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Su Xing never expected that the baby dragon would do such a thing.

He thought that the baby dragon would pounce on him, try to bite him, try to eat him... These behaviors were consistent with his understanding of the baby dragon, but in the end, it turned over and exposed its belly to him?

After coming to the volcano for so long, Su Xing has never seen another dragon showing its belly, and this is the first one besides him.

Wait, isn't this dragon just imitating him?

So, is it being coquettish and cute towards him?

Su Xing had to admit that he was struck by cuteness for a moment.

As long as you ignore the sharp claws of the young dragon, its infantile white dragon appearance is indeed very cute.

Moreover, the white dragon's pupils are much lighter than the black dragon, and are not as oppressive as the black dragon. When it turns over, the pupils dilate and appear less narrow, and the light golden eyes reveal the ignorance and innocence of a cub.

The thought of "so cute" just came into Su Xing's mind, and then he was frightened by his own thoughts.

If he had never been in contact with dragons and had not seen the ferocious side of this young dragon, he might really be attracted by its cuteness at this moment and regard it as a harmless cub.

But Su Xing has lived in this volcano for more than a month, living next to dozens of ferocious dragons. He knows very well how cruel, irritable, and aggressive creatures dragons are.

He also saw with his own eyes that this young dragon showed its fangs and claws and chased its prey at extremely fast speeds.

What a coincidence, he was the hunted prey...

Su Xing subconsciously took a step back.

As soon as he stepped down, he found that the back was empty, but it was too late... A feeling of weightlessness came, and he fell off the black dragon's tail and sat down on the ground.


My feet seemed to be sprained.

The black dragon, which had been holding back for a long time, was finally able to move, and its tail suddenly swept across, sending the young dragon up the wall.

Then he immediately stretched out his claws to catch the fallen fur ball.

Seeing the young dragon being whipped out and smashed against the stone wall, Su Xing, who was gasping in pain, stopped sobbing.

Ah this...

he didn't leave the black dragon's tail on purpose.

He had been standing on the tail of the black dragon before, just to let the baby dragon finish eating the dried fruits and leave. Unexpectedly, the baby dragon not only did not leave, but lay down in its original state.

A ferocious beast cub that almost killed him rolled around and acted cute in front of him. It was really scary!

After all, it was because of himself that the young dragon was beaten. Su Xing felt apologetic and took a few more pieces of dried fruit into the carapace and threw them to it.

The black dragon swung its tail and slapped the ground.

Even if the little fur ball took new dried fruits into its mouth, it could not make it soften its attitude towards the young dragon.

Su Xing had a sprained foot and lacked the strength to throw the dried fruits, so the dried fruits fell very close to each other.

I thought that the young dragon would not dare to come over to eat, but I didn't expect that while it was picking up the black dragon to eat the dried fruits fed by Su Xing, it rushed up quickly and turned into a white afterimage.

The black dragon's reaction was also very fast. Even though his head was still touching Su Xing, his tail slapped out as if it was automatically searching for the enemy.

The young dragon, which had been whipped several times, had learned to avoid it. It suddenly lowered its body, ducked under the swinging black tail, and bit into the dried fruit.

Although it ended up being whipped away by the tail that was turned back, it still ate the dried fruit.

The young dragon fell from the wall, shook its head, ate the dried fruit in its mouth, and then looked for an opportunity to pounce on the food again.

Su Xing stood within the protection range of the black dragon, watching them fight back and forth.

Calling it a "confrontation" is actually not accurate. The black dragon obviously did not regard the young dragon as an opponent and did not take it seriously. It just flicked its tail habitually, as if to establish a consciousness for the young dragon that "if it gets close, it will be beaten."

The young dragon also grew up rapidly under such beatings. Although it could not completely avoid the black dragon's tail every time, its running speed, reaction ability, and dodge skills were all improving visibly.

