Ch 10. Chaos, Lies, and Revelations.

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Shouting punctured the air, a man's voice screaming wildly, "Neville! Neville Persaud!"

Neville and the teens stood frozen. They sent a quick prayer that perhaps if they made no moves or no sounds the men outside would move on.

Unfortunately, it was, well, a futile wish.

A gunshots rang out as the men outside aimed a singular shotgun at the houseboat. Dani dropped down instantly, covering her head with her hands, simply unaware of what JJ, John B, or Neville were doing.

Several more shots rang out, one after the other, purposeful.

"Jesus!" JJ screamed over the noise, clutching his ears.

"Oh, my God."

Neville lifted his head, shouting toward the teens, "Get the anchor! Go!"

JJ nodded, grabbing the machete from where it had fallen to the ground. He crawled forward slightly, letting John B pass him as they followed Neville's fast-moving form. The blonde stopped in front of Dani, grasping her hands gently and pulling them from her head. JJ's voice was calm as he spoke, a soothing mask of fear specifically crafted for Dani, "Listen. You're gonna follow me and John B to the water. Okay? Then you're going to stay covered in the brush until we get their boat and can get the fuck out of here. Alright?"

Dani nodded, her eyes glancing frantically around her.

"Burton. I need to hear you."

Dani nodded once more, speaking softly, "Got it."

"Okay, come on."

Dani and JJ crawled through the kitchen toward the exit at the front of the boat. They slipped into the shadows, shuffling quietly along the back corridor and circling the boat till they could safely climb down the ladder and back into the water.

The instant Dani's body hit the water, she was swimming underneath the full trees, hiding in the lurking shadows. She watched as JJ and John B slipped away once again, circling the houseboat and enacting whatever terrible plan they had silently concocted.

Dani waited for several minutes, hardly able to see. She could hear weird banging sounds, but no one screamed, which seemed to be a good thing.

Suddenly, the houseboat engine started, the motor spinning fast underwater. Dani could feel the change in current from where she tread. "Shit." The girl muttered, watching as JJ, who stood halfway up the ladder, pushed a flailing body into the water below.

Dani moved fast, swimming frantically toward JJ and John B. She knew she had to reach the boat, and she knew she couldn't engage the stranger JJ so easily tossed to the water.

JJ whipped his head around, searching the water for any sign of Dani, realizing just as she had, the urgency in which Dani needed to be on the houseboat. The plan had obviously changed.

"Cut the line! Cut the line! But wait for Dani! John B, wait for Dani!" JJ shrieked, handing the machete to John B.

Dani swam harder. It wasn't as if she were that far from the boat, but she had obstacles... like, a man trying to beat her back to the ladder, and the strong, swirling current pushing them both away.

With one final push and a guttural grunt, Dani powered through. She grasped painfully to a rung of the ladder, fingers tight around it. "John B! Go!"

At Dani's word, John B turned, easily slicing through a taut rope.

The houseboat jerked forward instantly, no longer held in place by the anchor line.

JJ wasted no time. The boy lay down at the top of the ladder and grasped Dani's wrists. He pulled hard, hauling the girl upwards in one swift motion. It was weirdly... uh... hot.

Dani sat nestled in JJ's arms, leaning against his chest, nothing but wild breaths and heavy panting.

John B crouched down, ignoring the indistinguishable screams of the men treading the water below. The houseboat moved steadily away from them. "You okay, Dani?"

"Why is it always me?" Dani coughed, slightly wheezing as she caught her breath.

JJ shook his head, smiling fondly at the small girl in his arms. "Yeah, she's fine."

Dani pushed JJ's body away, standing without any help. She shuffled along the deck, easily finding Neville at the wheel.

Neville turned, eyes still frantic. He searched Dani's face, barely shifting his gaze behind her to where John B and JJ had followed. "Are they coming?"

JJ ran a hand through his hair. "No, we're good."

Neville gave a half nod, lips tight. "You owe me an anchor."

"Uh, you're welcome."

Neville didn't respond, guiding his boat, his home, swiftly along the river's ebb and flow.


Sarah Cameron climbed the stairs to one of the waterfront properties her family was currently selling. Of course, it wasn't as if she had much of a choice. Wheezie Cameron had left a very clear voicemail for her sister.

The blonde girl wandered into the house slowly, clearing from her head the image of Rose power-posing on the 'for sale' sign in the front yard.

"Hello? Wheezie?" Sarah asked into the quiet, echoing foyer. She waited for a response, for her sister to come bounding to her in excitement.

One thing was certain, Sarah missed Wheezie desperately.

