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Xing Xing, Su Xing...

This name is like a key, opening up sealed memories.

Scenes of getting along with Su Xing emerged one after another, and the small figure filled his entire memory.


Su Jichen stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the sleeping Su Xing, but when he was about to touch his cheek, he restrained himself and stopped.

No wonder he couldn't hurt this human cub. He was restricted by a will stronger than his predatory instinct, which was a father's love for his child.

The children's clothes, food and toys in the space were all collected for Su Xing, the skillful boiling of water and cooking was for Su Xing, and the mutated animals were kept by Su Xing for protection...

He was worried that he, controlled by his appetite, would harm Su Xing. Thus blocking the memory.

But he never thought that having lost his memory would drive zombies all over the city to collect crystal nuclei. After receiving the news about superpowers and mutated animals reported by zombies, he would drive all zombies to flood into the hotel.

If Su Xing hadn't been powerful and protected by mutated animals, he would have died in the zombie wave long ago.

He wanted to protect Su Xing, but he became the culprit who hurt him.

I remember Su Xing saying "My dad is a superhero" with admiration and longing in his eyes.

Su Jichen covered his face, feeling ashamed.

Su Xing thinks he is a great hero who protects the world, but he doesn't know that he is the biggest monster.

Perhaps, the best way to protect him is to stay far away and never appear in Su Xing's world.


Su Xing had a nightmare, dreaming that his adoptive father left in the rain and never came back.

He woke up from his dream and saw his adoptive father sitting beside his bed, burying his face in his hands and sinking into the shadows that could not be illuminated by the bedside lamp.

"Dad?" Su Xing changed her voice softly, holding onto her adoptive father's clothes with her little hands, carrying some fear left in her dream.

Su Jichen calmed down and raised his head. He saw Su Xing's hand holding his clothes tightly and the uneasiness in his eyes. He held Su Xing's hand and asked in a gentle voice,

"Are you having a nightmare?"


Su Xing turned sideways. Facing his adoptive father, he said in a low mood:

"In the dream, my father went out and never came back. My father left me forever."

If there hadn't been a city-wide collection of crystal nuclei, Su Jichen, whose memory was sealed, might really not have gone back. They were separated forever.

Su Jichen leaned over and took Su Xing into his arms, caressed his back, and comforted:

"That was just a dream, dad... will not leave the stars, never."

If Su Jichen was still hesitant before, his departure Is it better for Su Xing?

When he saw Su Xing, who was frightened awake by the dream of him leaving and was still in panic, he completely gave up the idea.

After receiving his adoptive father's assurance, Su Xing gradually relaxed under the gentle caress of the palm on his back, and sank into his adoptive father's arms.

"Dad is still up so late, is he worried that zombies will attack again?" Su Xing asked.

Since the end of the world, he has rarely seen his adoptive father sleeping.

His adoptive father seemed to be always awake, either going out at night to guard the world, or staying by his bedside to protect him.

Dad must be worried about their safety because he couldn't sleep at night.

"Yes... yes, I'm worried about zombie attacks, so it's better for me to stay and keep vigil."

The Zombie Emperor said.

"There are animals taking turns to keep vigil. Dad, don't worry too much. The door is also closed and locked. If there are zombies attacking, we will hear the sound. Then I will burn them with fire!"

Su Xing raised his hand and smoothed Su Jichen's brow.

"Dad doesn't have to put all the pressure on himself, I can also protect him."

"Well," Su Jichen believed in Su Xing's strength, "Xingxing is very powerful and can protect himself and his father."

"Then dad, please go to sleep. After staying up all night, my skin has lost all color."

Su Xing poked his adoptive father's face, which was so cold that it felt completely cold.

Is it possible to sit in the house on a rainy night like this and not get cold?

He quickly lifted the quilt and said, "Dad, come in quickly. Cover yourself with the quilt and you'll be warm."

"I, no need..."

Su Jichen wanted to refuse, but Su Xing held his arm and dragged him inside, so he could only obey him. With all his strength, he got into bed.

Lie on the bed and cover yourself with a quilt.

Su Jichen lay stiffly on the outside, not daring to have any contact with the warm human cub next to him.

"Dad, won't you take off your coat?" Su Xing asked closer.

Su Jichen secretly pressed down the quilt and used it to separate the two of them.

The clothes he was wearing were newly changed after giving Su Xing a bath tonight.

Although his memory was sealed at that time, he still habitually put on a leather trench coat that could not easily transmit body temperature.

Such clothes are certainly not suitable for sleeping.

Su Jichen couldn't find a suitable reason, so he could only say: "I'm used to it, it's more convenient."

Hearing what his adoptive father said, Su Xing knew that his adoptive father was still worried about zombies.

Sleep neatly dressed. If there is a zombie attack, just lift the quilt and get out of bed to immediately enter combat mode.

Whether it's attacking zombies or transporting them, it's very convenient.

But the comfort of sleeping like this is obviously very low.

Su Xing wanted to persuade him, but when he saw his adoptive father's body tense and lying like a stone, he knew that lying down to sleep was the limit he could accept.