If it had just hatched out of its shell and was still a hunter relying on instinct, now it can already look for opportunities and formulate tactics, and it has already taken the form of an apex predator.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the black dragon did not act cruelly, otherwise it would have fallen to the ground and not been able to get up.

Except for the time when the young dragon chased Su Xing, the black dragon hit it harder, smashing the young dragon into the stone wall and creating a crater. At other times, the young dragon smashed into the wall and fell off, immediately acting like a normal dragon.

Even so, the young dragon's ability to withstand beatings and its growth rate frightened Su Xing.

The black dragon's reaction was indifferent, and he didn't even look in the direction of the young dragon, as if it should be like this.

That's how it should be.

Because they are dragons.

For the first time, Su Xing felt the difference between him and other dragons so deeply.

Not just in appearance, but more fundamentally different.

He could never be as focused, calm, and persevering as other dragons.

When he first met the black dragon, he was just flicked out by the black dragon's claw tip, and he almost failed to survive.

If the black dragon had whipped him away with its tail like it did to this young dragon, he...he would definitely die on the spot.

Fortunately, the black dragon would never treat him like this.

In front of him, it was always the most gentle and reliable mother dragon.

Hug Mom.

Su Xing spread his wings slightly, put them against the black dragon's cheek, and rubbed against the scales on its face.


The black dragon turned its majestic golden vertical pupils. After rubbing the little fur ball, he slowly turned his head and took a deep breath.


Being kissed by my mother, I felt shy.


The other two dragon eggs broke out of their shells one after another in the next two days.

This is the first nest of dragon eggs to break out of its shell in the entire volcano.

Newly hatched baby dragons routinely search for food in caves.

Su Xing already knew the terror of newborn baby dragons, so he stayed far away from them and stayed in the protective circle surrounded by the black dragon's body.

No young dragon dares to snatch food from the mouth of an adult dragon.

Su Xing stuck to the mouth of Heilong's mother: "?"

Who is food? !

So, they aimed at the carapace filled with dried fruits and plant seeds, and were whipped away by the black dragon's tail.

The young dragons that broke out of their shells first did not participate in their activities, but focused on their eggshells early on.

When the two young dragons were pushed to the wall, they were holding the egg shells and chewing them.

The young dragons are very smart. They tried several times to no avail, and discovered that the young dragons that had broken their shells earlier were eating their eggshells. They quickly joined in, snatched the eggshells, and began to eat them.

Su Xing felt inexplicably greedy when he heard the crisp chewing sound.

Many animals have the habit of eating eggshells, even birds.

After the young bird hatches, the adult bird couple usually eats the eggshell of the young bird, not only to avoid missing any edible food, but also to supplement calcium.

But Su Xing looked at the thick dragon egg shell and felt that he probably couldn't bite it, so he gave up.

He doesn't have such sharp teeth and terrifying bite force like these white dragon cubs.

Two eggshells can only feed the young dragons for one day.

The next day, Su Xing got up from the nest and stretched his limbs, and saw the baby dragon lying down skillfully towards him and exposing its belly.

The black dragon's tail was placed quietly in front of the egg nest without throwing it out.

Over the past few days, the young dragon has tested the black dragon's tolerance for him.

This range is not fixed, but changes with the position of the little fur ball and the black dragon's mood.

As long as it keeps a sufficient distance from the little fur ball and the black dragon is not in a bad mood, it will not be beaten.


​Stay vigilant, and every time you give it food, you stand in the protective circle of the black dragon's tail and throw it out.

The food fed is sometimes dried fruit, sometimes large nuts.

Those huge nuts that Su Xing couldn't chew open for a long time could be broken into pieces by the young dragon in one bite, and the shells and nuts were eaten together.

Su Xing threw the round nut, and the nut rolled far away.

Hearing the sound of nuts rolling, the two young dragons who were hiding behind the rubble at the entrance of the cave immediately rushed out and pounced on the nuts.

