Ch 18. The Fu...

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The sun had not quite risen, a fading dawn still evident on the horizon.

Dani woke to a light tapping on her window, only a faint light shining in. It took a few taps, light, and spread out moving into a faster, aggressive rhythm to get the girl out of her bed. Dani didn't even think, shying to the seat accompanying her bay window, opening it to let a blonde, pogue boy into her bedroom.

JJ hopped into her room quietly, taking a few moments to adjust to the dark light of the girl's bedroom; Dani stood to the side, closing the window behind him. What the girl did not realize, however, was that the cropped shirt she wore to sleep rode up as she reached to pull the window back down, giving JJ a clear view of a purple bruise on Dani's side.

It was dark in Dani's room, but the growing morning light illuminated the area enough, besides, JJ knew what a bruise looked like.

Dani turned back to face JJ, curiosity etched clear on her face, but before Dani could get a word out JJ moved toward her, grasping her wrist gently.

"Dani, stop me now or I'm going to kill him."

Dani's confusion only grew, her head tilting to the side, "What are you tal..." the girl gasped as JJ let go of her wrist, bringing his hand to rest on her side, covering the spot where he saw the deep bruise.

There was nothing Dani could do. She could not pretend to not know what JJ was referring to, she could not deny who had hurt her.

Dani sighed, defeated, "Look. It's... It's okay. I'm fine. And now... Well, he's over it now, so I'm good for a while, well, as long as I do what I need to, but..." Dani caught herself before she could ramble any longer. "I don't want you to worry. It really isn't that big of a deal. He was mad, and he let it get to him and I was the only one around to take the brunt of it," Dani shrugged her shoulders, trying to make light of the situation. She moved JJ's hand from her waist, "What are kids for, you know?"

It was the wrong thing to say, however. JJ shook his head aggressively, his voice raised slightly and his hands on his head, "Yes! I do know! Dani, you need... Jesus. You need to go to the cops. Hell! Let me at him. I just... Holy shit, Burton. You of all people know this isn't normal, or good, or right!"

Dani raised her voice slightly, matching JJ's tone, "As if you went to the cops!"

JJ groaned, "My dad is a known criminal, there's nothing they could or would do about it. You know that!"

"JJ, I don't know what you want from me!"

"What I want is for you to admi..." JJ's voice turned serious again, he took on the same quiet tone Dani's father had managed, the anger so evident not even screams could do it justice, "How bad?"

Dani flinched slightly, "JJ, it wouldn't do any good..."

"Dani," JJ closed the distance between the teens, his voice still quiet yet he had dropped the anger from his tone. The two held their faces so close together that if either moved an inch their lips would brush, "I need you to show me how bad."

"JJ. Just drop it, please!" Dani begged, "I know you came here for a reason. Let's just focus on that, keep my family drama out of it."

"Burton, we really do need your help. Otherwise, I would be actively beating the shit out of your father," JJ whispered, "But the fact remains, we are not doing anything until you show me. I will hold my ground, John B can survive and complete this mission without us, and so if I have to wait you out all day I will."

Dani was a ball of nervous energy, about John B, about trying to avoid JJ's inquiry.

The girl could only whisper, the air in the room practically gone, "What happened?"

"I will drop this, for now, I promise, but I need you to show me your side. Please, Dani."

JJ sounded small as he begged the girl, trying so desperately to get her to trust him.

Dani dropped her eyes to the hem of her shirt, lifting it slowly so that JJ could examine the rainbow of black, blue, purple, and green that fanned across her stomach, twirling at her sides till the bruises faded out at her lower back.

JJ noticed that as Dani lifted her arms, she was trying desperately to swallow down a wince. It was incredibly brave of the girl, to act as if she were fine and not in pain, but it was also stupid.

JJ's voice was still faint, his heart beating faster and faster and his lungs completely devoid of air. He gestured to the girl's hand on her shirt, "Can I...?"

Dani only nodded, allowing JJ to take over, lifting the cropped shirt completely over Dani's head. 

Dani stood in her room, donning a blue, wireless bra. The girl should have felt uncomfortable, or shy, but there was nothing sexual about the matter and Dani could only feel relief that someone cared for her. Besides, Dani trusted JJ. Perhaps more than she had ever trusted someone before.

