me. I could tell that he was playing his cards very close to his chest indeed.

"I read the parts Adam opened to me.  Since it was in the past it wasn't something I needed a great deal of information on.  No, that isn't the right way of putting it, I needed to know aspects of it but not the personal details.  If I needed them, say, another rogue might be nearby I would be given full access.  When it comes to pack security I will know everything.  Personal information not as much."  He stood and refilled his cup of coffee, "It did.  Well it didn't help getting nailed by a quarterstaff when the link was broken.  It took me some time to recover from that."

He gave me a questioning look, "I do know one of your sons was force changed by you to save him.  Talk to Beth in medical and she can tell you about when I was forced to change her.  It might help.  When I turned her I fully expected to be killed for what I had done."  He told me with his voice still showing little in the way of emotional involvement and I couldn't help but admire this young wolf. He'd been through hell and yet he still managed to maintain an even keel.

I nodded, "when I was forced to turn Shawn, it was one of the more painful decisions I had to make, I'd already been made aware of the rules on force changes, but that didn't make it any easier. In my eyes, he was an innocent child, and thanks in part to Mikel." I found myself closing my eyes, not to curse at him, but instead to keep the painful memory from rising too close to the surface, "He was injured in a manner that would have caused his death... I couldn't leave him... then again you know when you look into the eyes of your own cubs don't you?" I threw that one out because I could very faintly smell the fact that he was a father.

"I didn't even think when I dove over the cliff to save Beth.  By the time I managed to get her to safety she was almost dead.  I didn't think when I bit her.  It was only after I had done it I reacted.  My wolf put me to sleep until Beth was able to talk to me.  It wasn't a good time."  He gave me a slight grin, "One of my junior wolf's damn near jerked me out of bed and yelled at me."  I had to smile at that and recalled my own time when my cubs had jerked me up short in an attempt to keep me sane and a member of Blackwater Pride.

I nodded, "My mate was exhausted, the fight cost both of us a lot of our energy but I had Were shifted." I smiled at that memory, gaining my Were-form and a son, were the only good things that happened that night. "As for being a bit crazy... I had a few times were I almost went that direction... my daughter saved me both times, though the closest call came when my father asked me for help to turn." That hadn't been my proudest moment, but I knew that it was something that I would have to live with. "She reminded me that she was counting on me, so was Sergey, and so was my mate."

He had to make a slight face, "McCoy was rather surprised I survived.  Severe Hypothermia, broken arm, broken leg, fractured ribs, and internal injuries.  About the only thing which saved me was the pack I had on.  It took most of the impact."  Zane looked out the window and shivered slightly, "Even with her forgiveness it took me time to come to terms which what I did."  After clearing his throat, "I think I have said enough for now.  I don't mind talking more later but I need to take a break.  Even now it is a sensitive subject to me."

I nodded, "Perhaps if you'd like, you can visit my quarters at a later point in time, probably feel much more relaxing and you can see those I've chosen to call my family." I told him, and I sensed that he still had much that he wouldn't or perhaps couldn't tell a stranger like me. I stood up and then offered him my hand. "I will be around here for the next two years, so don't be afraid to look me up."

"Might be easier if you came to mine.  More room since I believe you are in a student's pod.  I have a Senior Beta pod which includes my team.  Also, I can introduce you to Tashi and her Pride.  She is the next Pride Matriarch.  Have a good day Mark."  He returned the handshake, "We can talk later but it will take time."  He showed me out, having to wait a few moments for Altair to follow me out before he closed the door behind him.

The meeting with Zane had pretty much gone as I'd expected it, since the information I had on him, what little I could find, told me that he was not an easy man to get to know and it would take time and patience to get to know him.

The next time we met was much more... energetic since my family was with me, it was in the later afternoon, after classes were done for the day and I'd taken his offer up to meet him in his home.

"Can I knock dad?" Shawn asked me and I nodded before he knocked on the door, though his knocks weren't that hard. I hoped that the wolves inside would hear it.

Tessa opened the door and gave the boy a warm smile, "Come in, Zane indicated you might come past.  He ran into a minor problem with work so he is going to be a bit later.  He asked me to wait for you to arrive and take care of anything you need."  She waved us in before handing me a note.  It wasn't anything important, just a request not to talk about his being changed for the moment.

When we walked in Izzy was relaxing on a couch nursing one of their babies.  Tessa glanced at them, "This is Izzy, Zane's girlfriend and his pups.  Have a seat and relax.  Food will be here soon, would you like anything to drink?"

At that point another wolf, who I'd learned was called Rico walked in and glanced at the us, "A triple shot of something strong.  We had a multiple fatality accident today."  He gave the others a nod before walking into his room.  When he came out he gave me a tired look, "Sorry, that was somewhat disrespectful of me Guardian.  Can't talk about it, just it was messy."  He settled down and took a beer from Tessa.  I could tell, from the expression on his face that it probably wasn't what he really wanted, but it would have to do under the circumstances.

I looked around and nodded, "My cat likes vodka for some reason, but I shouldn't set a bad example for my cubs." I said in response to the question. "It's okay, I think I can understand where you are coming from, accidents are never pretty." I gulped slightly when Shawn softly hugged me and said, through some tears that he still dreamt about a bad accident sometimes. "That is a bit of trigger for him, even all these years later, and with our Pride medic helping him he still dreams of it."

"Sorry Mark, didn't know.  I normally leave work there.  What do you think of the Academy?  Busy and exciting right?"  He leaned back in the chair and smiled when Mindy came over and settled down on his lap and leaned against him.

It wasn't much longer before Zane walked in, "Pardon Mark, fun work stuff came up.  One of those lovely yet stupid things I can't talk about."  He took a beer from Oscar and settled down in his chair, "This is my team and they are..."  He introduced everyone, "Nice to finally meet your family.  Food will be here shortly."

