Terushima Yuuji x Reader (requested by iiKomaeda)

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Hello Hello Hello. Again the update for today. Have fun with this chapter!

"(y/n)! Don't do that!" your manager warned you.
"I will make sure there's no one down there" you ensured your manager before throwing a bucket of water down to the street's hall from the second floor of the shop. 
"What the hell?!" your movement stopped abruptly. You slowly looked down to the street and saw a guy drenched.
"Oh My God!" you immediately grab a towel and running down the stairs before arrived in front of him.

"I am so sorry! I thought there's no one down here" your worried look totally displayed on your face. 
"Here you go. A towel for you. Please if you don't mind, you can change your clothes upstairs at our shop." suddenly you heard him laughed makes you puzzled. I am throwing the bucket on him too, right?
"Don't look worried. It's okay, but I will take your invitation to go to your shop" he said and you gestured him to follow you.

"(y/n)! I told you don't do that!" as soon as you arrived, your manager mad at you.
"I am sorry! I know, I am at fault but let me take some clothes for him to change first, then you can continue your lecture" you ran a bit to the locker and found some proper cloth that might be suitable for him and walked back to the front. He smiled when he saw you.

"Here you go. Hope you don't mind wearing this first. Let me buy for you a proper clothes after this." he smirked.
"Don't worry" he walked to room you told him and closed the door behind him to change.

"(y/n), you got yourself into trouble" you pouted.
"I know. You don't have to remind me again, manager" after a few minutes got lectured by your manager, that guy walked out from that room. You blushed seeing him because he perfectly fine with the clothes.

"Thanks for the clothes." he said and you smile apologetically.
"I said don't worry, but if you still want to do something to apologize, hang out with me for today" your eyes widen.
"W-What?" he grinned but you think it's more to a smirk.
"Hang out with me" you looked at your manager and he nodded.

"O-Okay, if you're okay with it" he walked closer to you makes you took a few steps backward.
"Terushima Yuuji, you?" 
"(y/n) (f/n)" he nodded before grabbed your hand and walked out from the shop.

 You thought it will be uncomfortable with him but you didn't feel it. You're comfortable with him. He brought you to places and you loved hang out with him. You always laughed with him and you can say that he's a flirt. You are sure of that.

"Terushima, you are a flirt, right?" he looked at you amused.
"Why did you say that?" you shrugged.
"Instinct. You're a smooth talker too" he laughed.
"Only for you" you rolled your eyes.
"See, I just told you" he pushed his front hair to the back and smirked.

"You love it right? When I say something like that to you" 
"I am not" you said confidently.
"Yeah?" you nodded.
"Okay. We will see that" 

After he brought to eat dinner at (anywhere you want), he said to you.

"Let's go. I will walk with you to your home" you shook your head.
"No need. Today hang out just because of the incident this morning, right? It's okay" he sighed.
"I can't let a beauty walk alone in the middle of the night. Let's go" he took your hand and smiled.
"So, where is the direction to your home?" your mind still trying to process what his intention but your hand move, pointed the way before your mind can say something.
"Okay" he pulled you a bit when you didn't move and that makes you think.

Fine, let him be. It's not like that we will meet again after this, right?

Both of you walked together and when you arrived at your home, you stopped and look at him.
"Thank you and I am sorry for today." he smiled.
"No problem and don't mind. I am glad that happened" you stood there silently before decided to walk into your home.
"Then, good night." you turned around but then he grabbed you hand.

"Can I see you again tomorrow? I want to be friend with you, (y/n)" you nodded at him and he smiled showing that he satisfied with your answer.
"Then, see you tomorrow" 

I just said that we wouldn't meet again but now what?

Since that day, he will coming to your shop and waiting for you to finish the work. He walked with you to your home and at the weekend, you guys will meet each other and hang out...as a friend, of course, at first. But days by days, the relationship between you guys is not just a friend but you can't say what is it. You just knew that both of you are more than a friend. 

It's until the point that it's normal for you to sit on his lap whenever you want and he pulled your waist towards him whenever he want. Everyone who watched will think that both of you are a couple but actually it's not. Both of you are not in a love relationship but a close friend relationship. But one day, the real feelings that both of you feel towards each other come forth.

