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The next morning I had to pop back to my room before being on set early, and Jon had barely woken when I left. He mumbled something about doing "this" again as soon as we could - before giving me a peck and flopping back to sleep.

As soon as I'd stepped into the makeup room my assistant and the makeup guy were quizzing me.
"What the fuck? You kiss him in the bar and then the two of you skulk off together." My PA who would get the brunt of flack if anything got out began. "I mean yes, he's fucking hot, you're both single and shit, but how could you not let up that it was more than flirting" she was being sarcastic now (I hoped) "we're meant to share everything and I though it was just flirting"

"It was" I tried to explain "I guess I was kinda tipsy and I didn't want it to only be flirting any more" I innocently smiled up at her from my chair. My hair and makeup were done for the evening party scene we were shooting first. As I was about to head down to set they brought up the Jon chat again.

"Well was he any good?" Richard, the makeup guy asked with a cheeky grin. I instantly blushed as the memories of the night before flooded back. "I'll take that as a yes" he sassed. "And did you get up close and personal with the Hammaconda?" He joked.

"You know what? I did not"

"What the fuck happened then?" Amy asked outright, a little shocked that I'd restrained my self.

"He ensured I was, very much, satisfied, and said that last night was all about me"

"Well, girl, you're going to have some making up to do the next time you're out with him" Richard mimed a blow job and we all chuckled. Jon walked into makeup as we were all still laughing.

"Good morning." He smiled. "You guys look like you're having far too much fun" he sat in the chair next to me and smiled over. "What's so funny?"

"Richard was just being crass, as ever!" I stood up and walked passed him heading for the door. As I passed his fingers briefly grasped mine. I don't think the others spotted but it was enough to make my heart flutter. I wasn't sure how I was going to cope with our scenes today without exploding!

I got my costume on and was on set before Jon. I had a few bits to film first. The scene was where our characters first get together. They were at a big blowout party, my character gets drunk and end up telling Jon's character that she's been in love with him for ages. Sounded slightly familiar!

I'd mingled with the crowds, hit all of my marks, takes had taken what felt like moments. I was stood in character, ordering a drink at the bar when his breath was burning my neck as he spoke his lines. I turned to face him and completely forgot everything I was meant to say or do. His hair was slicked back, he was in a tux, it was full Don Draper, Jon Hamm at his finest and I was ruined.

"Urrhhh, hi" I smiled after too long a pause.

"OK, stop there. Can we try that again with out uurgh, so...I like the look of you wanna jump his bones on your face though. Keep that" the director called from behind us and Jon smirked and walked back to his start, and I felt my face flush.

We managed to get through the start of the scene in the end, fortunately after the first take I got used to how ridiculously hot he looked. We were walked through the blocking for the next part, the in the office on their own part, they make out, wrapped around each other part.

"So walk in, Grace you're in control, say your thing and then see where it goes. Don't think about it too much, we just need you to end up about here, ready to get down and dirty. We'll let you know when we've got enough" our directions were given as the director gestured to the desk in the middle of the room, Jon squeezed my hand and gave me a "it's professional" look. As action was called.

I opened the door and pulled Jon through. I sat on the desk as he stood looking a little confused infront of me. "Are you ok?" He began "you look a little drunk"

"I am. Only a little though. It's just ... All of this," I looked up and met his eye. "Our work, the stress, then tonight and the recognition, it's just..."

"Just what?" He stepped closer.

"It's a lot. It's everything" I stood up and was inches from his lips. "You're everything" I whispered before tiptoeing slightly and placing a gentle kiss on his lips. There was a pause before he wrapped his arms around me and we were a fury of passion. Our mouths crashed, his hands were all over me, he lifted my up by my ass wrapping my legs around his waist as he walked us back to the desk, when he led me back, my legs still clamped around him , he growled slightly as he ground us together into the desk. I was beginning to forget where we were as I focused on the feeling of a hardening Jon between my legs. He kissed down my neck as his hands roamed south and he reached for his belt between us his lips never really leaving mine.

"Cut!" We were brought back to reality. Jon stood up, we both knew to not move too much incase they wanted to keep going from where we were. He smiled down at me as we listened to direction to start again, and try a few different places. Definitely one of my better days at work, making out with a dressed to the nines Jon Hamm!

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