Nishinoya Yuu x Reader (requested by bored_ilya)

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Hello, update for the day. I got a request to make about hanahaki disease so here I am. It actually my first time hearing about this, so I hope I get it true. Have a nice day and enjoy!

"Morning (y/n)" your neighbour next door, Takeru wished you.
"Morning Takeru" you smiled at him. Both of you are going to the same high school so every morning, you guys will walk to the school together.
"Did volleyball club have any activity this morning?" he asked you and you nodded.
"Yup. We got into the national, so, we have to practice harder" he patted your head.
"Don't push yourself too hard, okay?" 
"I am just their manager, not the player" 

"The manager still has a lot to do," he said and you chuckled.
"Okay, okay. How about the basketball team? You guys got into the national too, right?" 
"We don't have any for this morning, but we got a practice match this evening" you nodded.
"Good luck!" you smiled at him but don't see the blush appeared on his face.

"(y/n)!!!" when you're closer to arrive at the school, someone shouted your name and that makes you surprised. When you saw who is the owner of the voice, you blushed. 
"Y-Yuu! Why are you shouting my name like that?" 
"I like to say your name anyway" he grinned at you.
"Anyway, let's go to the gym together" he continued.

"It's okay, I will come later" you nodded and he ran to the gym first.
"Let's go, Takeru. I want to put my things at the class first" you walked with Takeru to the class and laughed together with the jokes he told you. Little did you know, someone is watching you and clenched his heart.

Nishinoya's pov

"(y/n) is always together with Takeru. Is she likes him?" I looked at how the interaction between them, and suddenly I coughed. I closed my mouth with my hand when I cough again and then surprised to see a petal on my hand.
"What is this thing?" I coughed again on my hand and there's blood coming from my mouth with petals. I ran immediately to the nearest toilet, didn't heard someone calling me.

"What the hell is this? Why petals are coming from my mouth?" I washed my hands but then I coughed again and the same situation happened again. I put my hands on my heart, feelings something wrong.
"Are you okay, Nishinoya?" Surprised to hear someone voice, I washed my hand immediately but forgot the sink still has the stain of my blood and the petals.
"Suga-san!" he walked to me and keep my smiling face. Then, his eyes widen.

"What is this blood? Petals?" My eyes widen and looked at the sink. I let out a frustrated sigh.
"Suga-san, I..."
"Do you have hanahaki disease?" I looked at him.
"What is that?" Sugawara sighed.
"Are you in love with someone right now?" he asked and (y/n)'s face comes to my mind.

"(y/n)... I think... What should I do, Suga-san?" 
"She has to return your feelings or you can die because your lungs will fill up with flowers. Or... you can choose to have surgery...the petals will disappear but along with the feelings," I am speechless when I heard it.
"I can't push her to accept my feeling" Sugawara patted on his shoulder.
"Don't worry. I think she likes you too. Confess to her" I smiled. I can make her like me if she's not.   

~ At the gym ~

"(y/n)!" I called her name as soon as I see her in the gym.
"Yuu! I told you don't shout my name!" she mad but I just laughed. I walked to her then I close my face to her ear.
"Then, if I call you like this? (y/n)?" she shocked and put her palm to her ear. 
"Y-Yuu, what's wrong with you today?" I laughed look at how cute she is right now but then I coughed. I closed my mouth immediately and when I looked at it, there's blood and petals on my palm. 

"Yuu! Are you okay?" I ran to the nearest water fountain and washed it. 

"Coughed it again?" I turned around and saw Sugawara. I nodded.
"Confess to her. How about this Saturday? Her birthday on that day, right?"

I nodded. I decided to take Sugawara advice. I have to tell her about my feelings.

Reader pov

You're worried about Nishinoya when you saw his situation. You want to run after him but then Sugawara stopped you.
"Don't worry. I will look after him" then he ran after Nishinoya.
After a few minutes, they come back and you immediately ran to Nishinoya.

"Yuu! Are you okay?" he nodded and grinned.
"Don't worry, (y/n)." you sighed when you saw his smile. Then you gave him a water bottle.
"Here, take it. Drink more water" he took it and gave you a big smile that makes your heart hurt.

That night, your mind is full of Nishinoya. He looks really pale after he comes back to the gym but because he doesn't want to say anything about it, you can't ask anything. You took your phone and call Takeru.

"Hello, Takeru. Are you busy?" 
"No. Why?" he asked.
"Can I tell you something?" 
"Sure. What is it?" 
"Actually, this morning, I -" you sudden cough stopped your words but you let out a gasped when you saw blood on your palm.

