Hesitant and afraid, Maleficent stretched out her hands and wrapped them around Mal in what was a stiff version of a hug. "It's....okay..." Maleficent tried to comfort Mal, but Mal froze in shock. Never had Maleficent been this caring, hence it was suspicion she felt as she turned around to look her mother full in the eye. "Is there something you require from me?" Mal interrogated, and Maleficent looked astonished as she cleared her throat, "No, I was just trying to comfort you but now I have gotten your attention back, I do have a question for you, missy." She ended off briskly like she always would when she needed something.
"Are we near London?" Mal sat up straight at once, knowing something was definitely up. "How would you know London is near this isle?" Mal shot back, her mourning temporarily pushed aside by her curiosity. "Um......just a hunch." Maleficent lied, and she grabbed Mal by the shoulder and summoning Z's body over to her, Maleficent vanished in a puff of black smoke, appearing in one of the underground train stations.
Maleficent was now decently dressed in casual purple and black leather from head to toe, shining the dim underground light off her attire. She had her horns under a glamour, and had let out her purple locks that were identical to Mal. Her skin colour had paled to white and her lips looked as though there was a thin layer of scarlet lip gloss applied. Z's body was no where to be seen, yet Mal could feel it nearby, just under glamour and......looking up, she saw a faded human figure with wings floating and understood instantly Maleficent had put a suspension glamour on Z.
Nevertheless, Mal's mouth was widely gaping, jaw dropped. She had never seen her mother in human form before, hence this whole new Maleficent was totally new to her. The Maleficent she had known all along was menacing, purple robes, horns and all. But this Maleficent before her was a wickedly rebellious teenager in full leather just like Mal herself! "Where in London are we?" Maleficent asked, and Mal snapped out from her mesmerized expression.
Pulling out a crumpled map from one of her hidden leather pockets, Mal lightly ran a purple nail across the surface of the waxed paper, "We're here, at King's Cross St Pancras station. It's very close to the hotel where Z's family stayed and the next one they will stay at." "I need to get to Finchley Road...there should be a direct train right?" Maleficent squinted, her black nail hovering above a spot on the map. "Yes, the Metropolitan line is direct..." Mal muttered and Maleficent retracted her finger and grasped Mal tightly, dragging her to the gantry.
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