Yaku Morisuke x Reader (requested by Whats_sleep)

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Hello Hello! Thanks for requesting this story. Yaku too is one of the characters that I never did before, so thank you for requesting him. Anyway, I hope you guys can enjoy this, Have fun!

As usual, after school, you will go to the library to do your duty as a librarian. Even if you're off duty, you still will come to the library. Well, you can say that you are one of the nerds but it doesn't mean that you are unsociable. You do have friends and two of them are Kuroo Tetsurou and Kozume Kenma. They are your friends since middle school and they're in the volleyball team. Kuroo did ask you to join the volleyball team since you did play for a while before and your height is really suitable for the volleyball player. Yes, you are tall as high as 174cm. But of course, you decline because you like to be a librarian and because of this you got to meet the one you fell in love.

"(y/n), can you put these books back to the shelf over there?" the library teacher, Miss Mizuho asked you.
"Yes, sure" you pushed the books trolley to the appointed shelf and started to placed the books to its place.
"Arghh! Why is it so high? Where is the step stool?" You stopped from what you doing when you heard the voice behind the shelf. You walked to the owner of the voice and smiled when you see someone you knew.

"Anything that I can help you with, Yaku-san?" you saw his hand stops at the certain row of the shelf and you kind of can guess which book he wants.
"Oh, n-nothing. Don't mind me" you chuckled softly when you heard he stuttered. You walked to him and stop beside him. Your hand easily got the book and give to him.
"Is this the book you want?" you asked him and he nodded.

"Yes, thank you. Damn, you should just tell me where the step stool is. It is embarrassing me when you can easily get that when you're a girl." you laughed with his answer.
"It is my duty to help other students in the library, so don't worry much about this" you bowed at him and walked back to the book's trolley and continue to do your work. Your hands stop for a while when you saw Yaku sat at the table near you. You knew he will go to the library when they have no volleyball practice. Kuroo also will go to the library when he has time. You can't believe these two guys actually a big nerd compare to their personality.

You keep on glancing at him admiring how focus he can be when he is studying. While you didn't know, Yaku too keeps on glancing at you.

Yaku's pov

Love at first sight? I think that has happened to me when (y/n) helped me took the book. She is totally my type, to begin with. She is kind, beautiful, smart and short hair. She never talked about my height and that is the best. Who cares if the girl you like is taller than you and she is just 9 cm taller than me. I knew her because she is one of the librarians that is popular and she also has a nickname, beauty with brain and that was the first time we talked to each other. I came to the library at first maybe because I really want to study but when she is near me, I can't keep my composure and keeps on glancing at her.

"How can she be so beautiful just by standing there?" The corner of my eyes fall at her and immediately focus back to my books when I feel she looks at me.
"She knew I look at her?" I tried to keep cool but my eyes keep on trying to look at her. After a while, she pushes the book's trolley back to the front of the library and sat behind the counter continue to do her work.

I remembered back what we talked and then I realized something.
"Anything that I can help you with, Yaku-san?" I remembered she said like that.
"She knew my name! I can't believe this" I smiled when I knew the girl I like already knew me before I introduce myself.
"I have a chance!"

Since that day, I will try to go to the library to at least see her and if I am lucky, we talked about anything that comes to mind and starting to become a friend. Week by week, it almost one month since our first encounter. She starts to take place even further in my heart and I want to be someone special to her too. I did ask her how she knows my name and she said she went to one of the volleyball team's tournament and she saw me. She said that I am so cool when I received all of those hard spikes from the opponent's attacks. She asked Kuroo, which I knew now that she is his childhood friend, about me. Proud there for a second when I knew she's interested in me.

"Then, you know me way before you helped me at the library" she nodded and smiled at me.
"If I knew this, I will take the first step to talk with you. Oh! Want to see our practice tomorrow? You are off duty, right?"
"Sure. It's been a while since I go to the gym to watch the team's practice." 'Yes!' I clenched my fist.
"It's a promised then. I will wait for you at the gym after school tomorrow, okay? See you!" I said and waved at her before running the gym late for the practice. Talking with (y/n) always makes me forget the time.

~At the gym~

"Sorry! I am late!" I said as soon as I entered the gym.
"Yaku-san! You just back from having a date with (y/n)-san, right? At the library?" I glared at Lev before kicking his butt.
"Shut your mouth, Lev!" Everyone on my team knew my relationship with (y/n) and they knew that I still didn't confess to her about my feeling.

