Akaashi Keiji x Reader

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Hello guys! This is Akaashi time! I can't believe I don't have a single one of Akaashi x Reader chapter in here, so here you go. The second update in one week, I already have Akaashi storyline in my mind for quite a while, but I don't know why I still didn't write in here. Anyway, enjoy!!!

"Akaashi, I like you" It's been a while since you developed feeling for Akaashi and now you have the courage to confess.
"Sorry, (y/n). I can't accept your feeling. You deserve better than me" You smiled to him, actually knowing the answer that will be given to you. Just like you heard, Akaashi never accepts anyone when they confess to him including you. 
"Well, I just want to say it out loud to you. Thanks for hearing my confession anyway. Do your best for the national, okay?" You gave him a friendly hug before walked away.
"But, it's true that you deserve better than me..." Little did you know, Akaashi whispering the words while watching you walked away.

After confessing your feeling to Akaashi, you felt really free from the burden of your heart, but of course you're sad too.
"Why are you smiling?" one of your best friends, Takumi asked you.
"I confessed to Akaashi" you grinned at him.
"And...he accepted you? That's why you looked happy?" another best friend of yours, Sousuke asked you.
"Nope, he rejected me" you replied.
"Huh? Then why are you happy?" this time, Yuma asked you.

"Well, I let out my feelings. Of course, I am happy because at least my heart will not be burden with that, right? I already know what his answer will be anyway." three of them looks unbelievable at you. 

The three of them are your childhood friends and you guys really close to each other. They are all just like a brother to you and you're like a younger sister to them since you're the only child in your family and your parents already divorced and you stayed with your mother now. They always looked out for you and helped you with anything. Takumi is the oldest one among all of you and you can say that he is the caring type of person. While Sousuke and Yuma are more to the playful person and Yuma is the biggest player ever. You always told him not to be a player, but of course, he never listens. The relationship between you guys are well known around the school, so no one ever says anything when they saw you are around them. Well, they're quite handsome and charming anyway.

"Are you seriously alright with that? Don't you want him to accept your feeling?" Takumi asked you.
"Of course I want him to accept it but, if that is what his answer, what else can I do? I can't make him fall in love with me if he doesn't want to. I am not Yuma" you shrugged.
"Why me? I don't push anyone to fall in love with me. They already love me" you rolled your eyes at him.
"Wait, you can make him fall in love with you. Try to make him jealous" you looked at Sousuke who's giving the idea.
"Yeah, make him jealous. Show him how wrong he is to reject you. You're pretty and kind. Everyone like you" Takumi agreed with the idea while Yuma keeps on nodding.

"How?" you asked them and they gave you a face that makes you shudder. 
"Don't give me that face! Don't ever think to do something evil to him!" 
"Don't worry my dear (y/n). It's not that evil, we just want to show him, right?" Sousuke said while the other two keeps on smiling. You sighed knowing that you can't step back from this.

After a whole discussion of the plan finished, you looked at them one by one.
"Really? Just like that? I thought it will be more evil knowing it is coming from Sousuke." Sousuke makes a shocked face.
"How could you think of me like that? I am upset" you chuckled and shook your head.
"So, want to do it?" Takumi asked you and you nodded.
"I am in your care, Yuma" you smiled at Yuma and he smiled back.
"Let's go, (nickname)" he took your hand and you walked from there hand in hand. You both walked through the hallway and you can hear everyone that saw you are gasping.

"What am I seeing right now? Is that (y/n) and Yuma holding hands? They never hold hands before, right?"
"I told you, they will be together"
"Oh My God! Yuma and (y/n) together?"
"No! How can this be? I can't compete with (y/n)!"
"Is Yuma wants to settle down by being a player?"

You took a glanced at Yuma and he smiled to you. Then he leans closer to me to whisper something.
"Should we go to Akaashi's class?" 
"That's what we planned, right?" you smiled at him and he ruffled your hair. Even that was what you both talking about, in the eyes of outsiders, it looks like that both of you are saying sweet things to each other. Since your class is right next to Akaashi's class, you both take this chance to show Akaashi your relationship.

Akaashi's pov

I heard an uproar outside of my class, but as usual, I never mind about that especially when my mind keeps on remembering (y/n)'s confession. I do have a special feeling for her but when I always see her with her guy friends, I don't want to approach her much. I thought that she maybe has developed feeling to one of them, never occur to my mind that it was me who she likes. The uproar outside keeps on getting louder makes my mind back to reality and what I saw is they are walking together side by side. 

"What's wrong with them? It's not that weird for them to walk together like that" I walked to the door only to be greeted by the scene of them, walking hand by hand.
"They are together?" I am shocked with the reality in front of me.
"Then, what about the confession? Is Yuma trying to make her happy because I rejected her? But why Yuma? He is a player, right?" Without thinking, I walked to the couple and pull (y/n) away from Yuma and walked the opposite way of the direction they walked.

"Follow me" I shortly replied her and that makes her silent. I didn't mean to scare her, but I have to. We keep on walking until we are out from the other eyes. I turned around to look at her.