Su Xing could only say: "Dad must sleep. You can't keep vigil secretly. If you don't sleep well, you won't grow taller."

These were the words his adoptive father used to coax him to sleep.

Su Jichen, who had stopped growing for a long time, nodded seriously, "Okay, I will definitely sleep."

Su Jichen said and closed his eyes.

As a zombie, it was not difficult for him to lie down all night with his eyes closed, but he just couldn't look at Su Xing.

But I can feel Su Xing more closely.

His smell, his breathing, his heartbeat and body temperature were all so clear.

"Good night, dad." Su Xing came closer and kissed his adoptive father on the face, then lay back and closed his eyes to fall asleep.

Su Jichen suddenly opened his eyes.

There was still a warm touch on his face, and under his perception, the heat became more and more obvious, as if there was a flame burning.

After a while, Su Jichen whispered: "Good night, Xingxing." During

the day, Su Xing's powers were greatly consumed, and Su Xing fell asleep very quickly. In just a short while, his breathing was steady and he fell into a deep sleep.

Listening to Su Xing's steady breathing next to him, Su Jichen thought seriously about the future.

I don’t know how long these days can last.

The bodies of zombies are very different from humans.

Even if he has a high level, he will no longer be corrupted.

But skin color, body temperature, breathing and heartbeat...every aspect is very different from humans.

Su Xing relies on him, cares about him, and likes to stick to him.

One day, Su Xing will discover that he is different from humans.

Until then, what should we do?

Su Xing regarded him as a superhero. If he found out that he was actually a zombie and the biggest monster, he would definitely not be able to accept it.

What will Su Xing do then?

leave him? Or kill him?

Su Jichen hoped it was the latter.

He came to this day all because of Su Xing.

Ever since he cut off the handcuffs, he has been living for Su Xing.

If Su Xing no longer needs him, there will be no need for him to exist.

He also hopes that after his death, his crystal core can be swallowed by Su Xing.

Let him accompany Su Xing in another form.

Su Jichen stayed awake until dawn with his eyes closed.

Plan your own death soberly.


The next day, the heavy rain was still falling.

The city's drainage system cannot handle the high rainfall, and water has accumulated on the ground.

Su Jichen looked at the water on the road and saw that the uppers of the shoes were just submerged.

The floor they live on is high enough. Even if the water comes up, he can move Su Xing there. It's not a big deal.

Su Jichen thought of the supplies in the car and quickly forgot about them.

He doesn't care about humans outside of Su Xing.

The flooding of materials due to heavy rain is force majeure. The base area should also understand, right?

If they couldn't understand, he would use his spiritual powers to help them understand.

What Su Jichen didn't expect was that someone came from the base.

The long motorcade drove into the safe zone.

The only house with lights on attracted the attention of the convoy, which was heading this way.

Su Jichen spread his mental power to explore.

Most of the convoys are people with super powers, and a few ordinary people are also well-trained warriors holding weapons.

Nearly half of the base's armed forces are here.

What do they want to do?

Su Jichen's eyes were cold.

As he devoured the crystal core and increased his level, the impact of the rain on him was no longer as great as before.

He could restrain the desire to kill for Su Xing.

But if these people have bad intentions, he doesn't mind getting rid of them.

The motorcade stopped downstairs, and Xia Shang got out of the car with a group of superpowers and entered the building.

"Captain Su! It's great that you're okay!"

As soon as he saw Su Jichen, Xie Shiyun stepped forward excitedly and asked at the same time:

"Where's Xingxing? Is Xingxing okay? I was worried to death when I knew you met the Zombie Emperor. "

Seeing that the joy on their faces didn't seem to be fake, Su Jichen, who went downstairs alone to prepare for the battle, quietly removed his spatial ability and released these people who were unconsciously pulled into the inner space.

"Zombie Emperor?" Su Jichen was wary, but did not show any emotion on his face.

"They are powerful zombies that can command other zombies."

Xie Shiyun was unprepared and told everything he knew:

"The 'prophet' predicted that you would fight the zombie emperor. Have you met it?"

Su Jichen didn't know what the prediction was . The specific situation was from the perspective of Su Xing's experience:

"Yesterday, a lot of zombies poured into the hotel where we live. Maybe it's related to the Zombie Emperor you mentioned."

"Yes, it's the Zombie Emperor!"

Xia Shang asked, "You guys How did they escape?"

Su Jichen thought for a while and said, "Xingxing and the mutated animals were trapped on the rooftop by zombies. The fire from Xingxing burned them all, and the zombies dispersed."

He did not say where he was at that time.

But in the eyes of superpowers, mutant animals are equal to him.

It was equivalent to him fighting with Su Xing.

"Just like in the prophecy, the fire burned everything so that the Zombie Emperor could not harm Su Xing."

Xia Shang guessed: "Su Xing's flames can restrain the Zombie Emperor, and the Zombie Emperor retreated on its own initiative."

"So that's it." Su Jichen said. A sudden realization.

"Doesn't this mean that the stars are the zombie emperor's nemesis?"

Xie Shiyun was delighted, "As long as the stars are there, the zombie emperor can't cause any trouble!"

Su Jichen nodded, "That's true."

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