"Thank you Zane, the cub in my arms is Shawn," I moved to hug Anna and smiled when Kathy joined us. "This is my Mate, Anna, and my middle cub, Kathy, and behind me trying to be a statue is Sergey." I said while I worked to calm Shawn down. I knew that soon I would have to take him down to talk with Beth, if what Adam had told me was true, perhaps she could help him in ways that Anna or I couldn't. "Sorry, when your pack-mate mentioned an accident... well Shawn still has issues with that since that is why he's in my care. He may have been a baby when it happened but for some reason his subconscious still recalls that awful night."

"Beth would be a good one to talk to. I think she would understand better than many." Zane stated softly while looking at the cub in my arms. At that point Zane's sister, who I'd managed to identify due to her scent being similar to his, stood up and quietly left the room. "I am pleased to meed the rest of you as well. Please relax Sergey, there's no need to be formal this evening." Zane carried on, "Hopefully this is just a relaxing family evening where we can all get to know each other."


Sergey blinked and nodded before walking around and sitting down beside Anna, "Sorry, just a bit of a habit I have when I'm in an unfamiliar environment." He apologized before accepting a hug from Anna.

Olivia came back in and glanced at me before squatting down in front of us, "Don't know if it would help but I have a small present for you."  She held a small bag out.  "Many Were pups like stuffed animals I've gone and found a small stuffed cat. Heck I still had a few from when I was younger."

I smiled when Shawn perked up in my arms and smiled at her before taking the bag and opening it, "Daddy... it's tiger like me!" He exclaimed before impulsively climbing from my lap and engulfing Olivia in a hug. "Thank you,"

She returned the hug, "I have a big wolf dog to hug when needed.  I thought you might want something as well.  Not sure how much you brought with but I know the rooms didn't have area for lots of personal items.  If you need a hug come find me or Tessa if your parents don't mind."  Olivia walked over to the door when someone knocked.  She took the trolley and wheeled the food in.  The other junior wolves came over and started pulling food off it and I shook my head in resignation when Sergey stood up and joined them in getting the food arranged on the table.

I nodded as well, "Thank you, I will have to take you up on visiting this mind healer since I know that he needs the help. Every time he has a nightmare... it hurts me as well." I said softly looking at my cub as he hugged Olivia.

Kathy looked over before walking over and crouching down to hug her brother as well. "Thank you, very much. It hurts when Shawn has one of his nightmares, I care so much for him but my wolf and I don't know how to help him."

Tessa sighed, "We understand but enough, food is here.  Why don't we eat.  What is your favorite desserts?"  She asked everyone in the room, and I could tell, from her expression, that she was sending to the Pack's chef what each of us said they liked.

As I watched each member of my family expressed their own thanks and how Shawn's bad dreams made us all feel before I tried to redirect the line of thought. "Sorry about that, reminding Shawn of that day isn't something we ever like to do. Anyways, from your accents, I'd say that most of you aren't originally from here are you?"

"Nope, Jacob is but the rest of us are from 'Murica.  I decided I wished to change packs and for some reason my team decided to come with.  I have family in Oregon which is where most of us are from."  He stood and waved everyone towards the table, "Come, sit, relax, and eat."  He had myself and Anna sit at the other end of the table while he sat on the opposite end, as was fitting for the head of the family.

After taking my seat Shawn took a free seat beside me and I could tell that he was still a bit upset, though being here didn't really help set his mind at ease and I could tell that his cat was very nervous, still after three weeks he hadn't really adjusted well. "You okay kitten?" I asked him softly.

He looked up at me and finally shook his head. "Daddy can we please go home?" He asked me plaintively and his tone, and his cat's unease tore at my heartstrings.

"Shawn, Anna and I need to be here so that we can learn to lead the Pride when Grandpa Olaf and Grandma Shanna retire." I told him while looking up at my mate.

"Shawn, daddy is correct. We've waited a long time to come here, grandpa and grandma have paid a lot for me and daddy to come. We know that you miss home, but we need to stay." She told him.

I was half-tempted to lean on our bonds a bit, but I knew that wasn't the best plan so I pulled back a bit.

"Sorry, this isn't going quite as well as I'd planned." I stated to Zane. "Truth of the matter is that Shawn misses the Pride and his friends. He can't feel them right now and it scares him badly."

From his expression, I could tell that Zane had some sympathy for my son's situation, "I know it was mentioned to Mark but there is a Pride nearby.  They aren't your type of cats but I am a Pride friend and a very good friend with the future Matriarch.  I can see if Tashi would like to come down or on the weekends, time allowed, you can go and visit.  Get away from all the wolves.  They have some cubs about your age as well you could get to know."

Shawn perked up and looked over to Zane, "That would be nice." He looked at me and then asked if we could visit other tigers.

"Yes Shawn, I think, when we have time, that might be good for you." I told him before everyone around the table began digging into their meals.

"I will talk to Tashi later today and see if she can come down or when would be a good time to go up.  I will let Mark know.  I know what his schedule is and we can work around it." Zane said as he began digging into his meal.

I almost laughed when Kathy spoke up about how she met me... I'd told her the story often enough that she could recite it by heart. Though she did avoid talking about the worst part. "Papa has always been there for me, ever since..." She trailed off looking at our hosts before getting a soft cuddle from Anna.

"Zane, my family is everything to me, without them I don't know what would have happened, but it probably wouldn't have been good." I finally told him as Shawn cleaned his plate and looked around for a second before asking if he could shift. "Do you mind if Shawn shifts? Sometimes when he's stressed out he prefers to be a cat."

Zane traded a knowing look with me since at the

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