Tsukishima Kei x Reader (requested by Cream_puff22)

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Hello, this is the second update from me for being late to update. Hope you guys have a nice day during the time when you read this. 

Engagement. Yes, that's what your family and Tsukishima's family did for you and Kei. Now, you guys are already engaged for about 3 months and because you guys still in a high school, you guys decided to keep it a secret from anyone except for Yamaguchi who already knows about us. At the school, everyone just thinking that you guys have something on each other, some guessed that you guys are in a relationship which is not wrong but you guys denied it and just said that you both are just a friend. 

Actually, you guys don't really know about your own feelings, you guys just follow their plan because you already know each other since kids and now you just follow the flow. Trying to develop maybe some kind of feelings that can keep this engagement, but with his attitude, you don't know about that. 

"Kei, I will be going out with my friends after school." you told Kei as usual when you want to go out with your friend since your parents always asked where are both us. You don't know why but they always asked about that.
"Your friends, are there any guys in there?" you rolled your eyes on him.
"Do you think I just have 'girl' friends? Of course, there will be guys too" 

"Then I will go with you" you're surprised to hear that from him. Like seriously, this is the first time he said that he wants to come with you hanging out with your friends.
"Our practice is cancelled and I don't want you to do something foolish" you gasped not believing him.
"Yams just told me that he will be going to the gym to practice after school. Aren't you both in the same volleyball club? Or are you actually in the girl's team?" you smirked at him and saw how his face turn into an annoyed face. Then some thought occurs in your mind.

"Hah, are you jealous, Kei? Because I said there will be guys too?" you looked at Kei and you swear you saw a little of tinted red appears on his cheeks.
"Idiot. Why would I be jealous?" you shrugged.
"You tell me." you waved at him before walking away to your class leaving him there. 

~ At your class ~

"(y/n), I saw you earlier, you and Tsukishima. Do you still want to deny that you guys are not in a relationship?" you looked at your best friend and sighed.
"We just talked, nothing happened. What exactly do you imagine that situation in your mind?" she laughed.
"Okay okay. You guys still won't admit it. I will find the truth and shows you"
"What are you, Detective Conan?" 

"(y/n), Tsukishima is looking for you at the outside" you heard one of your classmate calling your name and saw he is pointing at someone at the door.  You groaned seeing Kei but you still walking to him.
"I will come with you after school" 
"Hah? You have volleyball practise after school, right?"

"I can make an excuse, so don't worry" you're really weird right now with his attitude. 
"Kei, is something wrong? I know you for such a long time so, I know when you acted like this. You have some kind of problem" you asked him while grabbing his hand. Even though he has this annoying attitude, he really is someone who you know inside and outside.
"I want to spend more time with my fiancee, can't I?" he pulled you near him and whispers in your ears and that makes you blushed hard.

"Don't give me that kind of answer! I will really hate you if you keep going on like this!" you pushed him away from you but your blush still visible, you know it because of you feel the blood rushed on your face right now.
"Anything you say, I will go with you after this. End of it" he said and then left you dumbfounded.
"This guy really knows how to make me mad!" you stomped your feet back to your seat.

~ After school ~

"(y/n), why is Tsukishima with us?" you sighed when one of your guy friends, Rei asked.
"Just let him be, ignored him if you want" 
"Are you guys really not in a relationship?" he asked you. Rei actually one of your friend who is really close to you and you guys are just like siblings. You will tell him everything in your mind when you are with him except that he doesn't know that you were already engaged.
"Yes, why?"
"Because I think Tsukishima like you" his statement makes you looked at Kei who is behind you.

"That's ridiculous." you laughed a bit, don't believe what he said.
"Well, we can test it. Want to hear my plan?" you nodded and he told you his plan that makes him jealous.

Start that time, you just walked with Rei and do everything with Rei. At the same time, both of you actually observed how Kei reaction is and Rei really hit the point. Kei face really showed how he feels and he never pulls his eyes away from you guy. Kei maybe has feelings for you, but how about you yourself? Do you like him more than just a childhood friend? You admitted that sometimes, your heart racing when you are near him, thinking about him when you are alone, smiling like a fool when you think about his attitude but, is it really because you like him?

