Kenma x Reader x Hinata ( requested by Shiayaku-Hime)

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Hello Hello Hello. The update for today. The extra-long story, I knew it will be long because the plot given to me is superb and I have to put every little detail in it for sure. Anyway, hope you guys can enjoy this.

You stopped at your usual hide place right after you finished with your work. You sat at the back of the unused volleyball court and put your earphone on before playing the music. You closed your eyes before closing yourself to the outside world. You want to run away from reality even for a second because you're too tired. You just want to be an adult as soon as possible so that you can run from your parent and get the full responsibility to take care of your younger sister too.

Your parent is alcoholic and abusive while your elder sister is a brat who can do anything she wants to do, even though it is something that is a fault in the law. Instead of getting mad at her, your parent gave all their love to her because they saw her as an angel while you getting abused because, in their eyes, you're the devil. Fortunately, they didn't do anything to your younger sister but it's not like they care about her. You let out a long sigh. 

"Are you okay?" Then suddenly you heard someone said something and you opened your eyes and shocked to see two guys looked at you. 

Hinata's pov

After arriving in Tokyo because Kenma invited me, I saw Kenma waiting for me at the station. 

"Kenma!" I called his name and saw he smiled back at me.
"Long time no see. Thanks for inviting me" I said to him.
"No problem."

Then, both of us talked about many stuff and he told me that he wants to take me to one of the volleyball courts near his house. When we arrived, I gasped. Tokyo is Tokyo for sure. I can see three indoor volleyball court in front of me.

"Let's continue what you said earlier." Kenma said and I turned back to him and continue my story at him. We chatted until suddenly Kenma stopped from his walk. Puzzled by his action, I stopped too and looked to where his eyes stopped. Then, I saw a girl sitting with earphone at her ears at the court. 
"Do you know her, Kenma?" I asked but Kenma shook his head.
"She looks like she has problems"  I said and Kenma nodded.

"Let's ask her, Kenma" I pulled Kenma's hand and we walked to the girl. My eyes can't avert from her, even though I didn't see full of her face because she's wearing a mask, I can feel that she's a beauty but her eyes are emotionless. I looked at Kenma and coincidently, Kenma looked at me too. I gave a signal to him, asking if we should talk to her and Kenma gave a signal saying it's up to me, which makes me nodded.

"Are you okay?" I asked her which makes her opened her eyes and we can see that she's shocked.
"I am sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you but we feel like you have some problem" I said to her, but she keeps silence.
"Can we sit here?" Kenma said and she nodded slowly which makes me grinned and both of us sit beside her, means that she's in between us.

"My name is Hinata Shouyo! His name is Kozume Kenma" I introduced ourselves to her.
"(y/n) (f/n)" I grinned when she told us her name.
"Nice name" Kenma said and I nodded.
"Thank you" she said.

"Emm, (y/n). If you don't mind, can we ask about your problem?" I asked her. At first, she hesitated to say anything but then she let out a sigh. She took off her mask and we're shocked to see bruises at her covered face. She told us about her parent and how she was forced to drop out of school and have to work to get money but instead, for herself, it's for her abusive parent.  She also told us about her siblings and how she wants to have the responsibility to take her younger sister out from their house. 

"Thank you for trusting us" I hugged her and then Kenma joined too.
"Let us help you?" Kenma said and I nodded.
"You two don't have to trouble yourself" she said.
"No problem. Let's go, (y/n). Let us show you some of our volleyball skills" We stood up while (y/n) still sitting.
"Come on!" I pulled her up a little and she gave up and letting herself getting pulled by me.

Reader's pov

Starting the day you knew Hinata and Kenma, you felt something in your heart. A feeling you never feel before. Both of them told you about their interest in video games and volleyball and urge you to join them too. Days by days, you got hook by those interest too. They such a good friend which you never thought you can get in your life. After you finished your work, Kenma will wait for you and walked you back or when Hinata come to Tokyo, both of them will be with you. There also the time when you and Kenma went to Miyagi to see Hinata but it will be a one day trip because you didn't want your parent to know about this. If they know, you knew they will never let you go and abused you even more.

One day in Tokyo, after watching movies, hanging out, watched both of them played a little outdoor volleyball and listened to music together with both of them, you guys stopped at the park. You feel like you have to thank them because both of them showed you the light in your dark life. You can feel that you slowly regain your emotions back thanks to them. You stopped and turned to face them.

"Hinata, Kenma. Thank you for everything" you gave them a sincere smile and hugged them. 

Kenma's pov

When she smiled for the first time, my heart's pounding. When she hugged us, I can't hide my feelings anymore. At first, I thought of her as a friend but after months with her, now I knew that I love her and I want to give her the happiness that she deserves. She let us go and walked away first leaving both of us dumbfounded.

"Kenma, I thought that she's only a friend for me but now I knew that I love her" Hinata said which makes me surprised.
"You too?" now it's Hinata's turn to surprise.
"You too?" I nodded.

