Stormed Sadness

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Gumball's POV:
I frowned as I heard the call end. "Hey guys, Mom and Dad won't be home for a while, the storm hit hard where they're at, so we need to be careful." I said flopping down in the middle of Anais and Darwin. "What if they're stuck out there...?" Darwin asked quickly. Anais nodded. "Gumball, Darwin has a point." She said quietly.
I felt my ears fall as I walked away to the bottom of the stairs. No no no!!! This is like my dream! I shook my head and let out a sigh. Darwin walked up to me. "Anais and I are going to find Mom and Dad." He said. My mouth opened in shock. "W-what?! It's way too dangerous!" I stuttered. "Gumball, we're going, if you don't want to, then stay." He said firmer, causing me to droop my ears. I began to panic. I'm not going to lose them, especially Darwin!!!
"Please Darwin! Don't!" I pleaded tugging him. "Gumball, what's wrong with you?" He asked as he looked at me in disbelief and annoyance. "Darwin! My dream! No! Don't!" I pleaded again. "Gumball, it's now or never." He said staring at me. I hung my head. What the hell?! He won't listen! I'm going to lose him! I can't let Penny get him!
"I'm coming, do you remember my promise?" I forced the words out as I grabbed his hand. "Anais, stay here, we can't lose you, hold down the house!" I instructed. She nodded sharply. Darwin pulled me outside and closed the door. Rain was pouring, the wind was roaring, and thunder and lightning filled the sky.
I didn't like the rain, not One bit. Even showers were hard for me... Darwin looked at me comfortingly. "I know you don't like water, but it's for a good reason." He smiled gently as we started walking. The rain hit me hard, immediately soaking my head. Darwin had offered me his hoodie, I declined because I don't matter as much as him.
I twitched my ears, they were soaked too, I took a breath and Darwin and I began to jog through the rain. "MOOOOOOOM!!!" I screamed. I could barely see, so I felt weird leading Darwin, but I had to stay strong. "MR. DAAAAAAAAAD!!!" Darwin screamed. Nothing. Absolute silence except for thunder, lightning, and rain hitting the ground.
I gave a growl as the wind blew my hair back, I winced as it blew up against us. I grabbed Darwin's hand tighter, Can't lose him. "You holding up okay?" He asked clinging to me. "Yeah, I should be okay." I said pushing further. "Gumball, I'm scared!" Darwin said gritting his teeth as he began to slip.