But their movements are not as fast as that of the largest baby dragon. Even if it still needs to turn over and let its limbs fall to the ground, it is also the fastest and most agile among the three baby dragons.

The largest young dragon grabbed the nut in one mouthful, turned around and bared its teeth at the two young dragons that came around, and let out a threatening roar from its throat.

The two young dragons who had been hungry all night did not dare to take food from the giant dragon's mouth, but they were not too afraid of this nest brother who was only two days older than them.

The two young dragons looked at each other, reached a consensus instantly, and attacked the largest young dragon from different directions.

The young dragon was not panicked at all. It was stronger than them and had two more days of beating experience, which was enough for it to cope with the attacks of its two younger brothers and sisters.

Two days doesn't seem much big, but in nature, two days is sometimes the boundary between life and death.

Younger, stronger babies can crowd out later-born babies and grab more food.

When food is insufficient, smaller cubs are likely to starve to death due to lack of food.

The big baby dragon nimbly avoided the attack of one baby dragon, used its body to knock the other one away, and at the same time crushed the nuts in its mouth.

The evaded young dragon turned around and pounced on it, biting it on the back.

The baby dragon was in pain and tried to throw it off but failed, and another baby dragon also rushed over.

Even though it was bitten by two young dragons, it did not spit out the food and swallowed the nuts despite their attacks.

As the three young dragons fought, the crisp sound of two nuts falling to the ground was heard.

The three young dragons all turned their heads.

I saw two nuts rolling towards them, and further away, a small warm yellow fur ball stood on the tail of the black dragon and chirped anxiously.

The three young dragons rushed towards the nut together.

This time, the largest baby dragon hesitated for a moment to open its mouth because there were still crushed nuts in its mouth. As a result, it was a step too late and another baby dragon took away the nuts that it had stepped on.

The young dragon: "?!!"

He was so angry!

The young dragons fought again.

Su Xing: "..."

It's numb, let's destroy it.

The only good thing is that no matter how hard the young dragons fought, they knew to stay away from the edge of the cave entrance and did not fall into the lava.

Black Dragon pushed himself up and stood up slowly.

Su Xing thought it couldn't stand it any longer and wanted to stop them, and suddenly looked at the black dragon expectantly and nervously.

He hoped that the black dragon could separate them, but he was also worried that the method chosen by the black dragon would be to sweep them all down into the magma.

The reality is that the black dragon didn't even glance at the lump of young dragon. He only grabbed the carapace, sent Su Xing steadily in, and flew him out of the cave.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment and then realized that it was time to go out to hunt for food.

Su Xing looked back.

The young dragons ended their fight and came to the entrance of the cave together. They looked up, raised their heads and howled, flapped their wings and tried to fly up, but could not get off the ground.

Soon, the largest baby dragon leaned most of its body out of the cave. It rested on the cliff wall, dug its claws into the cracks in the rocks, and began to climb up.

The other two young dragons followed suit.

Su Xing was horrified to see it.

There was surging magma underneath, and three young dragons crawled up the cliff.

There was a little baby dragon that didn't have a firm grip and slid down for a while. Fortunately, it grabbed the rock in time and stabilized its body without falling into the lava.

Perhaps because the dragon eggs were about to break, many dragons did not go out to hunt for food and chose to stay in the caves.

When they hear a noise, they will stick their heads out of the cave entrance and attack all dragons passing by the cave entrance indiscriminately.

The three young dragons climbed up little by little in such an environment.

They are born to use their claws to climb steep rock walls, and they also instinctively know to avoid caves where adult dragons live, and they do not hesitate to spend more time getting around those cave entrances.

Su Xing didn't know if they could successfully climb up, but in the blink of an eye, the black dragon had taken him flying out of the volcano.

The dark red magma disappeared from sight, and the icy cold wind poured in from the top.

Ever since the invading chameleon bit his carapace, his carapace had changed from a luxury car to a semi-convertible. As soon as he was taken flying, the cool wind poured straight into it.