"(y/n), a guy want to see you" you stopped from your work.
"Yuuji?" he shook his head. You thought that guy is Yuuji because both of you promised to go at (anywhere you want) after you finish but now you're puzzled.
"If Yuuji, I will told you that your boyfriend want to see you but this guy is unknown to me" he said.
"Yuuji is my close friend not a boyfriend" you corrected him.
"Whatever. Go see that guy" you nodded and walked to the front. Your eyes widen and your feet nailed to the ground when you saw the guy.

"Hi, (y/n). Long time no see" he, Kouta, your ex boyfriend is standing in front of you. Both of you break up because there's no longer any feelings of affection towards each other but still, when he is in front of you, you're speechless.
"Don't make me stand awkwardly here" he chuckled and your sense are back.
"Yeah, sure. Come, sit here" both of you sat together at a table near the window.

"You looked more beautiful nowadays" he said which makes you laughed.
"You're sure still the same Kouta that I knew" he laughed.
"How did you know that I work here?" you asked him.
"I asked your friend. I just want to see you" 

"Kouta... You're not... still..." he smiled.
"I am. I can't forget about you" your eyes widen.
"I thought that I don't feel anything for you anymore but when we're not together, I am missing every single thing about you" he continued.
"(y/n), if you're still single... I hope we can get back together?" he took your hand but then someone snatched your hand from him.

"She's not. She already have a boyfriend" you're shocked to see Yuuji with a serious face that you never saw before.
"Y-Yuuji" you said his name while your heart is pounding.
"(y/n) is my girlfriend. Don't ever think to get her back from me" you blushed hearing what he said. You didn't know if what he said is his feelings or he just want to help you getting out from this awkward situation.

"(y/n), he is your boyfriend?" you looked at Kouta and saw that his face want a confirmation from you.
"Yes, he is. I am sorry" he sighed and smiled at you.
"It's okay. Knowing that you're already happy is a happiness to me. Hope your relationship will not fall like us" your eyes is holding back your tears. You knew that in your heart, Kouta is really a nice guy and the reason why you're sad because you can't give him the happiness he deserve.

"You will find someone that can give you the happiness you want. I am sorry, I can't be the one who give you but I will cheer you as a friend" you said and smiled at him. You want to walked to him and give him a last hug but Yuuji who still holding your hand stopped you. You smiled and nodded at him, ensured him that it will be fine. Then, he let go of your hand.

"Kouta, we are still a friend, right?" you stood in front of him and he nodded.
"Of course" he smiled and you hugged him and he hugged you back. Little did you know, the person behind you is full of jealousy, watching the scene in front of him.
"Okay, enough hugging. Let's go, (y/n)" suddenly you forcefully got separated from Kouta and got pulled by Yuuji out from the shop. 

"What's wrong with you?" you asked him.
"Do you ever know someone who likes his girlfriend hugging another guy which was her ex?" he asked you. You shook your head.
"No" you answered him.

"But I thought you just want to help me back there" he sighed.
"I like you, (y/n). No! I love you! So much! I felt like I will be losing you back there when I heard his confession to you" your eyes widen. 
"Yuuji, I..." 
"I know. You just feel like we're just a friend. Nothing more than that. But never in my life since the first time I met you, I thought of you just as a friend" you blushed hearing his confession.

"(y/n), can I be your real boyfriend?" he asked you and your heart already pounding hard. You actually already know your own feelings toward him, but you're not sure about him because you knew that he always jokes around and rare to be serious. The Terushima Yuuji in front of you now is really the serious personality of his that you rarely see. Which means, he is serious about his confession and there's nothing to worry.

"Yes" you answered him and he grinned ear to ear when he heard that.
"Serious? (y/n), you're not kidding right? You're not playing with my heart, right?" you shook your head.
"I am serious" he hugged you and give a kiss on your cheek which makes you disappointed a bit.
"What? Do you want me to kiss you on your lips? You should be prepared if I do that" he smirked which makes you punched his shoulder.


Done again for the update. Hope you guys enjoy this and have a nice day. My mind is full of Dreamcatcher - Odd Eye music and lyrics right now, so I can't fully concentrates on the plot that I should write. But, I guess, it's an okay for this. Have a nice day!

See you next time!

Next update:
Suna Rintarou x Reader


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