"What should we do? I don't want to lose you, Kenma" I smiled when I heard Hinata said that.
"Don't worry, me too. Let's tell her our feelings first" I said and Hinata nodded.
"(y/n)!" both of called her and she turned around. We ran to her and gave her a smile.
"What's wrong?" she asked.

"(y/n), I love you. More than a friend" I straightforward confessed at her.
"Me too, (y/n). I love you more than a friend" then Hinata. We saw how surprised she is, so I immediately said the plan I have in my mind.
"Don't worry. We won't pressure you to choose either both of us. How about both of us become your boyfriend?" I smiled at her then looked at Hinata who's eyes already brighten, agreed with my idea.

"Guys, I don't deserve this" she said which makes both of her took her hand.
"You deserve more than this, (y/n)" I said.
"We will give you all of the happiness in the world" Hinata continued.
"T-Thank you" she pulled us towards her and giving us a hug and we hugged her back.

Later, we brought her to my house and introduced her to my parent. My parent showed how happy they are about our relationship.

"We are happy for three of you but remember to take care of each other. Don't break each other hearts since there's three of you in this relationship. Don't betray each other trust because once one of you make a mistake, the other will get hurt" my mom gave advice to us and we gladly noted that in our mind. Then a few days after, three of us went to Hinata's and his parents gave the same reaction like mine which makes us happy.

Reader's pov

Since the day that the three of you in a relationship, both of them never miss to compliment you in many way. It's not like they never did it before but it becomes frequent since they became your boyfriend. You always get embarrassed and end up stuttering asking them to stop which makes them teased you instead of stopped. Even though you're happy with them, it doesn't mean that you got released from your parent's grip yet. You're still underage and you don't have relatives in Tokyo who can take care of you.

One day, once again, both of them gave you the light you need.
"(y/n), let's go live at Miyagi" Hinata said to you.
"Why so sudden?" I asked him then I saw both of them looked at each other and nodded.
"We told about your situation to our parents and they decided to help too. They already report your parent to the police and about the custody of your little sister, our parents already convince the judges about that but they will hold it first until you're 20 and now it falls to our parent." Kenma said. (let just make it 20 for someone to be able to get the custody, okay?)

"Don't worry, they will give to you when you're 20. They also help us to prepare a house at Miyagi for three of us to stay there together. My mom can help you taking care of your little sister too. You knew that she is at the same age as Natsu, right? They can be a friend" Hinata continued.
Your eyes can't hold back the tears anymore. You ended up crying in front of them.
"Don't cry~" both of them said at the same time.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for coming into my life. I love both of you. I love you guys so much" you said at them which makes them hugged you.

Three of us slept at Kenma's house for that night. At the morning, Kenma and Hinata brought you to your house and you saw that your parents got arrested by the police and you can hear the shout coming from them. You looked at them emotionless and then you saw your little sister and immediately running to her.

"Hikari!" you called her and when she saw you running to her, she ran to you too.
"Sister!" you hugged her.
"We are saved now. Don't worry. I will take care of you" you soothed her. 
"Saved?! You bitch! Where is your grateful, huh?!" then you heard your older sister voice and saw that her hand want to slap you but before she can, two hands stopped her.
"Don't touch her" they said at the same time.
"Let's go (y/n), Hikari" Kenma put his arm around me while Hinata picks Hikari up and hold her, leaving the scared on the street.

Since that day, four of you stay at the same house. Hinata goes to his school at Karasuno while Kenma goes to Nekoma by taking a train ride. Their parents also help you guys by giving money every month which you three saved it for an emergency. For you, Hinata's parent helped you to get a job at the town because you rejected them to send you to school which you feel really grateful. 

One day, Hinata and Kenma said that they will bring you with them to their training camp in Tokyo. You agreed and take the train with Kenma and go first to Tokyo because Hinata has to go with his team. You stayed at Kenma's house first and come a bit late after Kenma. When you arrived at the gym, both Hinata and Kenma greeted you.

Third-person pov

"Come with us. We want to introduce you to our teammate" (y/n) nodded at them.
"Guys, this is (y/n) (f/n)" Hinata said to both his teammate and Nekoma team.
"Wah, a beauty"  Yamamoto said.
"Are you single?" both Tanaka and Nishinoya said at the same time.

"Hold up senpai! Stop right there!" Hinata stopped them from approaching (y/n).
"Tora, stop!" Kenma said.
"Why?!" three of them said at the same time.
"She's our girlfriend!" Hinata and Kenma said at the same time.

"What?!" All of the members shouted.
"Both of you are her boyfriend? Three ways relationship?" Sugawara asked and all three of them nodded. Then he chuckled and nodded. Same goes to Daichi, Kuroo and Yaku.


Done, Woah. I did the best as I can to follow the plot requested. I hope you're happy with this update. 

See you next time.

Next update:
Tanaka Ryuunosuke x Reader


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