Su Xing shrank his neck and got into the animal fur blanket.

The thick animal skin blanket blocked the cold wind, and only the whistling wind could be heard.

Soon, the wind stopped and the carapace was lightly knocked.

Su Xing poked his head out of the blanket and saw green moss everywhere.

It has not snowed for several days. The weather is getting warmer and the snow has melted a lot.

The iceberg is still white, but there is almost no snow near the volcano. Moss spreads on the black volcanic rocks like a carpet.

The black dragon went to the lake with the dragon group to hunt for food, and Su Xing enjoyed the food on the moss ground.

He took out some dried fruits and melon seeds, spread them on the moss, cracked a white melon seed, and took a bite of the moss.

He was still a little worried about the young dragons and looked in the direction of the crater from time to time.

I watched it many times but never saw the baby dragon.

Maybe climbing up such a high volcano is still too difficult for them. I hope they can find a place to stay and don't fall into the lava.

If they were still hanging on the stone wall when he went back, he could still force the black dragon mother to save them.

If you fall into the lava, nothing will happen.

Just when Su Xing gave up staring at the volcano, out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a dot of white appearing in the crater, followed by two or three dots of white.

Su Xing looked up in shock.

I saw three small white dots standing on the black volcano, and those white dots were moving downwards quickly.

Young dragons run on the bare volcanic cliffs.

The little dragon running at the end tripped over its own forelimbs and rolled down into a ball, quickly overtaking the two brothers who were still running on their legs.

The second little baby dragon seemed to have learned a new way to travel, and took the initiative to roll itself into a ball and rolled down.

The biggest baby dragon: "..."

It was determined not to play with two fools.

It spread its wings as it ran, feeling the wind passing under its wings. It flapped its wings and gradually flew up.

The target of the young dragons is the large lake at the foot of the volcano, while Su Xing is on the moss ground on the right side of the volcano.

The young dragons who were eager to rush to the lake did not notice that there was a white carapace placed on the moss ground on the other side, and a small warm yellow fur ball stood in front of the carapace and stared at them.

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the young dragons didn't notice him.

The mother of the black dragon was not around, and he didn't want to come into contact with them. It was too dangerous.

Although he had fed them food and had seen them acting coquettishly in order to beg for food, he was still afraid of their sharp teeth and claws and did not dare to be alone with them.

The young dragons came to the lake and jumped into the lake like the adult dragons who hunted on the lake.

The first time he failed, as soon as he fell into the water, he hurriedly waved his limbs and flapped his wings and crawled back to the shore.

But they will try again and again until they learn to hold their breath underwater, learn to fold their wings and swing their tails to sneak, and learn to hunt down prey and bring it back to the lake in one bite.

They always grow very fast, and not long after, a young dragon emerged from the water with a blue-black animal in its mouth.

It wasn't a fish, more like a lobster-like arthropod.

Small things that adult dragons despise are delicacies for young dragons.

Two little baby dragons approached and tried to grab the food in its mouth, but were slapped away by the baby dragon protecting the food.

The little dragon didn't bother anymore. There was food everywhere, and as long as he worked hard to catch it, he wouldn't starve.

At first, the young dragons only moved around the lake shore, but soon they let go, swimming farther and farther, and the time they spent underwater became longer.

Gradually, Su Xing could no longer find them.

Su Xing was not worried. With the strong adaptability of the young dragons, the possibility of drowning was very small. As for being eaten by the big fish at the bottom of the lake... it seemed not impossible.

Su Xing recalled the big fish that the black dragon had preyed on in this lake. That head was as big as a dozen young dragons put together, and it had a mouth full of teeth. It was a carnivorous fish.

If a young dragon encounters such a big fish in the water, who will win?

Su Xing imagined a scene of a young dragon fighting a carnivorous fish, with both sides going back and forth and attacking each other.

This infers various possibilities.

Sometimes the

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