Maleficent, if you're reading this, know that I have gone to find you. I know, you told me to wait for you, but I was too worried about you to just sit here and wait idly. If I'm not back, don't bother looking for me, it might be too late already. Whatever it is, I know we'll definitely meet again. See you, Maleficent, once upon a dream. Goodbye.
Love, Hades
The paper grew crumpled as Maleficent read it over and over again, refusing to give in to reality. She had pulled through the toughest times with that slimmer of hope of reunion with Hades, and it just gave up on her, pulling away all hope. "I never should have fell in love. It was never meant to be!" Maleficent realised, slowly sinking down to her knees. Why? Why was her life so tough? Why? "WHY?!" She screamed, all her heartbroken tears trailing down without restraint.
Memories started flooding back, of her making him double over in pain, of him catching her, of him asking her if she liked him, of him punching the officer and stuffing the cap, of him swapping coffee with her, of him telling her to come from the wall, of him kissing her for the first time, of him sleeping peacefully while she snuck back to her castle. For what? Just to sever her ties from it? In the end, it was just to lure her away from Hades and onto the isle!
"Mother." Maleficent looked up from the paper at last. "There's some aura surrounding the paper. Cool down and you should be able to sense it." Mal pointed out after sending Z's crystallized body back to Z's castle, and Maleficent took shuddering breaths as she cooled down and indeed, as Mal had said, there was a small flickering blue flame of aura hovering above the paper when she closed her eyes. "Yes, you're right." Maleficent let out a breath through her teeth.
As she focused on the aura even more, she found a thread, and as she followed the thread, she could see what the owner of the aura had seen. First she saw what seemed to her as Hell, or rather, the Underworld. And what came next was shocking. It was where she had been imprisoned in all along.
The Isle Of The Lost.
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