"(y/n), what is it? What happened?" you heard Takeru's worried voice over the phone
"Takeru... blood..."
"What?! I am coming" 

You ran to your toilet and washed your hand but then you cough again with petals. Your eyes widen. I got hanahaki disease?!

Knock! Knock!. Then you heard someone knocking your house door. (I forgot to say that you live alone). You ran to your door and open it to see Takeru.

"Takeru! I got hanahaki disease!" you hugged him and cried. He sighed and hugged you back.
"Are you in love with someone?" 
"I don't know." 
"Nishinoya?" he asked and you stopped from your cry. You're speechless.
"(y/n), look at me" he holds your shoulder.
"Confess it to him, I don't want to see you suffer from this" you looked down.

Then Takeru hugged you again. Your mind already thinks about Nishinoya and how your feelings towards him. Is it true that you love him? Not just for friendship? What if he only thinks of you as a friend? You knew that he and Tanaka are always going crazy about Kiyoko. You sobbed again thinking about your maybe unrequited love and you feel that Takeru's hand at your back, calming you down. You're grateful to have such a good friend like him. Who got him in the future will be the lucky girl ever.

Since that day, you keep on coughing blood and petals. You even took a day off right before the day of your birthday. You can't stay at school because your body feels so weak and you almost fainted the day before. Thanks to Nishinoya who is beside you that time, he caught you right before you fall. You heard his worried voice right before you lose your conscious.  

Knock! Knock! You heard a knock and saw Takeru standing outside of your window. You smiled and pointed to the door hinting him that you will open the door for him. 

"You're okay?" he said as soon as you open the door. You laughed a bit and nodded.
"Yeah, I am okay" he smiled and ruffled your hair.
"I have something to tell you" you raised your eyebrow.
"Tomorrow, I have a surprise for you." he continued.
"Surprise?" he nodded.

"So, tomorrow, I will pick you up and I will bring you to somewhere, okay?" you sighed.
"Takeru, I don't think I can tomorrow. I don't feel good" you said.
"Don't worry, you will feel better tomorrow" you nodded, agreed with him.

~ The next day ~

"Where are we going?" you asked Takeru.
"It will not be a surprise if I said it, right?" he chuckled. After a while, both of you arrived at a fountain, you saw balloons and there's a sign saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, (Y/N)!'. You gasped and then looked at Takeru. He shook his head.
"This is not the surprise by the way. There" he pointed at somewhere and you saw Nishinoya standing there. 
"That is my surprised for you. Go" you hugged Takeru and then walked to Nishinoya.

"(y/n)" Nishinoya called your name.
"(y/n), happy birthday" he gave you a (your favourite flower). You're surprised because he knows your favourite flower.
"Thank you" you took it.

"(y/n), I want to say that I love you." You're shocked to hear his sudden confession. Your eyes blinked and you're speechless. The hurt you're feeling before disappeared right after he confessed to you. You smiled at him and hugged him.
"I love you too, Yuu" he hugged you back.

"Yeah! (y/n) love me too!" you laughed when he shouted.
"Yuu! I told you not to shout!" he grinned.
"Oh, how did you know my favourite flower? I never told you before, right?"
"Ahh, actually..."

Third-person pov


"Nishinoya" Takeru called the guy.
"Do you like (y/n)? In a romantic way" the other guy blushed when Takeru asked him. He nodded.
"I want to confess to her on her birthday" Takeru nodded.

"Then, I want you to prepare this on that day. You bring together with you (the flower's name) and wait at this address. I will bring (y/n) there that day" Takeru smiled and patted on Nishinoya's shoulder.

"Thanks, Takeru" Takeru nodded and walked away from there. 

As soon as he is behind the wall, he clenched his heart and then cough blood and petals.

~ At Takeru's house ~

'Cough! Cough!' Takeru's open the water at his sink. He looks at the floating petals and the blood and smiled.
"I am a fool, right?"

Suddenly his phone's light is on, telling a message is coming through. He opens up the message.

'Takeru, thank you for everything' - (y/n).
'Congratulations. I will always love you. Remember that' - Takeru.

He smiled, but then he coughed again and again makes the blood and petals coming from his mouth non-stop. Then he fell while clenching his heart. 

"I Lo-Love you" he closed his eyes.


End of this part. I want to make it not too sad, but I have too. I am hearing to sad songs right now and it makes me feel sad too writing this story. Hope you guys like this. 

It's still not too late right to wish a happy birthday to our boy, Nishinoya. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOYA!

See you next time!

Next update:
Suguru Daishou x Reader


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