green tea

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Stella followed me with her gaze, as I returned with the tea. Green tea.

I sat down across from her and pushed the tea towards her.

"Thank you," she said and wrapped her hands around the mug.

I smiled.

She was hesitant, before she looked at me. "Well, we don't know anything about each other," she said. "I'm a teacher. High school teacher, in mathematics."

"Oh," I said. "I'm studying for my Ph.D. in microbiology and teaching a few courses."

She looked a bit taken aback.

I smiled, I couldn't help it.

"Then what do you do in your spare time?" she asked.

"I like to read myths, Greek mythology, primarily. And going to the gym with a few friends."

"Interesting," she said. "I hang out with my siblings, my best friend, and I plan on taking a college course in the fall. I, uhm, was taking my master's degree in mathematics and was in a car accident."

"What type of accident?"

"I broke my femur, fractured my pelvis, dislocated elbow and shoulder, and sprained my wrist," I said. The brain swelling was weird to talk about. "So I'd taken, like, one class when it happened, and due to the circumstances, I got my money back. All of them."

I nodded. "What do you wish to do with your master's degree?"

She smiled and sipped the tea. "I like teaching at a high school, but I'd love to take the students to advanced courses, and I'm not allowed to unless I have that master's degree."

"Of course." I said.

"Why a Ph.D.?"

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