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December 2552
Forward unto dawn

They were on the surface of the Facility, clearing the way and trying to find the Truth, sounded complicated, but at least they knew that the Master Chief was somewhere being strong for everyone.

They had been sent near a tower, they were supposed to help Sergeant Johnson access to deactivate it and penetrate the defenses of Truth.

They went to the tower, one by one their enemies fell, she was good with weapons but was better in close combat, killing Jackals and Grunts was not so complicated after having spent years fighting against them. The real challenge was the Brutes, wild beasts, or that was what she saw.

Nuray was placed behind a rock and from there fired her rifle, aimed good shots at the head of a couple of grunts and managed to hurt a brute, the rest of the team also did their job well.

Johnson, Nuray and the other soldiers were now at the main entrance of the Tower, they only had to get rid of 2 more brutes to gain access to the interior.

"You over the one on the right," Johnson ordered, "Evans and I will go for the other."

"Understood Sergeant." Nuray looked at Dominic, "I have an idea".

-Are you sure?-, he said worried.

-Cover me- He placed himself in another angle from where he shot his target, Dominic did the same from his place. The brute in an outburst of fury threw his weapon and tried to ram the soldier who could throw himself out of the way and prevent him from hitting. Nuray took advantage of that moment to jump on the alien and place a plasma grenade on his skin. Its end was imminent.

They both ran to where Sergeant and Evans were, they were still fighting the Brute because a jackal had remained hidden and caused them problems. The brute shot again Johnson but managed to cover himself, Evans was wounded in the leg by the jackal and would have died at that time if Dominic and Nuray didn't intervene.

Everything happened very fast, the strange gorilla was again Evans but than before he reach his position she act quickly and shoot at the head of the brute, but he moved too fast and this time Nuray was not so lucky.

The brute managed to hit her hard on the leg causing her to fall to the ground and before that she could get up and run away, the brute took by her foot and dragged it towards him, got up by the neck and threw with force towards a wall and she fell through a slit a few floors down.

-Nuray!- Dominic shouted.

Just a moment after he threw the girl, Johnson fired his rifle at the brute, he turned to where they were but before he approach the sergeant he was shot in the head.

He asked Dominic to wait outside and support Evans while they waited for the transportation, he said he would enter alone and asked for didn't stop to wait for him. At first both Marines didn't want to follow the orders of their superior but ended up accepting.

Dominic wanted to go find Nuray but he couldn't leave his partner alone, so he could only wait for her to answer her intercom to find out if she was alive.

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