go with it...

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"WHAT!?" Ben and I yelled at the same time. This summer has been mega weird, but not as weird as this! Grandpa Max just told us that I'm adopted, so me and Ben aren't really related. "I was trying to find a way to tell you guys, Gwen thats why I took you both on this trip this summer, I learned 4 months before summer began. I'm gonna give you two some time. I got to run some erins, I'll be back in 3 hours. Bye, be good.". And with that I have to process this. It was dead quiet for at least 10 minutes until Ben broke the silence "Uh, so, I guess since we're not related I guess I should start by saying sorry." He says, sitting down next to me on my bed. I look up my fiddling fingers and look him in the eyes with surprise "Sorry for what?" I ask "For, well, insulting you. How are feeling with the news?" He asks "In all honesty, alone. I thought I had a family for the past 11 years and now..." He takes my hand "Your not alone, you have me and other people who love you. You'll never be alone Gwen. You think your alone but your not, there are other people who... who are effected by this too." He says. "Yeah, like who, who else is effected by my being adopted?" I ask "Me." He says. I start blushing and look away. Now that I think about it, this is a good thing. Me and him not being related means that it wouldn't be incest if I did, say, have a crush on him. "I, uh, don't know what to say, Ben. Your being so nice about all this and I... thank you." I say looking back at him, he does his smile that gives me butterflys in my stomach. "Anytime Gwen. Anything to see you smile." He says. "But me being adopted isn't all bad. There is one good thing that comes out of this." I say

"What is it? Tell me and I'll make sure you get it everyday! I like you when your happy." He says. I giggle "Come closer, its a secret." He inches closer to me "Just a little closer, and..." I lean in and close the space between us and kiss him. He pulls back imediatly. "S-sorry." I say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "No, I just didn't think..." "Didn't think what?" I ask "I didn't think you felt the same." He says, my eyes widen and I look at him "You mean your ok with me kissing you?" I ask "More than ok, extatic!" He says, we both start laughing and he locks me into a loving embrace. I shiver when he lets go, its kinda cold, we went to a place kinda in the mountins and its really cold. "Whats wrong?" He asks "I'm really cold, what time is it?" I ask "6:30, grandpa should be back in an 2 hours. Why?" He asks "No reason. Could you grab me a pair of pajamas from that droor, thank you." I say, he hands me my blak pajama pants with little white cats on them "I need a shirt." I say taking the pants out of his hands, he goes over to his droor and hands me one of his black and white shirts.

I tell him to go to the other side of the curtin and close it, when the curtins closed I change into my pajamas. His shirt is losse and comfy, I like it. I open the curtin and hes staring at me "Thanks for the shirt." I say "No problem, I've got like a million. Now you step out so I an put my pajamas on." He says walking up to me, I giggle and walk to the other side, "Gwen?" He asks I turn around "Yeah, wh- mmph!" He kisses me, slightly longer than a peck. "Thats all, now go so I can change." I walk to the other side of the curtin. "Done!" I hear him yell, he opens the curtin and in a pair of camoflague pajama pants and his usual black and white shirt. "You look good." I say "So do you, all though for you thats the norm." He says, I giggle. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. I look down "Whats wrong?" He asks "I was just thinking, what are we, and not only that, what will our parents think! What if they say we can't be together, or- or ban us from hanging out or-" He kisses me and cuts me off, he pulls back "I don't care what they think, all I know is I'm with the girl I love. And we're whatever you want us to be, I mean I would love to be your boyfriend but if you don't-" "I would love you to my boyfriend too. Your the best Ben." I say "So are you. And for being the best, you deserve this," He smashs his lips against mine, thats when we hear the door opening "I'm back, how are you t-" He stops when he sees me and Ben lip locked, we imediatly back away from one an other. "Oh, uh, hi Grandpa. Guess whos got herself the most amazing boyfriend?" I ask, holding Bens hand. "Well congrats you two. Dinners in a few." He says. "Gwen?" Ben asks, I turn to him, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer "Where were we?" He asks with a smile "I think we were right here." I kiss him. After we eat dinner, its lights out. Well for Grandpa. Me and Ben aren't ready to go to sleep just yet. I'm laying down next to him in my bed, my head and hand is on his chest, his left arm wraped around me, his right arm is laying across his stomach holding my hand. "Gwen, have I told you I love you?" He asks. "Yes, about every 3 seconds." I say "Yeah, well I just want you to know I love you." He says.

When I wake up the first thing I see is Bens sleeping face. He looks so peaceful. His arms are wraped around my waist, my hands rest on his chest. I can smell the mintyness of his toothpaste. I feel my eyelashes move everytime he exhales. I move my face closer to him and nuzzle his chest. I feel him stirring and look up at his face "Morning beautiful." He says "Morning hero." I say. He smiles at the nickname "Hey, um, I think I have something on my face." He says, I move my face loser to his. "I don't see anything." I say "Just get a little closer." He says, I scoot closer and he kisses me. He pulls back after slightly longer than a peck "Oops, it was just you." He says. I push him back and sit up. "Don't tell me you didn't like that." He says "I won't, but I'm not telling you if I liked it." I say. "Aw, thats no fun. Hey whats up with the watch?" He asks. I turn and look at it, its glowing pink. "Whats with the pink?" I ask "You tell me, its your bed we're in." He says sitting up next to me "Its your watch. I don't know about your alien stuff." I say "Yeah, but it was your hands holding mine last night." He says "Well it was your lips on mine last night." I say "Well... your a good kisser!" He says blushing making his angery face "So are you!" I say, angery myself. "You the best girlfriend ever!" He yells "Your the best boyfriend ever!" I yell "Is it ok if we kiss?!" He yells "I'd like that!" I yell, then surprisingly, he kisses me. I close my eyes slowly. I roll on top of him. My hands cup his face. "What just happened?" He asks, panting, we're both out of breath "Love." I say. I go in for another kiss. I get off of him and we get up. "Whoa thats pretty." I hear Ben say, hes looking out the window "What is it?" I ask walking over to the window, he covers my eyes "Hey!" I say, taking his hand off my eyes "What the heck!?" I say "Stay here, I'll go get it." He gos out of the rust bucket and comes back in 2 minutes "For you." He holds out a beautiful flower...

                                                                                                           "Thank you Ben." I say

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