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The father of the Zombie King’s cub...has no body temperature?

No, no, no, it must be the high temperature of his own palms, which makes his father's hands extra cold.

Su Xing tried to calm down and put her hand on her adoptive father's left chest to feel his heartbeat.

No, no matter how carefully he felt, he couldn't feel his heart beating.

Are the chest muscles too thick? Or is he pressing in the wrong position?

Su Xing kept adjusting the pressing position, and his fingertips suddenly touched a hard object, like a small bottle.

Su Xing put his hand into his coat and took out a small white medicine bottle from the inner pocket of the other person's coat.

There was blood on the small medicine bottle, and the blood blurred the label on the bottle. Su Xing didn't know what kind of medicine it was.

Carrying it around your heart like this must be very important medicine.

Such as cardiotonic pills or quick-acting Jiuxin pills.

Su Xing unscrewed the medicine bottle and poured the medicine into the palm of his hand.

There is only a small transparent pill inside.

It is said to be a pill, but it looks like a gem, crystal clear.

Su Xing had never seen such a medicine before. It was so beautiful that he couldn't take his eyes away and wanted to eat it in one bite.

Su Xing shook his head to get the strange thoughts out of his mind.

He picked up the jewel-like pill and stuffed it into his adoptive father's mouth.

But the adoptive father’s teeth were locked tightly, so no matter how hard he tried to stuff the baby, he could only stuff it under the other person’s lips and couldn’t feed it in at all.

Su Xing was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead.

Su Xing glanced at the medicine bowl before, picked up the bowl, ran to get some water, and fed the water little by little into his adoptive father's mouth with a spoon.

Even if the water cannot deliver the medicine directly, it can still dissolve the medicine. Every little bit you can take in is a little bit.

After feeding him two spoons of water, Su Xing stretched out his fingers and pressed around his adoptive father's mouth.

He didn't touch the hard pill-like object, so he must have eaten it.

Just when Su Xing retracted his hand, a big cold hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

The unconscious man on the ground opened his eyes.


The effect is so good!

It works faster than antipyretics.

Su Xing was pleasantly surprised.

Even though his adoptive father's eyes were slightly dull and unfocused, he didn't feel anything was wrong.

No matter who wakes up suddenly after being burned to the point of coma, he will be confused for a while.

Su Xing shook his clasped hand in front of him.

The man immediately turned to his hand and opened his mouth sharply.

Su Xing thought he wanted to drink water, so he handed over the medicine bowl filled with water.

But the man's head stretched out too quickly, and his teeth collided with the wall of the ceramic bowl, making a crisp sound.

"Ho, ho hoo -"

the man roared eagerly, biting the edge of the bowl with a clang, and water flowed down the side of his face, soaking his clothes.

Su Xing quickly advised him, "Dad, don't be impatient, drink slowly."

Hearing Su Xing's voice, the man stopped suddenly, and then stepped back suddenly, hitting the wall behind him heavily.

If Su Xing hadn't stuffed a pillow behind his head before, he would have suffered a concussion from this collision.

Due to his sudden reaction, most of the water in the bowl spilled onto the clothes around his waist and abdomen.

You should know that there is also a laceration on his waist.

Su Xing quickly opened the bowl to the ground, pulled out a handful of paper towels, lifted up the hem of his adoptive father's clothes, and wiped him carefully.

"Roar!" The man arched his body and backed away, preventing Su Xing from touching his wound.

"Did I hurt you?"

Su Xing was at a loss and annoyed, "I'm sorry, Dad."

"Come on, huh, it hurts."

Su Xing lowered his head and came closer, wanting to blow his adoptive father's wound.

The man reacted even more.

He raised his hand suddenly to block it, and his elbow hit the bed frame, making a loud sound that was painful.

Before he touched Su Xing's head, he immediately retracted his hand and put it behind his back as if he remembered something.

He arched his body to avoid it. There was a wall behind him and there was no way to retreat, so he shrank his body under the bed.

However, his left hand was handcuffed to the bedside frame. He could not shrink his whole body under the bed and could only get stuck there in a weird posture.

Su Xing was stunned.

He just wants to purr his daddy.

Why did Dad resist him so much?

Is it because he accidentally hurt his father and his father hates him?

Tears gathered in Su Xing's eyes.

The man who was still adjusting his posture and trying to hide his head under the bed froze.

"Ho... don't, don't cry, Xingxing, don't cry."

The man spoke with difficulty.

It's like trying to find words and pronunciations and piece them together from vague and fragmented memories.

It was okay if the man didn't speak. As soon as he started to coax him, Su Xing couldn't help but sob and cry.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, dad doesn't like me anymore..."

"I, I like, and most of all, I like the stars."

The man said firmly, one word at a time.


Su Xing wiped her tears and looked at him with wet red rabbit eyes.


"Then why are you avoiding me? You don't let me wipe you dry, and you don't let me purr you." Su Xing asked.

The man paused and said slowly: "Afraid of itching."

Su Xing blinked his big eyes in shock.

