Kageyama Tobio x Reader ( requested by jeonkookie__ )

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Dedicated to jeonkookie__

First, I am sorry for this late update. I have many things to do during last month and this month, but I am glad I have the time to update this. Enjoy!

Today is your third month anniversary since you're with Kageyama so, you want to spend time together with him. You watch him practice volleyball and you always think that he is super cool when he tossed the ball to Hinata. You're so lost in your mind and didn't realise that Kageyama was standing right in front of you.

"(y/n)! Do you hear me?" he waves his hand in front of your face, makes you surprise.
"Oh, I am sorry. Can you repeat it?" you grin and he sighs.
"I am asking you, where do you want to go after this. Today is our anniversary day, right?" he looks around shyly.

"You remember? I thought you never care about this kind of thing" 

"Never mind that, so... where do you want to go?" then you think deeply before whispering to him.
"Your house" you smile seductively and his face becomes red before laughing hardly.

"I am just kidding. You don't have to take it seriously" he glares at you and you put your hands in the air.

"Okay, okay. Actually, I want to go to an amusement park. It's been a while since the last time we went there" he nods and takes your hand. You smile and keep glancing at your hands.

"You love things like this, right?" he asks you and you nod.
"Yes. I love it so much, that's why I love you so much too" your words make him stop from walking.
"Don't say something like that so sudden like that. You make me embarrassed" you laugh and suddenly you feel like something fell down. You look up and saw iron sticks going to fall down towards you.

You're frozen shockingly and can't make even the slightest movement but then you feel like your body was pushed down by someone and the sound of the fallen iron sticks echoing at the road.

It's Kageyama who was pushing you and end up giving himself.

"Kageyama!" you run to him and shake his body. Then you call the ambulance and the Karasuno's team.

"Kageyama! Wake up! Do you hear me? Wake up!! Why did you push me, baka?! You should let me have it instead of you!!" you hug his bloody head and desperately waiting for the ambulance coming.

At hospital

"(y/n)! How's Kageyama?" Kiyoko asks you."He's in ICU. The doctors didn't come out yet. I don't know what to do, senpai!" you hug her and crying on her. She hugs you back and comforts you. You know the whole team was there but you don't have time to think about that. You just pray that he is safe there.

After a few hours, the doctors come out. He told us that Kageyama is in a good state and he will be transferred to a room. You let out a relieved sigh and Kiyoko hugging you.

"He's safe, (y/n). You don't have to worry now" you smile and nod to her.

But then, something unexpected happens to him.

"Kageyama, I am here. Why did you make such a fool thing?! You could end up dying there!" You hold his hand and then he looks at you silently.

"Who are you?" you froze there for a while.

"W-what are you saying? Hey, Tobio! It's me, (y/n)!(y/n) (f/n)! You don't remember me?!" he shakes his head and Sawamura senpai immediately runs out from the room, maybe to call the doctor.

"Kageyama! Me? You remember?!" then he looks at Hinata and nod.

"Of course, I remember you, boke! I remember everyone here, but (f/n)-san, I am sorry. I can't remember you even a single thing. Are you my friend?" you bite your lips to hold your tears from falling.
"Oi Kageyama, she is your-"

"Don't!" you run to Nishinoya and close his mouth with your hand.

"Why? HE deserves to know who you are!" you shake your head and take a deep breath.

"I am sorry. I want to examine him, can all of you giving me some space?" you look towards the voice and see Sawamura-senpai with a doctor. You all walk out from the room and finally, you burst into tears.

"(y/n)..." Kiyoko then hugs you and you're crying on her shoulder.
"(y/n), why did you stop me from telling him? He should know the truth" Nishinoya says.

"What happened?" Sawamura asks and Tanaka tells him everything.

"(y/n), I am sorry but what Noya said was true. Why did you stop him?" Sawamura looks like want to persuade you.

"Trust me, he will hurt his head if he's trying to remember something using force. I have a cousin who used to have amnesia like him. They keep telling him to remember and he ends up having huge pain in his head. I don't want that to happen at Kageyama too"  you look down and Hinata places his hand on your shoulder.

"But he remembers back, right? So, (y/n), don't worry. We will help you. If he lost his memories about you, we will make him remember back by the body and the feeling memories. I am sure he will remember about it without pain" you look at him, surprised.

"I can't believe those words came out from you, Hinata" Tsukishima says and you nod.

"Whatever. Anyway, can we help you, (y/n)?" you sigh and smile.
"Anything you want to do, but if he starts to feel pain, we better stop it"

"So, let's discuss our plan!" Tanaka and Nishinoya especially, hurriedly make a circle with all Karasuno team.

~ A few weeks after Kageyama discharged ~

Kageyama pov

I still have her in my mind. Who is she actually? Why did everyone seem so close to her? Is she someone important in our club? Is she someone's girlfriend? Why did she say I did a fool thing that makes me end up in a hospital? When I think back, why I was in charge? There're many questions that pop out of my mind...

"Kageyama! Welcome back!!" It surprises me when the members team up to welcome me at the gym.
"Thank you! I am sorry because of the trouble I made" I bow down to them and smile before I saw (f/n)-san standing next to Suga-san.

"(f/n)-san. You're here too?" she smiles and bows to me.

"Of course, she's here. She is Sugawara-san's girlfriend and an assistant to our club. You didn't remember?" I look at Tanaka-san and feel like my heart gonna burst.

"Ah! I guess so. I am sorry, I can't remember anything about (f/n)-san. I am sorry" I bow to her.

