V i n n i e
Fred stood on the door, locking it behind him before heading our way.
"Gin," I called, my eyes still on Fred and on the next second, it was on Ginny who was already looking at me "tell mum I'll be heading back at Hogwarts earlier this year for academic reasons, would you?"
A look of puzzle washed over Ginny's face, "what? Why—"
Without letting her finish, I stood up, Fred was a step beside me. I reached for my wand on my desk and pointed it at Fred's forehead "obliviate" Fred's body dropped down the floor.
"Vin!" Ginny kneeled beside Fred's unconscious body. When her head lift to look at me my wand was already pointed at her "I'm so sorry for this" I cast the memory charm again. A clatter occured when I opened the bedside drawer as I reach for a book portkey to Hogwarts I stole from Dad's drawer three year ago. I wasn't sure why I did but I set interest on it when he had mentioned it one summer a few years ago. I grabbed the box, clutched it on my chest before the portkey took effect. With a blink of an eye, I was in front of the castle. It was still snowing and I wasn't wearing my winter coat, nor even a glove. It was freezing but this is as far as I could get with the portkey, I can't use it to enter the castle so I walked my way inside.
This is the first time I had arrived at Hogwarts without anyone with me, I thought the guard would for sure stop me because I'm back before designed return to school date, but they let me in. There are lots of students in their own house's winter wear wandering about the castle halls. I do miss this place.
I head my way to the Ravenclaw tower, a few students sitting on the fireplace greeted me, I greeted then back. I didn't had time to recognize their faces, I was freezing. I went up to the room Cho, Luna, and I share. They're still at their own home for the holidays.
I quickly head to the closet and rummaged through the things. In my closet, there's only a few clothes left, some of the stuff I took home are burned down so it's also no use returning for a proper goodbye and to have things picked up. A neatly folder sweater placed on the side of my closet gathered my attention. It was the sweater Draco lent me the day I was at the hospital wing. I look at it with a piercing pain on my insides. I closed the closet door. I noticed a ring I was wearing, it was on my ring finger. Draco's Pinky's ring. I took it off and placed it on top of the folded sweater.
I took some of Cho's winter clothes she had left, I know she wouldn't mind me using it anyway, she also uses my stuff so it's just fair.
My body lay flat on my bed, I used my pillow as a hand warmer— digging my hands into the crease of the covers of it. It was almost 8 A.M, explaining that I've probably been out for at least an hour when that brunette-haired-girl showed me something.
I lay down comfortably and sighed. I'd carry on the investigation as soon as I get some sleep.
I woke up and checked what time it was on the alarm clock on the desk by my bed. It was 6:00 AM. I have been out for almost a whole day.
I sat up and immediately headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I took some of the clothes left of Cho's closer that she said she had outgrew.
Later, I found myself wandering about the castle halls, three days only remain before Christmas break ends. I hope I didn't took too much of Ginny's memory. I plan to write a letter to the house after my stroll.
Dean and Seamus are both probably still at their break like Cho and Luna. I'd have extra time to read about the vanishing cabinet dad had mentioned. I went to the library and took a few books that I think might contains information about the vanishing cabinet. Advanced Defense Against The Dark Arts. Advance Rune Translation. Extreme Incantation. As I found a spot and place the books I took on the desk, I saw a peculiar titled book: Confronting The Faceless. I wondered if that contains any information about the faceless girl I had encountered when I started having those visions.
But when I opened it, it's about dementors. I shut it close and place it back.
I remembered taking a book with a very damaged cover page, it's not so readable, but it's about magical artefacts, so I took it. It might contain further information about the vanishing cabinet.
After a few days of wasting my time only reading and writing down the informations I've gathered, the day of when all students go back to Hogwarts have arrived.
I was excited to see my friends, and Ginny, of course. I sent her a letter a few days back and told her to tell mum I was sorry for going with no explanation, and based on her reply, seemed like the memory charm worked.
I stood up and made my way to the entrance hall, the students gathered on the Viaduct Courtyard. I went my way to the crowd, trying to look for any of the four familiar faces I've been wanting to see all Winter break.
"Vinnie!!" A voice shouted. I looked and saw Dean and Seamus rushing forwards to me, I extended my hands wide and Dean hugged me up, spinning my a few circles round before gently placing me back on the floor "how I've missed you" he said. Seamus pushed Dean out of the way and hugged me.
"Where's the boy?" He ask directly on my ear, still hugging me. I hummed in reply "you know who I'm taking about Vin, have you broken up with him?"
"Well, not quite—"
"Not quite?!" His reprimanding voice cutted me. Then I heard another voice.
"Let her rest, you two," it was Cho, she placed her luggages down and hugged me "I'm sure she's trying to figure things out— hey! You're wearing my clothes"
I giggled, Luna appeared from behind me and also greeted me with a hug. The five of us started catching up with stuff that had happened during the winter break, although they had learned not to ask me any further about the incident.
A tall blonde figure caught my attention. Draco. He was wearing his usual black suit and his hair was combed neat. His eyes met mine and I immediately looked away. His eyes changed, not in color, of course. His eyes still glow of blue hue. But it was colder than it usually was. I looked back at him and he was already looking away, talking with someone. She wrapped her hand around him and he'd done the same.
Astoria Greengrass.
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