Shigeru Yahaba x Reader ( requested by Mimicchi )

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Request fromMimicchi

There is one guy that you hate so much now, Yahaba Shigeru... He dumped you two months ago and broke your heart and now he wanted you back?!!

Who the hell do you think I am?!!!

"(y/n)! Someone wants to see you!" your classmates said pointing to the door.
"Who is it?" you ask her but she smiled.
"Just go outside and meet him" she replies and you just shrugged.

You walked to the door and shocked to see Shigeru standing to wait for you.

You dare to show your face in front of me again?!

You're trying to keep up your face and smiled.
"Ara...Shigeru-san! How can I help you?" you showed him your angelic smiled.
"(y/n), I am sorry. I-I know I am fooled to leave you and be with that girl, but now I really regret it so can you please forgive me?" he pleaded you and you chuckled.

"Aww, that is sweet of you, Shigeru-san, but I don't have any idea what you say. What I know is, we don't have any special relationship between us" I smiled at him and walked into class.
"I will never give up, (y/n)! I swear!" he shouts and you rolled your eyes.

"Do I care?! You are right about you being a fool!! And now what? You want me back?! Am I that stupid to accept you that easy? Oh, Shigeru, I accept you back and we shall be together back... Like hell I want it!!!!" your dark aura becomes more and more. Then your best friend laughed.

"(y/n), calm down. You dark aura circling you over and over" she laughing...again.
"Stop laughing, (bf/n)! I am serious!" you glared at her and she stops.
"Okay okay, I will stop. Just don't think about him, can you? You will be more like a villain if you still angry now" you took a deep breath and forced a smiled.

"Good, you look better" she smiled to you.
"Now, tell me what happened? Okay, let me guess, he wants you back, right?" she continued and smirk.
"Seriously, he is the one who dumped me and now he wants to get me back! You think I can let this go just like the way he wants?!" you slammed the table and makes the class attention on you.
"Sorry, nothing. Just go on with what you did" you smiled to them and they do back to their job.

"Hahahah, (y/n). Can I say this?" (bf/n) laughed and asked. You nodded to her.
"You still love him, right?" your faced shows an unbelieve face to her.
"What?! How can I still-"
"You still want to deny it? You're still can't move on. You really hope someday he will come back to you. Do you think I didn't see that? The way you see him, after school, you still go watching their practice and games, your jealousy. (y/n)! Come on, you can fool anyone else but not me and especially your heart" (bf/n) cut your denial and told you all of that.

You see her and smiled.
"I can't fool you, huh? I think you are right... I still can't forget him and I am not quite sure if I still love him like before he dumped me...but now when he wants me back, I can't just say yes! He broke my heart and makes me cry all overnight, how can I just accept him, (bf/n)!" you let your tears down and she hugs you.

"Don't cry! You are not this weak!... Ah! I have got an idea. Wanna hear it?" she smirk and now you know she had an evil idea and of course you agreed to it.

~ recess ~

"(y/n)! Hurry up! The canteen will be full right now!" you sighed.
"I know!" you catch up to her and sling your hands to her.
"Nee, (bf/n). Are you sure 'this' will be okay?" you asked her.
"Don't worry, it will be 100% success...and it will start now!" then she pushed you and you bumped into someone.

"Are you okay?" you look up and surprise to see Hajime, your brother.
"I am okay, don't worry I am fine. Totally fine...Wait! What are you doing here? You always at the rooftop, right?" you asked him.
"(bf/n)-san told me about your plan. I guess I can help you? I want to make him regret dumped my kawaii imouto!" then you laughed.

"Oniichan! Oops, should I call you Hajime-kun?" then both of you laughed and you kiss his cheek.

Yahaba pov

"Aww, that is sweet of you, Shigeru-san, but I don't have any idea what you say. What I know is, we don't have any special relationship between us" (y/n) words still remain in my mind. I really really regret breaking up with her. I didn't know why I make that choice, why I choose that girl over her, what's wrong with (y/n) that make me leave her...


Now, I only have one mission, really really important mission.


~ recess ~

I walked over to (y/n) class but she's not in there. Her best friend too. Then I walked to the canteen and saw something that really makes my heart stop.

(y/n) kissing a guy and, wait! Is that Iwaizumi senpai?! Iwaizumi senpai with (y/n)?! It can't be true... Why Iwaizumi senpai? Why him? No...No! I can't give her to him even he is my senpai! I must get her back no matter what!!!

I followed them everywhere they go until they arrive at the empty gym storage room.

What the hell they want to do here?!

I took a peek at the door which left ajar and saw (y/n) took a step forward closer to him and he lowers his head to her height and I know what they want to do.

I push the door and pull Iwaizumi senpai away from her and punch him.
"Stay away from her, senpai!" I yelled at him.
"What the hell are you doing, Yahaba?!" I felt angrier when (y/n) go to Iwaizumi senpai side and touch his face carefully.

"What did you see in him? Why you choose him over me? Why you didn't want me back? Do you know how much you affect my life? Do you know how much I miss you? How much I miss your smile? " I let all my feelings out and I saw her speechless sitting beside Iwaizumi senpai.

"Did you finish reflecting your fault? You did so much to my sister and I still didn't think I can forgive you except she accepts you back"
"Huh?" I blinked my eyes disbelief and I look at (y/n).
"Who is Iwaizumi senpai, actually?" I asked her.
"My only one precious brother I really love" I can't believe what I hear and look at both of them.

"I am sorry, senpai! I didn't know that both of you are siblings and I am terribly sorry that I punch you before" I bowed to him and hear someone chuckled.
"Yahaba-kun, your words before, did you really mean it?" I nodded my head rapidly and she smiled and sighed.

"I can forgive you but in three conditions"
"I agree with anything..." she smiled before look at her brother.
"First, you can't see me for a month because that's what my brother wants and I don't know why he wants that" then Iwaizumi senpai nodded but then glared at her. 
"Second, you should tell me if you didn't like me before just dumped me like before" she smiled and I know it's really hurt her.
"I am sorry (y/n), I am really sorry" I grab her hand kiss it and she smiled.

"And third, I don't want you to see any woman other than my sister and make her happy! If you dare to hurt her again, I don't know what I will do to you~" Iwaizumi senpai said it for her and she chuckled.
"Niichan!" she punches lightly to his shoulder and suddenly someone knocks the door.

"Finish the drama?" (y/n) best friend laughed and go to her.
"Did it went well?" she asked her.
"Kind of, oniichan got punched by him and I got someone confession, so-so" then (y/n) laughed together with senpai and (bf/n).

"Did you guys plan this before?" I asked them. Then (y/n) walked closer to me, make me walked backwards and hit a desk.
"Why? You regret to say all of that to me and agreed with my conditions just because we plan it?" she whispers to me and bites her lower lips.
"Don't do that, you know I am weak with that!" I warn her but she still does it.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" I kiss her lips lightly before she deepens the kiss.
"Stop that can you? I don't like it and remember you can't see my sister for a month starting today!" then (y/n) laughed followed by (bf/n) and me and senpai.
"I know but I don't know if I can resist myself for not seeing her for a month, senpai" I laughed and look at her happy face that I miss soo much.

I know I will be the foolest person if I dumped her again...


Finally, I finished this part. After a month examination and four days camping with full of assignments. I can update today... Sorry, it's already almost a month that I didn't update this fanfiction and I promise to update last week, but I don't. I am terribly sorry but I am really glad I can update now.

And thanks to the 23k reader. I really appreciate it and I didn't know what to say when I saw it, and thanks too for the voters and comment.

See you next update:
Ukai Keishin x reader


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