Chapter 2

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“Where…… I?” Maleficent felt sluggish as she slurred her words. She was in a house, for sure, but after living 16 years in Moors and 16 years in a fortress she didn't actually know how a normal house was like. “We're in an abandoned house in London, Malecifent” Hades replied and Maleficent shook her head, “It's MALEFICENT.” Hades shrugged his shoulders to show that he didn't really care, so Maleficent made a pinching gesture and twisted it. Hades yelped in pain as his ear was twisted and pulled and Maleficent, after savouring that small moment of evil, stopped, realising that she used magic in front of a human.

Finally looking at her wound, Maleficent realised that there was a bandage around it and she asked Hades, “How did you bandage my leg?” “I rolled up the leg of your leather pants, of course.” Hades looked confused as though there were no other way to help other bandage wounds. “I've got the blood of a dragon. I heal fast.” Maleficent snapped and she pulled the bandage off so savagely that she hissed aloud in pain. The wound looked only a tiny bit better  and after an attempt to stand Maleficent concluded it was pretty nasty.

Hades left Maleficent alone in the house for two weeks to recover and that was one wrong move. Because, Maleficent didn't know how to use the toaster, the oven, the microwave, the refrigerator, the switches, the stove and almost every other electronic appliance in the abandoned house. And, she didn't have patience at all. So when two weeks later Hades came back, the house was fully vandalised and things were all over the place. “Stop! This my house, not yours!” Hades gulped and Maleficent appeared from behind him.

“Hey, did you miss me?” Hades smiled at Maleficent while wrenching a steel knife that was previously stabbed into the wooden table by Maleficent (Of course, if not who else would have that much strength?). Giving him back a poisonous sickly sweet smile, Maleficent sent a fork flying to the wall and used it to pin Hades there. “I'm surprised you remembered I'm here, considering how you've left YOUR house for two weeks and I could have already left. What made you think I'd be waiting for a street boy like you?” Maleficent butted back in words, before adding on, “You reek of alcohol. That's why I dislike men.”

“So do you want a family? You were jealous that Stefan would have a child and you wouldn't. Who's Stefan anyways?” Hades targeted at Maleficent’s weak spot and feigned ignorance of the information he had received from one of the careless goons that had overheard. “HOW DID YOU KNOW?!” Maleficent boomed suspiciously and Hades quick-wittedly fibbed, “That day when you were injured. When I carried you back you mumbled about it. It seemed rather a sore spot so I didn't mention it at first.” “Curses.” Maleficent broke a mug in her anger and she threatened to engulf the whole house in flames as she was on the verge of transformation into a dragon but she controlled herself, unwilling to show her abilities to a human. “Do you… me?” Hades was slow and careful, but he still made Maleficent’s eyebrows shoot upwards.

Trying to soften her expression but ending up epicly failing, Maleficent confessed softly, “I don't know how love feels like.” “Don't worry, I'll teach you. ” Hades comforted her and she finally gave him the first genuine smile.

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