Chapter Nine

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Ahh, well, I decided to put a bit more action in this book before I end it. The only reason I'm ending it in about, say 2 or 3 chapters, is because I would like to focus on my other Alphonse book "Through the Eyes of a Soul."

Please do not be upset over the shortness of this book! I would just like to work on my newer books, so I can keep it coming with my newer ideas! Do not fret, for this book isn't over quite yet. And when it is, you can keep on reading it!

And, this chapter won't be too long because it's a filler. It's maybe about half as long as the other ones, but it's equally as romantic. 



After a couple of days, [y/n] got to feeling better. I was so relieved that she was alright, because when people get sick like that, my mind wanders to what happened to mom. And if [y/n] were to meet that fate, I would never forgive myself for not helping her sooner. There's just one problem.

I have to leave the house today.

"But Brother!" I whine loudly, upon hearing his plans for the two of us. "I don't wanna leave, I dun wannaaaa!" I sniffle at Brother's non-changing mind. I guess he was right; getting our bodies back was extremely important.

But my body isn't as important as [y/n] is to me! I just don't know how to tell that to my brother.

"No buts, Al," Brother scolds. "It's going to be hard for me to leave, too...that's why I don't like relationships in this situation! They slow us down, and I'm hoping to get your body back this next trip! I'm determined to do it, Alphonse!"

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say to him. He was just so bent on getting our bodies back to normal. Plus, maybe if I went on this trip, and defeated the homunculi, [y/n] could be at peace at last.

And I'd have a body! 

"Go on, go and say goodbye," Brother suggests, almost heartlessly. I sigh sadly, and walk off to the other room where I saw [y/n].

"Hey Al," she waves, and I go to sit beside her. She must've noticed something was off, or whatever, because she gives me a worried look. "Is something wrong?"

"I-I-I have to leave today!" I sniffle, getting upset. "B-brother and I are g-going back to-to try and get our b-bodies....b-but I don't want mine w-when I can have you instead..."

"Hey,getting your body back is far more important than me," [y/n] insists. "I promise, you'll regret it if you just went for me, and didn't get your body back."

"N-no I wouldn't!" I cry out. "I want you...." I sound like a small boy clinging to his mother, but it was true. Every single word I was saying.

[y/n] starts to blush a bit, and her eyes get a bit teary. But, she doesn't cry. It wouldn't be out of sadness, anyways. She'd be crying tears of joy, by the looks of her huge watery smile. She was just too gorgeous.

"I-I've never had somebody want me that badly before," she whispers. I smile softly, and agree. That's how I felt before I met her.

"So, what about this," I begin, finally finding a solution after panicking. It was those moments where you felt extremely stupid for not thinking of it before. "W-will y-you...." I take a small breath, and realize just how hard this is.

"I-I know I-I'm being selfish a-about this...b-but...WILLYOUBEMYGIRLFRIEND?!" I yell, all in one breath. [y/n] beams at me.

"Yes!!" she cheers. "I will I will I WILL!" She starts getting super happy, and side hugs me. "I got a boyfriend! Finally!!"

I chuckle and hug her back, but still feel selfish. I ask her to be my girlfirend, but then I have to leave. Brother is doing the same to Winry, but, I didn't feel okay about it.

Until she kissed my helmet, and I started to blush like a maniac.

"You do-don't mind that I'll have to you?" I sniff, hoping she wouldn't. Because I felt just plain terrible about this, yet, I was happy to have her.

"I don't mind at all," she smiles. "In fact, I'll be rooting for you to get your body back. Right here, at home. Waiting for you."

This was already a serious relationship.

Because, she was the Winry, to my Edward.

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