The prophecy

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Percy's POV

I had been listening to the Oracle talk gibberish and riddles for almost 30 minutes

I've never had to stop the war

But now I do because of my father who I have never even met

"And see it safely return

You will win the girl
But one has to die " the oracle said finally finishing up

" well that was depressing" I said before walking out

————time jump ——————

"The oracle had confirmed what we expected " said Chiron " that this quest will proceed towards the underworld "

I looked at Laila

She had a sign of anger on her face and maybe confusion

"Where  you will confront the god who has rebelled against his brothers" said Chiron continuing "hades"

"Hey it's not my dads fault Zeus is a bad king" muttered Laila

Chiron gave Her a stern look

"We have found out form Laila that the entrance to hades domain lies under the city of Los Angeles " said Chiron "this is where you will journey to. Time is short"

I nod my head in response

"I have selected our most compelling candidates, from which you will choose three to join you on this quest and ensure that we succe-" Chiron said but I interrupted him

"AnnaBeth and Laila " I say

"Customarily, one waits to at least her a name or two before choosing " said Chiron annoyed "are you sure you don't want to her more"

" this thing. Zeus master bolt , we need to get it back right " I say

"Yes " Chiron saids

"And it will be hard to get , yes?" I say

"Extraordinarily " saids Chiron

"  And if the mission required someone to push me  down a flight of stairs for it to succeed, you'd want someone who won't hesitate when they do it" I say "and Laila is an amazing fighter and is good at everything plus she knows some of the gods and hades so if we would have to convince him to hand over the master bolt Laila would be the person who would be the one for the job"

"AnnaBeth chase and Laila Umbra are the two first quest mates "  saids Chiron 

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