"It's okay. I am not someone important in your life. Just forget it, okay?" she bows and smiles.

I feel hurt. I want to cry! Why?! 

"(y/n), you want a drink? I will take it for you" I saw Suga-san holds her hand and kisses it.

Why do I feel like I want to punch Suga-san? Why did I feel jealous and mad? Why do I think I want to drag her hand away from him?  

"Sure" she chuckles happily when he does that.

Don't laugh like that! You promise me not to laugh like that in front of another guy! Wait... What?! What am I say? Why am I thinking that? Is she really not someone important? If she isn't, why I am thinking like this?!

I walk out of the gym while everyone distracts with something else. I need to keep my mind clear. She is Suga-san's girlfriend! I shouldn't think anything bad!  

Why do I feel like losing memories about her, likes losing my life? Who is she? Who is she to me? 

"Arghhhhhhh!!!!!" I feel a sudden pain in my head for a few minutes and it's slowly cool down.

I need to know about this...

~ The next day, practice time ~

I want to practice but none of them agrees with me. They told me to just rest for today. I sigh before I see (f/n)-san standing alone near the door.

She's the assistant, right? What does an assistant job, actually? Or, did she become an assistant to cheer Suga-san?

I walk to her but not before Suga-san. He walks to her with a smile and she chuckles happily.

"Here you go, your drinks. You're cool when you tossed the ball back there" she smiles.

"Thank you. I can do that because you're here for me" he locks her hair behind her ears before cupping her face.

"Don't smile like that in front of another guy. Promise me" she nods.

"I promise"

Why do I feel like I want to rip his hand because touching her? Why I feel familiar with that last sentence? Did I hear somewhere before? Why?! Why?! Why?!

"BAM!" Without realising, I punch the wall really hard and the sounds echoing in the gym. I know all of them are looking at me, but right now my eyes fall on (f/n)-san. I really mad and jealous and I don't even know why I feel all of this!

"Suga-san, can I talk with (f/n)-san for a while?" he hesitant for a while before giving me permission.

"(f/n)-san. Who are you to me?" she looks surprised when I ask her. Of course, she will, right?

"I already told you, right? I am not someone important in your life"

"Then, why have I had this feeling? Why did I feel sad when you said to forget about you? Why did I feel mad at Suga-san when he touched you?! Why am I so frustrated when you with him?! Why did I feel like I want to rip his hand when he locks your hair? Why did I feel angry at you when you're laughing with him?! Why did I feel all of this if you're not important in my life?! Why?!" she's speechless and stands silently there.

"Answer me! Who are you to me?!" she looks down.

"I am sorry, Kageyama. I am so sorry. I don't want to hurt you, but I don't know that this makes you hurt even more. Actually, I-" right before I can hear what she wanna says, I feel a huge pain in my head and after that I unconscious.


"(y/n)!" I open my eyes immediately and find out that I am at a hospital.
"Why I am here?" then I feel like someone is holding my hands. I turn my head and find out that someone is (y/n).

"(y/n)?" I move her body a little before she wakes up.
"Kageyama! You're awake!" she immediately runs out and for a while, she comes back with a doctor.

"I guess you're okay, right now. Tell me if you feel the pain again, okay?" I nod to the doctor and he leaves us alone.
"Kageyama...I am sorry for what happened before. It's not my intention to make you hurt. I just don't want you to feel hurt but I end up hurting you. I am sorry. I know you don't remember who I am, but, I will tell you one thing. I am not Suga-senpai's girlfriend. He just helping me with the members plan and I just follow their flow. I am sorry" I am speechless.

"Wait! Is it not a dream? Does it really happen to me? Losing memories about you? Seeing you laughing, smiling, holding hands, having sweet moments with Suga-san, all of that really happened?!" she nods but then she looks at me surprised.

"Do you remember me? Are you getting back your memories? About me?" she smiles before hugs me.

"Oh My God! I can't believe this. Kageyama, I miss you! Please, I am begging you, don't do this to me again. I don't want to feel like I am losing you one more time" I hug her back and smiles at her.

"I am so sorry. I make you cry. I miss you too. You know, I thought I had a nightmare about losing you, saw you with another guy. I felt like crumble inside my heart. I didn't know it's really happened. I am sorry, (y/n). Please forgive me" I hold her hand like I will lose her one more time. I can't bear to feel it again.

She smiles at me before hugs me with three words that I really miss.

"I love you, Kageyama Tobio"

Third-person pov

"Don't push me!"

"Hey, I wanna hear too!"
"Shh! Kageyama's talking right now!" Daichi silents Tanaka and Nishinoya.

"Why are we doing this?" Tsukishima asks them.
"Shut up Tsukishima! Just stand there!" Tanaka replies.

"You know what, I am just thinking, if he can't remember anything yet, I will really take (y/n) away from him," Sugawara says.


"What? She's charming and cute! I am comfortable when I am with her" all of them glare at him.

"Just kidding! I am not that wicked, okay?" 

"Make sure you keep her well, or I will snatch her from you, Kageyama"


I still have an exam this week, but I am itching to write a story for someone who requests to me and readers who is waiting for my updates ( is there? ). Thank you soo much and I am sorry, you have to wait so long for me to write your request, jeonkookie__. I hope you like and enjoy this story. Feel free to comment about 'my grammar' and maybe that way, you can help to improve my grammar too. 

See you next time!

Next update:

Asahi Azumane x Reader


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