14) Cop a feel

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Her eyes remained closed even when I retreated. The aura of innocence radiating from her was conflicting with my dark and despicable aura, so much that I wanted to tear her to pieces right then and there.
      I had the urge to suck her life and toss her corpse directly to hell where I would forever cage it.

   My destructive thoughts were disrupted by her pounding heartbeats. They drew my eyes down to her chest, and I shamelessly stared at her soft-looking breasts. Her nipples were more erect than an unsheathed sword, giving me dark thoughts of how she'd react if I bit one.
Would she scream, or moan?

  Had she ever even been bitten or groped?

Before I could let my gaze move down to the little red mold, I felt the ice spirit struggling to break through my barrier. She was trapped in the void with no way to the room.

   I ignored her and cupped Mel's jaw.

When she wanted to open her eyes, I buried my lips in hers. This time, I wanted to feed. I absorbed as much energy as I could from the little human. With her around, I felt assured of something like destruction. And after knowing that she had been raised by those gods, the urge to toy with her had grown tenfold.

      The little troll let a low moan slip.
I had not anticipated such an occurrence, but it did stir a certain darkness in my heart.

I placed my hand on her left breast and her firm nipple poked my palm like a needle.

   The female moaned but also tried pushing my hand off the soft mass.
I could only play the delusional game.

   "What?" I asked moving my head back just a bit.

Her cheeks were close to erupting from all the redness that had taken over. What a cute blush.
  How innocent she was.

How clueless she was.

Mel opened her eyes and I gazed into the gray pair that held some moisture.

     "I...I...I don't think this is...right."

"I'm not real, remember?" I whispered while giving her breast a small squeeze.

    "Aldric." She called in a defeated yet sexy voice, and I froze.

"Shh! Let me make you forget."

A teardrop rolled from her right eye before she grabbed the neck of my robe and curled into me.

For the first time in a long time, I didn't know what to do. It took me some seconds to lie down on the bed and gather her to myself.
   "You're so tiny," I said.

"Fuck you!" Mel mumbled incoherently as she continued clinging to me like a scared rabbit.

Ah! That's how it felt. She was little like a rabbit, while I was the big bad wolf that could eat her at any damn moment.
Physically, I was almost double her height, making me the giant.
Well, most humans were short, but Mel...she was damn short. I wasn't sure if she was even five feet.

        "Should I go back?" She asked out of the blue.

Go back?

Yes. Yes. And, yes.

The game would only grow more interesting. I had already figured out the identities of those bloody 'mighty' gods. I was in a better position to fuck with them from all angles... especially through, Melanie.


I appeared in the basement of some human's house and the thick darkness immediately seized me like tendrils crawling all over my skin.

    I snorted, feeling insulted that a lower demon had the guts to touch me, a soul-eater for that matter.

My right palm opened and an orb of blue flames appeared.  The demon shrieked in pain while retreating. It stumbled over the old furniture in the room before crawling on the floor to hide behind a dusty couch.

    "Spare us." It shrieked in multiple voices that irritated me to my core.

Hell flame continued illuminating the room and threatening the demon.

   "Why did you kill humans?" I demanded in an impatient tone.

"We were hungry," the voices answered. "Spare us oh great liege."

"Why are you hiding?"

   "They are looking for us."
They, it was referring to those gods.

  "Go back to hell or I will kill you myself." I hissed and immediately, a circle gateway of red flames appeared beneath me. The floor in the flaming circle disappeared, being replaced by dense darkness.

    The demon came from its hiding, its head lowered from both fear and shame.

It approached the gate in frightened steps.

  As it was about to jump in, I hauled it closer to me, suspending it in the air in a choking position.
"If I smell you here again, I'll have you burn for a thousand years without food or even, death."

    "We...we under...stand," it choked as a red loop began to burn on its neck from my invisible grip.

With that, I let it drop down the gateway.

It disappeared as soon as the demon was gone, relieving me of this unnecessary trouble. I had more pressing things to tend to. Like, feeling those melons once more.

    Oh shit!

The distracting memory of Mel's twins crossed my mind and the orb died out from disrupted concentration.

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