JJ said nothing as he examined the girl, noticing the swirls of bruising along her torso, along with the unmistakable imprint of a hand on Dani's shoulder.

JJ took a step back, allowing Dani to catch a breath she didn't know she needed, "Meet me and JB downstairs, dressed, ready to go. We'll explain everything on the way. Can you be ready in five?"

Dani nodded, still unable to comprehend what was going on.

"Oh, and Burton, I've promised you I'll drop it, so I will. I also... I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to, but I need you to hear this because every damn person on this island would back me up here. You are so damn special. You're smart, kind, forgiving and selfless, almost to a fault. You are funny and sarcastic, and annoying but also so incredible to be around. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you are not any one of those things, especially someone that's supposed to love you," JJ took a deep breath, "I swear to God, Dani." JJ moved forward once more, placing a quick, gentle kiss on Dani's cheek.

JJ retreated to the window, so fast it was as if he were escaping lava. The action shocked Dani's core, leaving her in such a state that she barely heard JJ's "Okay, I'll see you in 5."

Five minutes later Dani was downstairs in the Twinkie. JJ and John B sat in front, JB driving silently toward the wharf as JJ explained what had happened in not even the 12 hours Dani was apart from the pogues. Surprisingly, JJ acted as if nothing happened, completely holding up his promise to drop it.

"...And then Pope jumped onto the truck as Rafe pulled away and I don't know where he is, but Kie texted and was like 'My parents are pissed I am never home and threatening me with wilderness camp.' You know Kie, it's always yada yada with the Carerra's. So then John B and I are racing after Rose's car 'cause she drugged and kidnapped Sarah. And so we ended up in a high-speed car chase following Rose all the way to the wharf and then came to yours because well, we couldn't just not have the gang together. This is a damn rescue mission after all. I just hope Pope and Kie somehow linked up, because I can't get in touch with either of them, but you know we were already over here cause of the whole Sarah, Rose, and Rafe chaos."

Dani's attention fluctuated in and out, but she did gather the gist of what had happened. The pogues were on a rescue mission, target: Sarah Cameron. Oh, and Pope and Kie were MIA.

John B pulled the Twinkie behind a shipping container on the outskirts of the loading dock. He turned to JJ, earnestly pleading with the boy to shut up, "JJ, sincerely, stop talking. I think she gets it."

JJ whipped his head to where Dani sat silently in the back of the van, "You good, Burton?"

"I'm good. Sarah was kidnapped, and we three are the rescue team. Rafe got the cross and Pope went after him. Now Pope is awol and Kiara is also MIA because she had to go deal with her own issues."

JJ turned to John B shrugging, "Yeah. She's got it."

The three teens snuck alongside the Twinkie, following a truck into the wharf's gated area. Dani and the boys snuck alongside the large vehicle, narrowly missing security and running along the large bits of machinery and shipping containers strewn about the yard to hide.

John B planted himself behind a table-sized container, looking out toward the water. A large steamship sat glaringly, docked on the water.

JJ turned his eyes to where John B focused his gaze, "Shit... Wait. The Coastal Venture. Dude, I know that ship. My dad did legs on her last summer. It's a total tramp steamer. I worked on her in port."

John B pointed, prompting Dani to set her gaze on the boat, "There's the cross. Right there. Look."

Dani watched as an unmistakable Rafe Cameron stood on the boat's dock, assisting a crew in lifting a wooden box onto the Coastal Venture's deck.

JJ rolled his eyes, "God, I hate that guy."

Right beside the ship, Rose Cameron exited a nice sedan. Sarah Cameron was practically forced out of the backseat, a random man pulling her to her feet. The blonde teen looked pissed and half-awake while she was forcibly guided onto the large boat.

"There she is," John B whispered, "JJ, we gotta come up with a plan."

"I know. I'm working on it."

"Okay, I know we're pressed for time, but I'm also here, and I am also capable of coming up with a plan. Likely a better, smarter plan than the two of you!"

JJ barely spared Dani a glance as he spoke, "You're right, sorry, Burton. But if we get over to that barge, then we go over. We'll have to get into the water, though."

"That's fine."

"Then we're gonna be sitting ducks."

Dani rolled her eyes, staring so hard at the boat as if she could will a plan to magically appear in her mind.

"Howdy," a voice from behind made all three teens jump.

