Fro-yo (Kageyama×Reader)

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kags has a secret obsession with fro-yo.


Today, Kageyama decided to take you out on a date. But he actually came to the mall for another reason.

You were currently walking with your boyfreind at the mall. When he asked you if you wanted to go out with him, you were suprised.

He wasn't one to ask you out on a date. Last time you two went on a date, he had to get help from 3 different people. Those people being Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Hinata. You appreciated the effort nonetheless.

You looked up at his features. They never really changed at all, sharp eyes, small nose, and pursed lips. This made you laugh to yourself.

Kageyama noticed your laugh and looked down at you and he suddenly remembered why he came here.

"E-em (f-f/n), I needtogodosomethingatthesecond floor. W-wait here o-okay?" he muttered and quickly running away from you.

What was that about? You asked yourself. You just shrugged it of and continued walking alone to the bakery. A friend of yours worked there so you thought you would stop by and pick up a few milk buns for Kageyama.

When you reached the bakery you searched for your friend, Yachi. She was your classmate in high school. "Hi, Yachi!" you exclaimed.

"(f/n)-chan! How are you?" she asked. Her eyes searched for something, "Is Kageyama-kun here with you?"

You sighed, "He said he was going to get somthing and ran to the second floor."

She looked at you with a sorry look. You noticed this and shook your head, "It's alright. Now what's new on the menu?"

When Kageyama arrived in frony of the store he asked himself.
Was it right to leave (f/n) like that? He thought. She's probably worried, but i need to get my fro-yo first.

He went inside the store and placed his order. "One extra large fresh milk yogurt with mochi and peanut butter."

When his order came, he picked it up and devoured it. Mhmm, this is soo good. He thought. I loove fro-yo so much, more than anything. Mhm. Yes.

Meanwhile you were doing some more shopping. When a voice called you out. "(f/n)!! Is that you?"

You turned around and saw Hinata with his little sister walking towards you. "Hey, Hinata. Watcha' doing here?"

"Oh! Natsu wanted to buy a plushie thing for her friend." he replied.

"Nee, why aren't you with Kageyama? I saw him at the fro-yo store upstairs."

"What did you say? Where was he? Who was he with? When did you see him?" you asked, raising your voice higher with every question.

Before he could answer, Hinata fainted due to the many questions that were given to him.

You shook his body repeatedly, "Where is he, Hinata?" "F-fro-yo"
and than he passed out.

After taking care of Hinata's little issue. You went upstairs to the frozen yogurt store and saw Kageyama was sitting there eating.

That's what he left me for?! You asked yourself in disbelief. You went in and yelled at him, "Is this what you left me for? Fro-yo? You've got to me kidding me!"

He looked at you in shock, he was caught. Before he could reply, you stomped out of the place. Kageyama glared at the cup of yogurt , this is all your fault!
Before throwing in out and chasing after you.

(poor yogurt cup)

You couldn't believe that guy. How could someone bail his date for yogurt? HOW?

After leaving Kageyama you went to the parking lot near his car. You suddenly remembered that you came here with him and had your jacket in the car. You could've left and went back alone but it was freezing cold outside and there was no way in hell you were going to die on your way home.

A few minutes later, Kageyama appeared and ran to you. "Forget it, Tobio. I don't want to hear it." you said before he could reply.

He looked at you with sadness, "But-"

"Just drive." you quickly said.

The drive home was silent. No one even bothered to touch the radio. It's his fault for leaving me like that. When you arrived in front of your house, you got out of the car and got your stuff.

Before you could go far, Kageyama went behind you and pulled you in for a hug.

Thump.. Thump..

He placed his head on the crook of your neck. "I'm sorry, (f/n). I shouldn't have left you for something stupid as fro-yo."

You were still mad at him, but you couldn't help but smile when he apologized.

"It's okay, Tobio. Your childish behavior is what made me love you." you chuckled.

He was overjoyed and lifted you off the ground.

"I promise I won't leave you for fro-yo ever again." He said seriously.

You laughed and ruffled his hair. "You owe me a year's worth of milk buns, Tobio."

He looked at you horrified, before pecking your cheek and rushing to his car, leaving you standing in front of your house.

"Bye, (f/n)!" was the last thing he said before driving off.

Idiot. Has he forgotten that he lived here to?


a/n : so how's that? kags has got to chill with his obsession
next up is Lev!!


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