Library Endeavors (Kuroo×Reader)

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As you absentmindedly flipped each page of your textbook, your eyes scanned through each page with no interest what so ever.

Being a student meant that you had to complete a final exam to 'determine' whether you 'succeed' or not in life.

Honestly, you hated the way that schools force the mindset that we have to exceed in subjects that don't even make sense just so we can have a degree.

But still, here you were. Sitting in the library at 10PM just before closing hours, trying to cram for a test you absolutely had no interest in.

You didn't want to be back home, since you wouldn't get anything done. Due to the constant bickering of your parents, it drove you crazy just hearing them get all mad about the littlest things. And you definitely didn't want to be home whenever they would have post-fight sessions.

A poke to your cheek, made you look away from the textbook. You looked up to see your fellow classmate and childhood friend, Kuroo Tetsurou smirking at you.

"What is it this time, Tetsurou?" you sighed.

"Can't a guy have a conversation with his best friend?" he asked coyly.

"Go away, Tetsurou. I need to study." you bitterly responded.

"The library's closing soon. What are you studying for anyway?" he leaned closer to look at your books.

"Ohoho, chemistry? You should've asked me for help, (nickname)."

"Thanks but I need to learn this alone, since you always help me."

"Fine, but we're walking home together." he said, grabbing a chair.

A couple of minutes went by and Kuroo just sat there waiting for you. He didn't try to do anything, since he knew you were seriously trying to study on your own. So he just minded his own business untill you were done.

Then the librarian made an announcement, though the speaker that the library was closing in five minutes. This obviously didn't stop you from taking notes and highlighting words. Kuroo just looked at you, waiting for you to come to your senses and pack away your things.

Suddenly, the lights went off. With the exception of a few desk lamps that were still on. You both looked at each other and panic was written all over your face.

"What do we do?" you whisper-shouted at Kuroo.

"How should I know?" he replied in the same tone.

"The librarian probably closed the place, after the five-minute warning." Kuroo said.

"The what?! I didn't hear anything."

"Yeah, you were probably too busy reading to pay attention." he chuckled.

You gave him an annoyed look, which he probably couldn't see. "Why didn't you tell me?"

He stayed silent for a moment before standing up and packing your stuff, "You looked so focused, I didn't want to distract you."

Your heartbeat increased and your face blushed hearing his words. He was always caring for you, and it's one of the things you loved about him. He probably dosen't feel the same way, you thought.

While Kuroo was packing away your stuff, you heard footsteps coming your way. You tapped Kuroo's shoulder repeatedly, telling him someone was coming.

"What?" he asked. You immediately shushed him and pulled him to duck to the floor.

"Someone's coming."

The footsteps seemed to be getting more closer to where you were. A light appeared, from what looked like a flashlight.

"It's probably the security guard." Kuroo said.

"Now what? You know the guards in our school are demons?! We'll get detention then our parents will get called and-

He cut you off by placing a finger on your lips. Telling you to be quiet. An idea struck him, he grabbed your bag and slung it over his shoulder. Grabbing your hand, he ran in towards the other side of the library, where the exit was.

As you both ran, he would look back at you and smile. The rush of adrenaline flowing through your blood made everything disappear. The only thing you could focus on was his hand now intertwined with yours, his bed hair that didn't seem to ever move, and his eyes.

Those once again dazzling eyes. In that moment, it felt like you were under his spell. You've never felt this free before, since you graduated middle school all you could think about was studying and working so that you wouldn't have to live with your parents again.

But in those few seconds you felt tears running down your face. You laughed and this got Kuroo's attention.

"Hey! You! Stop it!" the security guard yelled.

Neither of you cared, he looked at you. Feeling a mix of pride and joy that he was able to make you happy. You ignored the yelling behind you, it was a rare moment for you and Kuroo that you wanted to feel forever.

You both reached the library gate there was a rotogate (like the subway entrances), indicating the library's exit. Kuroo being the athlete that he is slided over the top part of it. While you looked at him with an are you serious? face and just pushed the handle to get out.

Nonetheless, he grabbed your hand again and continued running outside the building. Once you reached the school's entrance gate, you both stopped and panted.

"That. Was. Awesome." Kuroo said, still panting hardly.

"I think that was the most I've ran since middle school." you joked.

He laughed and looked at you, suddenly a serious aura surrounded him. Walking closer to you, he ruffled your hair slightly and tucked a stray hair behind your ears.

"(f/n)." he said, making you look up at him.


"I like you." he confessed.

"Go out with me?" You searched for any trace of playfulness in his eyes. When you found none, you closed your eyes and smiled.

Standing on the tips of your toes you placed your arm around his head and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Does that answer your question?" you smirked at him.

a/n  : heyyaa!

i still can't write decent endings womp :(

ib the movie after, when they were running out of the library.

i thought that was hilarious lmao.

p.s. i really want to try writting lemons but i can't write those descriptive words on sexual intercourse gah! s/o to ppl who write smut/lemons you da mvp

i guess ill try but idk if ill ever post it lol.

stay safe and keep clean!


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