"Why (y/n)?" she blinked her eyes at me.
"Why what?" I sighed.
"Why Yuma? He is a player, you know that!" my voice almost showed that I am angry.
"He is my childhood friend and I know he will never hurt me. You said that I deserve someone better, than Yuma is my answer. He soothes me from crying when you rejected me anyway" she answered me but, her answer only makes me feel upset.

"You just confessed to me earlier, and not even one day, you already got a boyfriend? A player on top of that? "
"He already promised to me that he will stop being a player and you already rejected me, right?" I took a deep breath and released it back to control my anger.
"I am disappointed in you, (y/n). I thought that you are different from other girls, but you-"
"Then you want me to keep on hoping that you will like me back? That will never happen, right?" she cut me off. I looked down after hearing her words.

"Hope you're happy with him, (y/n). I hope we will never see each other again" I don't know why I said that but I know I am regretting it. I admit, I am jealous and can't believe that she already find a replacement in her heart. 

~Four days later~

She really never show her face in front of me since that day. I sighed thinking back on what I said to her. Why did I say that to her?
"Akaashi!! What's wrong with you?" I glanced at beside me to see Bokuto-san.
"Nothing Bokuto-san" I shook my head and then continue to walked to the gym for the morning practice until someone stopped me by calling my name.
"Akaashi! You stop right there!" I am surprised to see Yuma practically running to me.

"What did you say to (y/n) that day, huh?!" I am confused. What's wrong with him?
"Why?" Yuma is frustrated.
"Why you asked? (y/n) have been missing for three days! Now tell me, what the hell you said to her? She started acting weirdly after you pulled her away from me. After that day, she said she's sick but when I went to her house, she's gone " I stunned when I heard him.

"(y/n) is missing?" She is missing because of me? 
"We already called her phone but she doesn't pick up. You better do something, because this is all your fault!" then after saying that, he walked away leaving me dumbfounded.
"(y/n), where are you? I told you to never see each other again, not everyone!" I ran out of school to try searching for her. I try to search for every possible place that I know but none of it shows any clues for (y/n) whereabouts. 
"(y/n), where are you?" I stopped at the convenience store to rest for a bit only to see (y/n) wearing the school uniform, getting out from the convenience store.

"(y/n)!" I ran to her and hugged her.
"Akaashi?" I keep on hugging her.
"Where are you going? You're missing for three days! Yuma told me everything. Why are doing this to me?" I asked her everything in my mind only to get a laugh from her.
"Why are you laughing?"

"What did Yuma told you? I am not missing, I just went to my father's home to visit my newborn sister. I already gave the school my absence letter and Takumi, Sousuke and Yuma already knew about that too." 
"W-What?" I stunned and let her go. She keeps on laughing at me and asked me when she stopped laughing.
"Akaashi, you said that we should never meet each other again. Then why are you worried about me going missing?" My face becomes redder and I hurriedly walked away from there, going back to the school.

"Akaashi! Why? Are you worried about me?" she keeps on asking me while following me to the school.
"Akaashi! Are you? Are you?" I stopped and turned to face her.
"Yes! I worried about you because I like you. Don't ever worry me like this ever again" I hugged her tightly and then I feel that she hugged me back.
"I won't. At least I got a true reply from you about my confession. Why won't you accept me straight away before?"

"Wait, about that. Aren't you and Yuma together?" she blinked her eyes look confused but then her face shows that she remembered it.
"Ah, about that. It just an act. Sousuke and Takumi planned for it to make you jealous and Yuma took the role to be my boyfriend. Wait, you still didn't know the truth? I thought they already told everyone that it just an act" I laughed a bit hearing the truth before walked away.
"You mad?" she asked me.
"You think?" I asked her back and then she smiled knowing that I will never get mad at her.

"You won't. You love me" she laughed before running to the school's gate. I smiled watching her smile and maybe I should thank the guys for giving me the chance.

Third person's pov

"Well, how am I? I can be an actor, right? Right?" Yuma walked to Takumi and Sousuke who are watching the little acting Yuma did to Akaashi.
"So-so, at least Akaashi was fooled by the acting." Takumi said.
"Hey, you think it is easy to fool Akaashi?" 
"Anyway, our little sis will get her love. Happy ending" Sousuke said while smiling watching Akaashi running out from the school's gate. 

"Don't change the subject!"
"Shut up Yuma. Let's go! We have to do the class chores today. Takumi, see you at the usual place during recess. Maybe our little (y/n) will bring her boyfriend together with her today" Sousuke said while dragging Yuma to their class. Takumi waved his hand at them.
"Akaashi is the best guy for (y/n) anyway, so I don't mind him joining us" Takumi shrugged before walking to his class.


So, how? I think it's quite good? Hahahah. Well, it depends on you guys to think this is good or not. Thanks for still reading this and as I said before, you guys can request to me.

See you next time

Next update:
Kageyama Tobio x Reader 




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