"Wheeze?" Sarah tiptoed into the belly of the house, all blood draining instantly from her face as she noticed the quiet figure sitting at the table.

Ward Cameron raised his eyes to Sarah, brushing off the callous look she gave him.

Sarah shook her head, a mix of disbelief and anger coursing through her. "I fricking knew it. I knew it."

"I needed to see you, Sarah. I just needed to tell you I'm sorry because I am so..."

Sarah cut Ward off, shoving a finger in his direction as he stood. "No, you stay right there!" Ward dropped back into his seat, eyes darting across the wooden table. "Do you know how stupid this is? If anybody sees you, you go to jail! If I yell and the cops come, you go to jail!"

"I don't think you're going to do that."

"Try me. I already did." Sarah walked to the window, leaning her back against it.

"What?" Ward stood once more, directing his gaze outside.

Two officers walked below the windows right on cue. Sarah was dead serious.

"Don't worry. I called them to the unit next door." The blonde crossed her arms across her chest. "I could yell. I might. So whatever it is you're here for, I suggest you hurry up and you don't piss me off."

Ward shook his head, a slight tightness crowding his chest. "So angry. So much hatred."

Sarah took a step forward, raising her voice slightly, "Because I'm homeless! I have no money! I have no family anymore! I have nowhere to go because of you!"

Ward's voice dropped to a whisper, "I know."

"And you used my baby sister as bait..." Sarah's voice cracked, her eyes filling with tears, "To get me here..."

"I know. Sarah, I know everything I did, everything that happened. All of it. It's my fault. I know. And I don't know how I'll make up for it or if I even can, but I'm gonna try. I'm gonna do what I can."

"Good luck."

"I know you won't believe me, but I'm trying to live my life a different way."

"You want to make amends?"

Ward nodded, only barely, but his eyes were desperate.

"You give the gold back to the Pogues."

"We can talk about that. We can. They certainly deserve some of it."

Sarah exhaled loudly. "Let's talk about it."

Ward's eyes filled with tears, strange, indescribable tears. "Right now I'm here for you." The man pulled several plastic cards from his pocket. "This is for the condo. Um... This is some money for you. Got all the money you'll need on it. I'll just..." Ward leaned forward, dropping the cards on the table in front of him. He knew not to approach Sarah, she was a hurting, pain-riddled, powder keg waiting to explode.

Sarah watched, apprehensive, calculating. She said nothing as Ward collected his jacket, slipping it on and watching her with pain in his eyes.

"I know you're not gonna forgive me. How could you? I just want you to know that I love you. And that I'm sorry." Ward sniffled, turning his glistening eyes outside. "Bless you, baby."

Without another word, Ward slipped through the screen door of the porch, disappearing to wherever it was he was staying on Kildare.

Sarah rested against the glass once more, taking a deep breath, and shuddering as she exhaled. It took all her might to stop the tears from falling.

It was a long shot anyway, Ward knew it. No Rafe. No Sarah... Who was left?

— —

John B set his gaze outside the boat, watching as the bright sun turned murky... sunset was approaching. "Look, Neville, they're taking my father there. You're the only person who knows where it is."

The past thirty minutes had been exactly the same: John B begging for assistance. Neville simply ignored the teen's pleas.

"Neville, they are going to kill him unless you help us."

Dani shot up from her seat, tired of listening to John B's begging. "Neville, I am very sorry about bringing this mess to your doorstep, but John B is right. You are the only one who knows what is going on, and frankly, without our help, you'd likely be dead right now. Just tell us what you can and we'll be out of your hair. Also, the quicker you just relent the quicker John B shuts up and stops acting like a child in timeout."

John B scoffed, but it was enough to convince Neville to respond. Perhaps the man didn't want to add Dani's whining to the mix. "They're going after the gold."

"Yeah, what else are they going to be going after?"

"Then they'll die anyway. Unless they can pass the test, which they won't if they can't translate the idol."

Dani cocked her head to the side. "Test? What test?"

"You know the story."

JJ leaned forward, lip twitching. "No. Obviously. No."

"El Dorado was found by a Guajiro king, and when it came time for him to slip his mortal coil and meet my greats on the astral plane, he wasn't just going to give the gold to his sons. It was the source of his power."

JJ rolled his eyes, clearly not amused by the story Neville told.

Neville continued, his own annoyance with the teens' ignorance evident in his words, "It had to go to the wisest man, and to ensure this actually happened, he set up the test of the gnomon."

"So there's, like, some test now. Okay."

John B watched the ground intently, deep in thought. "There's always a test."