"Yakkun, when will you confess to her?" Kuroo asked me and I grinned.
"Tomorrow! I asked her to come to the gym after school and I will tell her about my feelings."
"Good luck!" Both Kuroo and Kai placed their hand on my shoulder.
"What? You think I can't?" I glared at both of them after getting out from their grasp.
"We didn't say anything" both of them laughed and going back to the court to continue the practice.
"Just see me. I will make her mine!" That's what I shouted before Coach Nekomata hit my head telling me to go practice.

I can't wait until tomorrow but what happened tomorrow is something that I can't see it coming.

~The next day, at the gym~

After school, at the gym, I am waiting for (y/n) to come patiently but until our practice start, I still can't see her anywhere.
"Yakkun, (y/n) will not be here. I told you, right?" My eyes widen looking at Kuroo.
"What? Why? When did you tell me?" Kuroo sighed.

"I told you this morning. She is sick and she doesn't even go to school today" I gasped.
"Oh god! I forgot! Coachhhhh!!!! I want to go to (y/n)'s house. Shibayama will replace me for the practice today." I ran as soon as I finished saying that.

I ran to her house as soon as I can. I am glad that I did ask for her address before. I knocked on her house door and then a middle-aged woman open it up. I guess this is her mom.

"May I help you?" I bowed down to her.
"Hello, Madam. My name is Yaku Morisuke. I am (y/n)'s friend. I came to visit her since Kuroo said that she is sick."
"Ahh, you are the Yaku that (y/n) always talk about. Come on in. She is sleeping right now but maybe you can bring the porridge for her later" She smiled at me and I nervously come in into her house.

'Wow, I never felt nervous like this'

We talked for a while in her living room. Her mom told me that (y/n) always talked about me and that makes me really embarrassed. Her mom is so kind just like (y/n), well I guess that's what makes them a family.

"I think she's awake now. Why not you bring this to her room. Her room is the second one after the stairs." I nodded at her and walked up to her room. When I arrived, I knocked on the door asking permission to enter.
"Come in, mom" she replied my knocked, thinking that was her mom. I opened up the door and saw her shocking face.
"Ya-Yaku! What are you doing here?"
"I came to visit you, of course!" I put the bowl beside her bed and sat beside her.
"You don't have to" she looked down and I don't know if her face was red because of her fever or because of her blushed.

"I have to. We promised to meet each other today, right? And I have something to say to you too. But before that, come, eat this porridge. Your mom asked me to make sure you eat this" I brought the bowl to me and brought the spoon near to her mouth, trying to feed her.
"I-I can eat by myself" She wanted to snatch away the bowl from me but I brought it far from her.
"Just let me. You helped me to get the book before, now let me help you since you are shorter than me now." she chuckled.
"Shorter than you, huh?" I grinned at her and continue trying to feed her which she willingly accepts it.

After she finished, I checked her temperature and it shows that her temperature was down and she's good now. Then, I think I want to say to her the words that I really want her to hear.
"(y/n), I like you. I want to be your boyfriend" she dumbfounded.
"Yaku, you really are a straightforward person, right?"
"Well, this is me. So, your answer?" she smiled.
"You think?"

"She accepts it, Yaku-kun. Take care of my (y/n), okay?" I startled to hear a voice behind me but grinned when I knew her mom saying the answer that I want to hear.
"Mom!" she blushed and her face even her ear is red.
"Are you having a fever again?" I brought my hand to her forehead but she slapped my hand.
"You knew for sure, I don't have a fever more!" she pouted.

Reader's pov

After Yaku visited you and confessed to you, the next day, both of you were officially a couple. Getting teased by everyone especially by Kuroo is so embarrassing but you don't even mind any of it. Even though there were some of your friends who said about the difference in our height but, as long as you both love each other, nothing can come between you guys.

Everything starts with just a small help and that brings you the happiness that you never get before.

'Love you Yaku, you chibi~ Opps, better not saying it in front of him'


Done! Hope you guys enjoy this. I will try to update more after this. Open to any request anytime you want. Either in the comment section or PM me directly.

See you next time!

Next Update:
Udai Tenma x Reader


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