"(y/n) (y/n) (y/n)!" you are startled because of the sudden high voice beside you.
"Oh god! Daydream? Seriously? I just talked with myself" you smiled at him.
"Rei, sorry. I just think about my feelings right now" 
"What, you don't sure about your feelings?" you nodded and you told him what you felt. 
"(y/n), that's what you called falling in love." your mind wanders around when Rei said his answer to you.

"Now, I really want to make you guys end up together. (y/n), now you just have to follow my lead, okay?" you don't have any idea of what his plan right now but you nodded.

He grabbed my hand and kiss at the back of my hand. You knew he can be a charmer when he wants to, but you never thought that he will do it to you. You did blush a bit but you just follow his lead. You tried to loosen your hand from his grasp but he keeps on holding yours. His face keeps on coming closer to you but then someone pulled Rei from you and hide you behind him.

"What do you think you are doing?" Kei standing in front of you.
"Tsukishima, do you think I have to ask for your permission if I want to do something to (y/n)?" Rei asking him but in your mind you already said, of course, you have to ask Kei before doing anything me. I am his fiancee.

"Yes, you have to. I already at my limit right now, don't test me out" 

"Test what? Your jealousy? She is not yours" you are just standing there watching those two talking. Well, it's not like you can help anything except when the situation becomes worse.

Tsukishima's pov

I don't understand why (y/n) spend times more with that guy instead of with everyone. I followed them closely and every time they laughed together, I felt really hurt inside. She is my fiancee but why did she be so cold to me but warm to another guy. I am snapped when I saw he kissed at the back of her hand and coming closer to her. I pulled him away from (y/n) and hide her behind me.

"Test what? Your jealousy? She is not yours" I smirked when I heard that. I walked to him close enough to intimidated him. 
"She is mine. You will never get her. We already engaged with each other. She is my fiancee" I make sure that the last sentence only he can hear that. He looked surprised but then he looked happy makes me feel weird.
"(y/n)! You dare not telling me about you and Tsukishima?" I looked at (y/n) and she looks apologetic to him.

"Well, you confessed and that's good for me to know that (y/n) will be happy with you" he pats on my shoulder and leaving me and (y/n) alone while he walking to his friends. I groaned knowing now this is their plan. I walked to (y/n) and she looks awkward.
"You plan to trick me, huh?" she smiled at me.
"Sorry." I rolled my eyes on her before walking behind her and unfastened her necklace and brought out her ring from it.
"Wear it when we're outside." I put the ring on her finger and showed her my hand which have the ring on me too. She blushed but nodded at me.

~ The next day ~ 

 I saw (y/n) at the gate and smiled. She is cute when she is quiet. 
"Why are you standing here?" I asked her.
"I just want to go to the gym with you. It's been a while since I saw them" she smiled at me.
"Just don't disturb the practices." she makes an okay gesture with her hands and by then I saw the ring on her finger. 
"(y/n), the ring did you-" before I can finished my word, some orange hair guy came interrupting me.

"(y/n)! It's been a while since the last time you come to watch our practice!"
"Hinata! Yes, it's been a while and I want to go there now. Kei, let's go" she grabbed my hands and my eyes fall on her finger. Did she forget to pull it out from her finger?

When we arrived at the gym, everyone comes to see (y/n) and then Sugawara-san saw the ring.
"(y/n), why did you wear a ring on your finger?" 
"Ring?" she looked her fingers and by then I knew she forgets to pull it out.
"Ahh, a ring. Ha...Ha... A ring. How can a ring be on my finger?" she looked at me asking for help but I gave her a smirk.

"Say the magic word" I mouthed the word and she sighed.
"Kei, please..." she said to me with her puppy eyes makes me laughed.
"She is my fiancee" I confessed to them and of course all of them are surprised but even (y/n) surprised.
"You just told them, Kei. Are you sure?" I shrugged.
"Better than seeing someone almost kissing you" 
"Someone is jealous, huh?" She laughed at me.

Damn, she's right. I am jealous...


That's a wrap for this update! Hope you guys enjoy and have a nice day.

See you next time!

Next update:
Kozume Kenma x Reader


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