St. Aegolius Academy For Orphaned Owls (St. Aggie's)

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St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls, or St. Aggie's, is a home for "orphaned" owls, who are really snatched from nests. They apparently planned to control the owl universe, but they were conquered by the Pure Ones. Questions (and, by extension, knowledge in general) were spronk, or forbidden. Their motto was, "When Truth Is Found, Purpose Is Revealed."

Battle Claws Chamber

Little is known about this area other than that it contains the battle claws harvested from battlefields, and that the owls working there learn to care for the battle claws.


The eggorium is an area where all the eggs that have been snatched are organized by species and sent to the hatchery.


The glaucidium is a "deep box canyon." It has ramps going up the sides for the sleep march .It is here that the sleep march occurs during full shine. This is also where occurs.


The hatchery is where eggs from the eggorium are sat on by owls called "broodies" until they hatch. The hatchlings are then given a designated number and taken to a pit.


The inventorium is where all the assorted materials from the pelletorium are organized and brought into the library. It branches off of the library. This is also where Gylfie and Soren learn to fly.


The library contains thousands of flecks and hundreds of books. No one is ever allowed inside other than Skench and Spoorn, the Ablah General and her first lieutenant. It is guarded day and night. It was here that, with the secret help of , a Boreal Owl, and learned to fly and escape from St. Aggie's.


The pits at St. Aegolius are where snatched owls spend their time when they are not on duty or in the glaucidium. There are dozens of pits for owlets but only about two for newly arrived mature owls. Each pit has a pit guardian, whose job is to be nice to the owls and bribe them with treats and naps to put that owl in their debt and, in extension, in that of St. Aggie's in general.


The pelletorium is a box canyon like the glaucidium where owls dissect pellets and take out certain materials that the owl has ingested. There is a strict hierarchy here: newly arrived owls are third-degree pickers, and they pick for larger objects, such as pebbles, bones, and teeth. Second-degree pickers take out feathers and fur, while first-degrees look for , little magnetic metal bits. When Soren and Gylfie were at the pelletorium, their guide was a Screech Owl whose number designation was 47-2. One strict rule is that owlets cannot pick their own pellets. Another rule is that you must line the objects neatly. If an owlet fails too do so, he or she is punishable by the most severe methods.

Moon Scalding Chamber

The moon scalding chamber is where the owls who resist moon blinking go. It is made out of rocks and bounces to moon's shine all over the chamber. Owls usually only go there if they work in the eggorium or if they resist moon blinking. As the name suggests, the owls go in there to be . The only way to resist is to recite the legends of Ga'Hoole.


Number ceremony and specialness 

When an owl first arrives at the canyons, it is given a number instead of a name, such as 12-1, 12-8, or 47-2. This is called the "number ceremony." Eventually, an owl will gain a name instead of a number (example: Grimble was once 28-5). This ceremony is called "Specialness."

Sleep march

The Sleep March occurs during full shine, when the moon is at its fullest. All owls are forced to march and repeat their names, which causes them to become not names but words with no meaning. At regular intervals, the command is issued for all owls to tilt their heads upward and sleep. This leads to , which erases an owl's individuality, and they become mindless slaves of the St. Aggie's owls. Ways to keep from being moon blinked are to think about certain things (such as flying) and not fall asleep and to stay under the shade to evade the moon.

Moon scalding

Moon scalding is a process in which an owl is placed in a certain chamber during full shine where the walls reflect all moonlight towards the owls, which is similar to moon blinking, only it is much more powerful. It is rarely used, mostly when an owl is discovered not to be moon blinked or when an owl is being moved from the hatchery or eggorium to another assignment. A way to counter moon scalding is to repeat the legends of Ga'Hoole in your head or under your breath.

Laughter Therapy

Laughter therapy is used when an owl asks a question. The owl is then carried up (painfully) to a ledge, while the owls below laugh at the owl until the air is shaking with laughter. Then the owl in question is plucked and delivered to a nurse while he or she heals.

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