I pulled him up. "You have me, I'm always going to protect you!" I smirked as I tried to be positive. It was hard...the dream was here! Here. Here... A crack of lightning hit the sky. "Gumball!!!" Shouted a voice."Darwin...DARWIN!!!" I whipped around. "Penny!" I snarled. She hoisted him up by his hood, he kicked at her, but kept missing. I let out a desperate cry.
"LET HIM GO!" I screamed standing in front of her, I could stop her! "I want to see you suffer." She growled throwing Darwin down. I felt anger course through me. "HURT ME INSTEAD!" I screamed punching her, she slipped and I had the advantage to help Darwin up. "Are you okay?" I said shakily. He didn't answer, just clung onto me. I took a shaky breath as I kissed his cheek softly.
"Not a bad idea!" She said kicking my foot down, causing me to fall, slipping on the slick hard surface of the sidewalk, I bared my teeth at her. Darwin was still standing up, he looked terrified. I felt a kick to my side. "Aghhhh!" I groaned. "You traitor." She snarled slapping me, a fast pain hit me, causing me to wince. "I always knew you loved him more than me!!!" She hissed pulling me up and throwing me back to the ground. I gave another groan but made myself look to Darwin, who was crying."DARWIN! RUN!" I screamed.
He looked at me and helped me up. "I WONT EVER LEAVE YOU GUMBALL!!!" He screamed grabbing my hand. God! Let me get hurt, not Darwin!!! I looked at him teary eyed. "RUN DARWIN!" I said turning away from him. "NO!!!" He screamed. I felt my heart race, I faced him again, he tried to hug me, I pushed him away. His gentle eyes faded into deeply hurt and broken eyes. My heart shattered. "RUN!" I growled harshly letting tears fall down my cheeks. He looked at me, hurt, and ran, ran away.
I sat on the curb, letting myself cry. What was worse? This...Or my dream? I felt somebody sit beside me. "Please go away Penny." I growled covering my face. I saw her nod out of the corner of my eye as I let my shoulders sag. She walked off, leaving me all alone. I was expecting her to hurt me, but instead she just left. I gave a sigh and started walking, I didn't know where I was going, but I ended up at the park, huddling under a tree to take shelter from the rain. The lightning had stopped, so I'd be okay.
I trembled, I was cold from the rain, and my heart ached. I didn't want him to get hurt! I still love him! I never broke up with him, I just wanted to protect him! I leaned my head against it and let out a cry. "Get yourself together." I mumbled wiping my face. I winced as the wind blew harder, blowing my hair, I gave a shiver.
I grabbed my knees and let my inner emotions escape, causing me to wail, scream, cry, and hit the ground. The storm only continued, booms of thunder making me jump, rain making me shiver, and wind making me freeze.
Headlights came into view. "GUMBALL!!!" Screamed a voice. Mom...Mom...MOM!!! I got up and ran to the car, feeling my body shake uncontrollably as she got out and hugged me tightly. "Let's go home." She murmured helping me into the front seat. "M-Mom! Wh--Where's e-everyone a-at?" I stuttered crying. "At home honey, it's okay." She said patting my back as we drove home.
When I walked into the house, I told my mother I needed to be in my room. I shut my door and shook my wet hair and fell face first into my pillow and cried. Cried, cried, and cried. My body just began to shake even harder. "Gumball, what happened?" Anais asked gently as she made her way in, looking at me in concern. I explained everything and she nodded.
"Let me handle this." She said leading me over to the closet, before I realized what happened, she locked me in. "ANAIS!" I yelled. But I just slumped down and grabbed my knees and tried to ease my unsteady breaths. I'm a fool, I only wanted him to be okay... I didn't look up as Anais opened the door, then closed it. I tried to squeeze my eyes shut harder, but they opened.
I looked over. Darwin. My breath caught in my throat. Anais locked it, ignore him. I turned my gaze to the ground, but looked up at him. "D-Dar-Darwin!" I stuttered. He looked at me and sat down beside me. "I'm-I'm s-so sor-sorry!" I sobbed as I threw myself onto him. I felt him rub my back. "Shhhh Gumball it's fine." He whispered. "N-No! I-I was me-mean!" I sobbed grabbing his body.
"Gumball, you only did it because you love me." He said running a hand through my hair. I tried to breath calmer. "I really-really love you." I said kissing him. I felt his face grow hot, mine did too, but I gave a laugh as he kissed me back. "I love you too, I'd never stay mad at you." Darwin promised kissing my nose.
I started to feel better. "Darwin, in my dream...Penny nearly killed you, a-and I'm such a scaredy cat for saying this but I'm scared to lose you. You're my everything, my world." I frowned as I saw him think. "I'm sorry, that must've hurt you, I should've listened to you about staying home." He whispered snuggling beside me. I closed my eyes. "As long as I'm with you, there's no place I'd rather be." I said letting out a purr.
"Gumball, I love you, forever and always." Darwin said thoughtfully. I rolled over and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Darwin, I'd be lost without you." I murmured letting my arm drape around him, my stomach buzzed with butterflies and I felt okay. Darwin rested his head on my shoulder, so I snuggled up and looked down at him. He's my everything.
To Be Continued...
A//N: Okay so that was like a chapter I write at 2:00 in the morning when I feel sad :((((( but anyway this tore me up like fukkkkk I can't cope. But anyway I'm making more chapters, GumWin will always survive, because it's beautiful and my heart explodes for them!

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