How could a tall, strong, serious man like my adoptive father be ticklish?

"Then...Dad, wipe it yourself." Su Xing handed over the tissue he was holding.

If you rub it yourself, it won't itch, right?

The man curled his fingers, held the tissue between his knuckles, and took it.

Meeting Su Xing's shining eyes, the man held a tissue and said, "You, go out first."

"Huh? Dad, are you shy?"

Su Xing covered his eyes, spread his fingers, and said, "I can't see it. Look, get out now."

Su Xing stood up and left the room, closing the door thoughtfully.

The room fell into silence, and the fresh breath of flesh and blood was blocked out.

The man clutched the tissue in his hand tightly, closed his eyes, and tried his best to restrain his manic and bloodthirsty instinct.

"Dang Dang Dang."

Su Xing came to the door holding an insulated lunch box.

The lunch box was so heavy that he had to use both hands to hold it. He couldn't knock on the door and had to do artificial dubbing.

"Have you finished wiping? Dad, can I come in?"

Su Xing held the lunch box and hooked the door handle.

In the room, the man who still maintained the previous posture opened his eyes instantly.

"Roar -"

"Don't! Come in!"

"Don't, come in?" Su Xing repeated in a low voice, confused, "Do you want to let in or not?"

The man slowed down for a while, organized his words, and said:

"Dad is a little tired. Xingxing can eat by himself, is

that okay?" "Well... okay."

Su Xing turned around holding the lunch box. Thinking of something, he immediately turned back and said to the door:

"Dad's injury requires going to the hospital, right?"

"No, just apply some medicine and it'll be fine."


I always feel like the injury was serious.

Su Xing struggled for a while and chose to believe her father.

He returned to the room and sat down at the small desk.

Open the insulated lunch box.

The food was still warm, and the heat and aroma wafted out.

It smells so good. It smells so good.

Su Xing took a deep breath of the aroma of the food, almost drooling with greed.

His body in this world has been eating human food, but most of his soul has not eaten such food for a long time.

He took out a plate of scrambled eggs with green onions, a plate of shredded potatoes, and a plate of stir-fried beef from the lunch box.

Su Xing hugged the lunch box filled with rice, picked up the spoon and started using it.

After eating all the food, until his stomach was full until he could eat no more, Su Xing let out a sigh of satisfaction.

It’s so delicious, I want to eat food like this for the rest of my life.

This is what humans should eat.

Before his adoptive father came out of the room, Su Xing cleaned up the debris on the table and put the lunch box in the kitchen.

After looking at the closed door of his adoptive father's room, Su Xing silently returned to his room, picked up the dinosaur book on the table and started reading.

At the beginning, Su Xing would unconsciously think about when her father would come out.

After reading half a page of dinosaurs, he became fascinated and gradually fell into it.

He likes these kinds of books.

He has read through all the books donated to the orphanage. The dinosaur books and popular science books on animals and plants are his favorites. The colorful animals in the books opened up a whole new world to him.

Su Xing was so absorbed in watching that he saw the sunset and dusk, and the light gradually dimmed.

Su Xing rubbed his eyes, closed the book, walked to the window and looked into the distance.

Their home is on the 23rd floor, but the view outside the window is not good. A residential building blocks most of the space in the front left, and there is also a building blocking the right front. Only through the gap between the two buildings can you see the green in the distance.

It was almost dark, but the two residential buildings opposite were completely dark. Only a few had lights on.

Su Xing saw a disheveled figure walking around in one of the rooms with lights on, bumping against doors and windows from time to time, as if he was suffering from mania.

Su Xing was startled by the strange person.

I wanted to open the closed window to get some air, but gave up when the strange person looked over.

He drew the curtains, blocking the view from the other side.

With the dim light, Su Xing walked to the door and turned on the light.

A sudden bright light illuminated the room, and the warm light passed through the open door and onto the closed door opposite.

Su Xing walked over and knocked on the door, "Dad, have you had a good rest? Let's make dinner."

After a while of silence, a low and hoarse voice came from the house.

"Xingxing, eat the cake first, okay?"

Su Xing was reluctant, "But I want to eat hot food."

The lunch meal was so delicious.

That kind of meal with various condiments is incomparable to snacks such as cakes.

Human beings should eat dishes with salt, oil and various seasonings.

That’s the food people should eat!

"And Dad, aren't you hungry? You haven't been out all day."

Su Xing suddenly remembered that before he left, his adoptive father was handcuffed to the bedside frame, and he had groped his body, but he didn't have a key.

"Ah! Dad, have you unlocked the handcuffs?"

Su Xing eagerly opened the door and entered.

Then, Su Xing saw his adoptive father with only his handcuffed left hand exposed.

Not only did the adoptive father not remove the handcuffs, he didn't even come out from under the bed.


Is it comfortable to lie under the bed?

Or... is dad playing hide and seek with him?

Su Xing walked to the bed and lay down on the ground. He turned his head and met his adoptive father's eyes under the bed.

He smiled happily.

"Dad, I found you!"


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