Suna Rintarou x Reader (requested by AnimeRose19)

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Hello Hello Hello. The update for today. Have fun!

You took out your violin and started to play a piece of music. After school, you decided to not take any club and practised your violin at one of the abandoned music room. You choose that particular music room because it's not a place for students to go, so you got the room for yourself.

In the middle of playing it, someone abruptly open the door, makes you surprised and immediately hide under a closed table. 

"Hello, anyone here?" you heard a manly voice makes you closed your mouth.
"I knew I heard the violin" you heard him said before he closed the door back and walked away. 

You let out a relieved sigh but then you thought something.

"Why did I hide for? I am not doing any illegal thing here, right?" you frowned, thinking about your action. You shook your head and continue your play.

Suna's pov

I walked through the hall, then I heard someone play the violin. The piece played is so beautiful. I stopped at the door and open it. As soon as I opened it, the sound stopped and I see no one. 

"Hello, anyone there?" I said but no response heard. I looked around but I can't sense anyone in there. 
"I knew I heard the violin" I said again before closed the door and walked to the volleyball gym.

My mind still wondering about the violin in the music room. It's abandoned but I knew someone in there playing the violin. 

"Oi, Suna! What are you thinking?" I looked at Atsumu.
"I heard someone play the violin in the music room" I told him.
"Then? What's wrong with someone playing a musical instrument in the music room?"
"In one of the abandoned music room, at west wing" I continued which makes him gasped, no, all of them gasped.

"Is it a ghost?" Atsumu said.
"I heard some ghost story about that music room before" Osamu continued.
"I remembered! Someone told me, they also heard someone played the violin in there before. When they looked at the window, they saw no one but the violin sound still can be heard" Atsumu said.
"When they open the door, the sound stopped!" Osamu continued.
"Suna! You...You found a ghost!" both the Miya Twin shouted.

"Ridiculous." I shook my head and walked to the centre of the court.
"Suna, should we go together tomorrow? I want to see the ghost too" both of them said together.
"Suit yourself" I said and both of them make a high-five.

~ Tomorrow, after school ~

We come again to the music room and as we expected, we heard someone play the violin. The music piece I heard today is different from yesterday. 

"Let's see from the window" Atsumu said and both of them peeking at the window. I waited for their reaction but then Osamu grabbed my hand for me to take a look too.
"What?" I asked him.
"Look at there. Such a beauty" he said and my eyes looked at the direction he pointed. My eyes widen.
"Beautiful" one word came out from my mouth. There's a girl at the window, playing the violin but I can't see her face properly, just her closed eyes. With the wind blowing her hair, makes her look even beautiful.

"If this is the ghost they said, I want to date her" Atsumu said.
"Me too" Osamu said.
"Me too" in silence, I also said that.
"What?!" both of them said and when I looked at them, their face looked surprised.
"What?" I asked them back.

But, then the sound of the violin stopped and all of us looked back at the room and the figure we saw before is nowhere to be seen.

"Aww. I can't see her face" Both Atsumu and Osamu said and sighed.

In a few days, we come again but we never saw the 'ghost girl' again even the sound of the violin, we can't hear it anymore. Until one day, there is a musical instrument competition held in our school. I got free time during that day because our coach said that there's no practice that day. I walked to the place stated and sat at one of the audience places. I know that I am not that interested in this, but I want to push my luck to see if that 'ghost girl' is in the competition or not.

"Next, we called the next participant, (y/n)(f/n)!" my eyes fall on that girl. She looks familiar to my eyes. As soon as she played the violin, my eyes widen. 
"It's her!" I almost stood up from my chair.
"She's not a ghost, I knew it" little did I know, a little smile appeared on my face.

Reader's pov

"(y/n), you did well out there" you teacher patted your shoulder.
"Thank you, sensei." you bowed down to her.
"I guess, you being called a ghost girl, really worth it" you looked at her with a questionable face.

"You didn't know?" you shook your head.
"You always practised at the abandoned music room at the west wing, right?" you nodded.
"There's a story about a ghost girl who played the violin in there but no one in there. Where they opened the door, she will disappear." your eyes widen when you heard the rumours.
"What? Seriously? That rumour ghost is me?" she laughed before nodded.

"What nonsense is that? Where's that coming from?" your teacher still laughing while you're reddened because of the nonsense rumour that accidentally makes you popular as a girl ghost.

"Excuse me, are you (y/n)(f/n)?" then you heard a voice behind you, and thinking that you heard the voice before. You turned around and saw a guy with dark brown hair. 
"Yes, I am," you said.
"I love you" your eyes widen and almost chocked the air out of you.
"Wait! I mean-" his eyes widen too when he realised what he just said.

"(y/n), I will let both of you talked alone, okay?" your teacher said that before leaving you alone with him.

"I am sorry. I mean, I love the music piece you played." you awkwardly nodded.
"T-Thank you" 
"I am Suna Rintarou, second year. Volleyball team member" he introduced himself.
"My name is (y/n)(f/n), first year. Not in any club for now" you immediately introduced yourself too when he did.

"You're the ghost girl, right?" your eyes widen.
"Please, I am not a ghost. I am a human being, alive in this world" he chuckled which makes you blushed. He's a senior, (y/n)! No matter how cute he is! He's handsome too!

"I can see that, you are a human" he said, but then you think of something.
"How did you know the ghost girl is me?" you think back, that there are also others participant that played the violin and you're not the only one who played this music piece.
"I knew the moment I heard you played. You played it differently. It's beautiful" you blushed.

"T-Thank you. That's mean you heard me played before?" he nodded. Then, he told you about the day he heard it for the first time and you hide your face with your palm.
"Argh, I don't know why I will hide whenever someone opens the door. I felt like I did something illegal there" he laughed.
"At least, I know that was you" you slightly looked at him and saw he smiled at you.

"Uhm, senpai. Don't smile like that, please?" you said to him.
"Why?" he asked.
"You make my heartbeat beating fast right now" you said.
"Then, why should I stop smile?" your eyes widen before bowed down at him and leaving him.

"(y/n)!" he laughed after calling your name and grab your hand.
"I would like to befriend with you. Can I?" he asked and you nodded slowly.
"More than that?" he asked makes you blushed even more.

'This guy is dangerous'


Done for our boy, Suna Rintarou. The upcoming chapter will be updated soon. Thanks for supporting this fanfic. Have a nice day.

See you next time!

Next update:
Kageyama Tobio x Reader


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