JJ held his hands up, his breath short as he placed a hand on his chest, "Whoa! I was about to stab your eyes out." JJ took two fingers and jabbed them in the air.

Kiara laughed, "You look scared as shit."

Kie's laugh was contagious, prompting Dani to chuckle along with her friend, she was still annoyed at the boys anyway, "How'd you guys even find us?"

"Geolocated your phone."

"Huh, smart."

Dani shifted her gaze to Pope. The boy was covered in dirt and what looked like blood smeared on his forehead, "Oh, my God. You okay? What happened?"

"Rafe, round three."

"You freaking kidding me? Again?" JJ placed a hand on Pope's shoulder, visibly offended.

"This was a tie."

"You good?" John B asked.

Pope ignored John B's inquiry, his gaze intently watching the swinging wood box hanging from a crane aboard the Coastal Venture, "Is that the cross?"

"Yep," John B glanced at Pope, "And they're holding Sarah hostage."

Kie shook her head in disgust, "We have to get on that boat."

JJ walked behind the four teens, directing their gaze to a crew of men packing a shipping container to the side, "First we gotta get past the goon squad."

John B shifted to the side, "Okay, let's move. Come on." The pogues followed, leaving Pope standing alone, "Pope, what're you doing?"

"I have an idea. Just trust me."

"No, hey, stop running! We gotta go, dude," John B pleaded with Pope.

"Trust me, man. Go. I'll meet up with you guys. Go."

Pope jogged away, leaving Dani, JJ, John B, and Kiara to watch his retreating figure confused, frustrated, and increasingly worried. The four friends continued to shimmy along, trying their best to get closer to the boat while still adequately hiding from the miscellaneous men strewn about the port.

Dani's attention was instantly drawn to the air, as an explosion rang out above her. The pogues watched as fire and busted metal rained down around them. They crouched down, trying to avoid the chaos.

A fire alarm sounded, prompting the many workers to rush toward the source of the explosion. The men yelled random orders at each other, but the pogues paid them no attention.

Kiara watched the bodies dissipate from the Coastal Venture's entrance ramp, "It's working."

Pope ran toward the teens, sliding his body behind a large rusted anchor. JJ threw his hands in the air, speechless.

"Pope, what was that? Huh?" John B placed a hand on Pope's shoulder. The two friends talked in hushed voices, leaving Kie, JJ, and Dani out of the loop.

Pope pointed toward one of the large shipping containers sitting on an 18-wheeler, it was wide open, sitting patiently on the dock. "Look. That container's going on the ship. We can get in that way. Are you with me?"

"You're a genius."

John B turned to his friends, determination set on his face, "Let's go. Hey, this way. Come on. Come on."

The five friends ran, unsure where to but following John B all the same. JJ stood against the back of the open shipping container Pope and John B had stopped before. The blonde boy peeked his head around to determine if they were going to get caught in their run across the port.

"Wait. They're right there."

Pope jumped in the container, ignoring JJ's warning and leaving JJ and the girls to watch him, puzzled.

JJ shook his head slightly, grasping what Pope planned to do, "Wait. Whoa. Did you think this through?"

"Yes. This is the plan," Pope nodded, absolute conviction in his tone.

Dani could feel her chest begin to squeeze. If Dani were to get in the container, she didn't know when or where or how she'd get out.

JJ came to the same conclusion as Dani, his voice raising, panicky, "That's a trap right there. We can't get out once we get in."

"I know!"

John B stepped in front of Dani, JJ, and Kie, grasping JJ's shoulders and locking eyes with each teen, "You guys don't have to come. Right?"

Pope nodded, "Right. This is our fight."


Pope stuck out a hand, helping John B launch himself into the container.

JJ and Kie turned to each other, nodding in agreement.

"Nothing to lose?"

"Nothing to lose."

Pope stuck a hand out, helping Kiara inside, "Guess it's better than boarding school."

JJ placed a hand on the open door, ready to prop himself in as well, but the frozen girl standing outside caught his attention.

JJ let go of the door. His feet still on solid ground, the blonde boy turned to where Dani stood, quiet, contemplating.

JJ snapped his gaze back to the pogues in the container, his voice low when he spoke, "Give us just a minute." The pogues began to protest. "I promise this won't take long."

