"Tell me Hadrian, what would you say ultimately led to this rift you have described to me between you and your father?"
The young man sat silent for a moment, legs folded elegantly and hands placed purposefully on his knees. The older woman sitting across from him let him contemplate the question in silence, even as a minute passed between the two of staring alone. Finally, he let out a deep sigh and fell back into the stiff couch.
"I would say it was entirely his fault, but I know you would rebuke me unless I somehow brought forth more self-deprecating thoughts for this session." He replied, but continued despite her raised eyebrow. "Really, it was mostly his fault. I had been his loyal subject for years, abiding by his rules and letting him lead me by a leash even after I left Hogwarts, and yet, even as a twenty year old man, he still refuses to release me from his insufferable coils. I gave him everything I had as a teenager, even gave him a damn body, and yet all he offers in return for my loyalty is more restrictions and even more monitoring."
"Do you blame him for having those vampires 'spying' on you, as you say?"
"Of course I do!" Hadrian blew up, leaning forward as a familiar craze lit in his eyes. "I trusted Lysander, told him things not even my father knew, and then I find out that it was all a lie? That our entire relationship was manufactured by my father? What was I supposed to do in that situation? Let it go?" He fell back with a huff, glaring at the woman who remained stoic as ever.
"Have you ever thought that maybe he did this to protect you?" She supplied.
"What, from dying? Been there, done that, didn't stick."
"I didn't mean physically." She shot back.
Hadrian pulled back, a questioning look falling across his face before it slowly morphed into a scowl.
"If he was trying to protect my feelings, he failed miserably. Maybe he thought that after...after-" He cut off as his throat tightened, taking a slow breath in and out before continuing. "Regardless of whether he thought putting Lys in my life would be helpful or not, it doesn't change the fact that he betrayed me. I trusted him, and he used that against me. Both of them."
"And that brings us back to the main issue we've come across here. Trust." She said, waiting for Hadrian's attention before continuing. "It started with the Dursley's, as you have said before. They treated you horribly, and you were alone for a long time before meeting Draka, and that left a hole in your heart that no child should be without. Then, when you were finally in a place where you thought you would be accepted, you found that you were still segregated, this time because of your gifts. Dumbledore, who should be the protector of all children, only saw you as your father, and you never found true friends for the duration of your time at Hogwarts. And then, we come to the real reason that you are here. The reason you were referred to me at all."
"You don't need to-... you don't need to say it." Hadrian muttered, beginning to close off as soon as she started heading in the direction he thought she was.
"No, but you need to hear it. Hadrian, regardless of what the facts are, regardless of his true reasons for what happened, you feel that Ash abandoned you. It is your feelings that are the reason you're here, nothing more, and nothing less. And that is okay." She said, conviction clear in her voice. Hadrian gazed warily at her, but nodded in acceptance after a moment.
"Okay." He whispered.
"This is great progress, Hadrian. Do you think you're ready now? Are you ready to talk about what happened with him?" She inquired.
Hello there! If you had previously read this sequel, and are wondering what this new update is, let me clear up any confusion. If this is your first time reading this, then no worries! Nothing is different for you. I had left this sequel incomplete for many years, and I just recently decided to try writing this again. I know I can do better than what I originally gave you guys, so I have decided to delete every chapter of the sequel and redo everything: plot, characters, everything. I hope you all enjoy!
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