Lafayette x Reader

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Requested by mercker!

Modern AU!

Your POV:

You were quiet, shy and you didn't have any friends. Everyone at school thought you were mute. You clutched your bag close to your chest and hurried to an empty classroom after school had just ended. There was one way for you to be truly happy. You locked the door and set your bag down on a desk and started warming up.

"Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do." You sang softly. You repeated this exercise, raising your pitch higher every time. Eventually, you felt ready. You looked straight into the mirror on the wall, which was for some reason in the English classroom, and started singing. (Song above)

"She's the kind of girl
Who'll smash herself down,
In the night,
She's the kind of girl,
Who'll fracture her mind,
Till it's light,
She'll break her own,
And you,
That she'll break your heart too,
So darling, let go of her hand." You sang softly, thinking about how you wish your crush knew you weren't just the weird, quiet girl who never talked. You sighed and sang the next verse a little louder, gaining confidence.

Lafayette's POV:

I walked along the hallway, making sure everyone had left, when I heard muffled singing. 

"Le what?" I muttered, peeking into the window of the door of the English classroom. There was Y/n, the apparently mute girl, singing beautifully in front of a mirror. 

I took my key I got from being on the student council and unlocked the door quietly. I slipped inside and watched silently for a few minutes. 

"Oh! Jeez! I didn't see you there!" Y/n yelped, blushing. I smiled.

"Bonjour!" I said, waving, when she finished the song.

"You have a really nice voice." I blushed a little as well. I held out my hand. Y/n questioningly took it, confused. 

"Wha-oh!" Y/n squealed as I pulled her in and kissed her. 

"I am so sorry, madmoiselle! I should have asked, I'm so sorry." I apologized as I pulled away, bright red. Her face matched mine.

"No, no, it's okay." She said faintly, blushing more.

"I'm really sor-" I started, "-Hey, it's fine." Y/n interrupted. "I've always liked you, actually." Y/n admitted, blushing EVEN more.

"Well then, would you be my girlfriend, then?" I asked. She nodded happily.

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