Chapter 16

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During lunch, Clara found Sam in the same spot she usually retreated to, away from the prying eyes and ears of their colleagues. The air between them was filled with the usual buzz of the precinct at midday, but Clara's approach carried a sense of urgency that immediately signaled to Sam that this was no ordinary conversation.

"Sam," Clara began, her voice low, ensuring their conversation remained private amidst the cafeteria's din. "I thought you should know, I had a chat with the gang leader we picked up last night. The man is a wreck."

Sam feigned a casual interest, sipping her coffee. "Oh? What's got him so shaken up?"

Clara leaned in closer, her expression serious. "It's the vigilante. Our friend was ready to spill his guts about everything and anything. Said the vigilante threatened to burn him alive, said it with a kind of conviction... like he'd been through it himself. Like what the Taliban did to him."

Sam kept her face neutral, but her mind raced at Clara's words, confirming the narrative she had carefully woven into Alex Mason's mythos was taking hold.

"The most interesting part?" Clara continued, her eyes scanning the room before focusing back on Sam. "He was terrified, Sam. Said he'd rather be locked up for life than risk running into the vigilante again. Begged for it, practically."

Sam raised an eyebrow, the facade of surprise slipping on easily. "That scared, huh? Must have been some confrontation."

"It was what came next that got me," Clara said, a hint of satisfaction creeping into her voice. "With very little... persuasion, he gave up a name. Officer Henderson. Our mole, the one protecting the operations from the inside."

The revelation struck a chord in Sam, the pieces of the puzzle Clara had been trying to solve for so long finally starting to fit together. "Henderson," she repeated, the name leaving a bitter taste.

Clara nodded, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Yeah. I'm handling it discreetly for now, but Sam... this is big. Something about it doesn't sit right with me. I might look into it further."

Sam placed her cup down, her mind already turning over the implications of Clara's revelation. "Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you," she commented, her tone light, belying the storm of thoughts raging within.

Clara sighed, pushing her tray away slightly. "Yeah, but it's progress. Anyway, just thought you'd want to know. This vigilante, Alex Mason... he's stirring up a lot of dirt, dirt we needed to see." Clara, pausing as if weighing her next words carefully, turned back to Sam. "Henderson is a problem, yes, but he's not the point. It's Alex Mason. He's becoming a symbol, and not necessarily a good one. What do you think about him? As a detective, I mean."

Sam, prepared for the question, responded with the calmness she had maintained throughout their conversation. "Well, from what I've seen online, opinions are mixed. Some see him as a hero, taking on the crime the police can't or won't touch. Others see him as just another criminal, no better than those he's targeting."

Clara listened intently but seemed disappointed by Sam's noncommittal response, seeking something more concrete. "And you? Where do you stand, Sam?"

"I think... it's complicated," Sam said, her tone remaining neutral. "He's taking risks, making waves. But at what cost?"

Clearly not satisfied but not pressing further, Clara leaned in, lowering her voice. "Look, Sam, between you and me, I'm considering forming a small team to look into this Alex Mason. Off the books, after hours. I could use someone with your... unique perspective. Interested?"

Sam hesitated for a mere second before shaking her head, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "I appreciate the offer, Clara, but I think I'm starting to really enjoy my nightlife. The... freedom it brings," she said, carefully selecting her words.

To punctuate her point, Sam pulled up a photo on her phone, showing it to Clara. It displayed her and a handsome social media figure from the previous night, their closeness suggesting more than just a casual encounter. "Met this guy last night. I usually don't see the same guy twice, but... I might make an exception for him tonight."

Clara looked at the photo, then back at Sam, a mixture of concern and resignation in her eyes. "I see. Just be careful, Sam. This... lifestyle, it can consume you."

Sam nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I will, Clara. Thanks."

As Clara stood to leave, Sam offered her a grateful nod, a silent acknowledgment of the risks Clara was taking. "Thanks, Clara. Be careful, okay?"

Clara offered a wry smile in return. "Always am. You too, Sam."

As Clara walked away, leaving Sam to her thoughts, the weight of their conversation settled heavily on Sam's shoulders. She had deflected Clara's concerns and invitation with practiced ease, but the reality of her situation was far more complex than anyone, even Clara, could understand.

The decision to keep her dual life as Alex Mason a secret from Clara was a necessary one, fraught with risk and burdened with loneliness. But it was a path Sam had chosen, one she walked with a clear understanding of its dangers and its potential to bring about the change Angel City desperately needed.

For now, Sam Gray would continue to play her part as the carefree party girl, her nights spent in pursuit of justice masked by the guise of seeking pleasure. And as for Alex Mason, his crusade against the city's underworld would carry on, undeterred by the whispers of suspicion or the threat of pursuit from those he had once called allies. The line between hero and criminal might be blurred in the eyes of the law, but for Sam, the clarity of her mission remained sharp: to cleanse Angel City of its corruption, no matter the personal cost.


Officer Henderson, his voice barely more than a whisper, spoke urgently into the phone, the shadows of the precinct's parking lot enveloping him. "They know, Lorenzo. Those dealers, they folded. Clara's onto me. I don't know how long I can keep this up."

On the other end of the line, Lorenzo Moretti's voice was calm, a stark contrast to Henderson's panicked tone. "Officer Henderson, you knew the risks when you got involved. But listen, with this vigilante, this 'Alex Mason' on the prowl, the streets are no longer safe for our kind. The whispers online... they're saying he's merciless."

Henderson's breath hitched at the mention of the vigilante, Alex Mason, a name that had become synonymous with fear among the ranks of the Godfather's operation. "I... I know about Mason. But you can protect me, right? You said you would if anything ever happened."

Lorenzo chuckled, a sound devoid of any real humor. "Protect you? My dear Officer Daniels, considering Mason's reputation, perhaps jail might be your best refuge. Have you not seen the online chatter? He's a man on a mission, a mission that doesn't bode well for traitors and those who've wronged him."

Henderson swallowed hard, the gravity of his situation sinking in deeper with Lorenzo's every word. "So, what? You're saying I should just turn myself in? Go to jail?"

Lorenzo's chuckle turned colder, more menacing. "Considering your options, jail might indeed be the safest place for you right now. At least there, the vigilante can't reach you. He's become quite the boogeyman, hasn't he?" The mockery in Lorenzo's voice did little to ease Henderson's growing sense of dread. But it was the next words that truly sent a chill down his spine. "Don't worry about your family, Henderson. We'll take care of them. But I strongly advise you not to entertain any thoughts of selling us out. You know the consequences. And remember, our reach extends far, even behind bars."

The threat, thinly veiled as reassurance, hung heavy in the air. Henderson was trapped, the reality of his situation settling in. He had no allies here, caught between the law on one side and the unforgiving machinery of the Godfather's empire on the other.

"Understood," Henderson managed to say, his voice barely audible, a mixture of defeat and resignation.

"Good," Lorenzo replied, the finality in his tone signaling the end of the conversation. "Turn yourself in, Henderson. It's your best move now. And remember, we're watching."

The line went dead, leaving Henderson alone in the dark, the weight of his choices pressing down on him. The prospect of jail as a sanctuary from the storm he found himself in was a bitter pill to swallow, but Lorenzo's warning about his family left him with little choice. As he made his way back into the precinct, Henderson knew his days of freedom were numbered, and the shadow of the vigilante loomed larger than ever, a specter of justice that had turned his world upside down.

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