JJ grasped Dani's hand, leading her beside the shipping container, a not quite hidden place.

The two teens remained holding hands as JJ started in, "Burton, we need you."

Dani blinked back tears, the tight knot in her chest refusing to ease up, "JJ, I don't think I can. It freaks me out too much. I don't know where we're going, or what's going to happen on that boat. And besides, we'll be stuck in there. I just..."

"Listen, I know. Okay, I know it sucks. Hell, that is the last place I wanna be, but... Look, I don't know what is going to happen when we get in that container and get on the ship, but I can't leave you on this island. Dani, I can't leave you here."

Dani knew JJ was referring to her father, a sigh escaping her lips, "JJ. I will be alright with him. I've lived seventeen years like this, I can certainly live a few more..."

JJ cut the girl off, "That's not... Dani, I need you! I can't lock myself in a dark, hot container with no escape and not have the one person I can turn to with me! And... Ugh. That's so goddamn manipulative and cruel to say, but..." JJ looked almost embarrassed, cutting his words off sharply. He refused to look at Dani, his gaze locked on his feet instead.

Dani felt a piece of her heart break and glue itself back together in mere seconds. She knew that she had no choice but to go, if not for JJ, then for Pope, for John B, for Sarah. Hell, screw Rick Burton.

Dani kept her hand interlocked with JJ's, letting her free hand cup JJ's cheek, forcing the blonde to look at the girl. "Okay."

JJ looked upset, a mix of guilt and hope and guilt for feeling hope flashing on his face at once, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Dani moved, leading JJ back to the container, "Now, let's go before we get caught."

JJ nodded, the two teens silently jogging back to the shipping container's entrance. JJ once again placed a hand on the door, pulling himself into the large box. Once inside, the blonde stuck a hand out helping Dani launch herself inside.

The knot inside Dani's chest had not fully disappeared, but it was certainly smaller, and more controllable.

Dani and JJ scooted back, finding the other teens resting in a hole they found toward the back of the loaded container. The unmistakable sounds of sirens penetrated the dense metal box, cluing Dani and JJ to the fact that they made it to their destination just in time, narrowly avoiding getting caught.

A man's voice rattled through the container, "Looks like they got it under control."

Each pogue held their breath, keenly aware that attention on the container meant they could be found at any second.

Another voice rang out, "It ain't under control unless we get these containers loaded.

The pogues could see the rays of a flashlight shining sporadically around the container. Each teen closed their eyes tight and made themself as small as possible to avoid being hit by the light.

"Okay. She's good to go. Lock her up."

"Keep a short line on that one."

"Looks to be okay though."

The doors slammed shut, locking the teens in total darkness. Dani could make out the faint outline of JJ and John B silently fistbumping.

"This is the last one. Get her over there."

"We're gonna keep it shut down until it's checked out."

The unmistakable sound of an engine roared to life, followed by a loud clanking on metal. Dani held her breath as the box began to move, the truck maneuvering itself in place so that the crane aboard the boat could lift the container up.

"We gotta be on the dock now," JJ whispered.

"Shh," John B stood from where he had previously been crouched down. The boy searched the container deciding to push a barrel to the side to reveal a small window allowing some sunlight to penetrate the dense metal walls.

More metal clanking sounded around the teens, growing louder and becoming more consistent.

"What's that?" Pope stood this time, curious as to what was happening. However, his reign was short-lived. The box had officially been attached to the crane, the object aboard the Coastal Venture lifting the container into the air.

Pope fell atop Dani, who was pressed into Kiara's side. JJ and John B were practically spooning, the sway of being dangled in the air did not allow for anyone to balance themselves.

Miscellaneous grunts and groans escaped the kids, eyes were shut tight and hands grasped anything solid they could find.

"Jesus Christ!"

It was only about a minute of misery before the box slowed down. Voices sounded once more outside of the container, leading the pogues to believe that they were soon to touch down atop the ship's landing.

"He's swinging it around."

"I'll get on the horn."

"Right there."

An extreme jostle noted the final descent about the Coastal Venture, a pile of bodies strewn about whatever available space existed.

"You're good!"

"That's it."

Another series of loud clanks and bangs sounded around the outside of the container.

"We made it. Though. Ow, my head hurts like a motherf..."


"Be quiet JJ."

JJ snapped his mouth shut, listening intently to the

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