"Whoever passes the test gains access to the gold. You fail the test, you die. If you somehow get to the gold without taking the test, then you die."

Dani leaned forward, pressing a warm hand on Neville's shoulder. "Thank you for enlightening us."

"Great. He's lying, right? 'Cause there's no way that actually can happen, right?"

"Tell that to the crew of the San Jose and the Royal Merchant."

John B stood, pacing around the small cabin. "We don't want the gold, Neville."

JJ lifted his hand to his lips, "Well..."

"Just want to save my dad."

Neville glanced to his side, gesturing at JJ, "Take the wheel."


The man shuffled back awkwardly, certainly unaccustomed to having three extra passengers to account for. He grabbed a pencil and found an empty piece of crinkled paper to write on, leaving a space beside him for John B.

Neville sighed, reluctant to share his knowledge even still. Yet in the end, John B was genuine, and that was a trait that deserved to be rewarded. "You must go to the port of Tres Rocas." Neville drew a map with steady hands. "From there, find ferry passage from a river guide called Jose. He will take you up the Orinoco to El Tesoro. It is there. In the bust, you will find a site."

JJ turned to glance at Dani behind him. "Guess we back in the G-game?"

The man turned, sending the blonde teen a nasty glare. "Make yourself pure of heart, pure of mind."

Dani giggled lightly as JJ shrugged. There was an undeniable slight pink rising to the teen's cheeks.

Neville shifted his attention back to John B and the map in front of him. "You are there to save your father. The gold kills everyone."


"Move over," Neville commanded to JJ, accepting John B's one-word response as a promise, a promise to remain pure of heart and mind and soul and intent.

"Yessir." JJ gladly relented the wheel. The blonde was ready to go back to rolling his eyes at Neville from behind his back, no need for more lectures or glares.

The man casually brought the boat to a stop, letting the engine lull. "This is your stop. You're gonna have to swim to shore, but I've made a loop, so it's only about a mile and a half to where you found me. When you reach the treeline go left."

The teens nodded, grateful for all Neville had done and said.

"Be careful and good luck."

Dani nodded again, giving Neville's shoulder another thankful squeeze.

An hour and a half later Dani, JJ, and John B were cruising to the Wreck in the HMS Pogue. They had barely said two words to each other since they had left Neville. Their heads were too full, intense thought leaving them unable to crack stupid jokes and make casual conversation.

John B directed the small boat along the edge of the dock, slowing enough so JJ could jump out and tie it off. "Here's the gameplan, get the girls, go find Pope and Cleo, get down to South America as soon as possible. Cool?"

"Yeah," Dani breathed out. The girl's attention was caught on the large celebration before her. She had completely forgotten about the Carrera's anniversary party.

JJ twisted an eyebrow. "Seems a bit vague, I gotta say, John B. Also, I don't got a passport, dog."

"Hey, look, don't bore me with the details, alright?"

Dani swiveled her head to where JJ finished tying the knot, "Aren't you always talking about going to South America? Since when are you concerned with passports?"

"Yeah, we'll figure that out later." John B whistled, catching both JJ and Dani's attention. "Hey look at me. Gonna get Sarah. Gonna get Kie, little rendezvous mission. Back on the boat, get out of here."

JJ bit his lip, shifting his gaze from Dani to John B to the party. "Look, Mike doesn't really like me right now, and I'm afraid that if he happens to see me... Well, let's just say I don't think he'll let Kiara out of his sight. Boom. Mission blown. We can't go down to South America."

Dani sighed, her own body tensing at the sight of the party. "I, uh, I'm going to have to agree with JJ on that one. This whole Rafe thing has put me in a bit of an uncomfortable situation, and if the Carreras, or anyone for that matter, see me like this..." Dani gestured to her damp, dirty clothes. "I'm afraid I may be killed for my kook insolence."

"Hey, hey, hey." John B grabbed JJ and Dani on their shoulders. "Look. Just don't get seen. Alright?"

JJ nodded, taking a step backward and glancing between John B and Dani once again. "You're right. I'll stay here."

"No. No. That's not what I was saying."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll stay right here. I got y'alls six."

"Great. Yep. Great."

JJ hopped back inside the small boat, seemingly set on being an absolute pain in the ass. "I'll keep her running, dog. Alright? Just chop-chop though, okay?"

"Yep, thanks." John B grabbed Dani's arm before the girl could also worm her way out of the plan, dragging her slowly across the dock and away from where JJ was hiding from view.

"John B, you don't have to drag me."

"Tell me you won't run back to JJ the second I let go."

Dani said nothing.


"Okay. Okay. You can let go. I promise I won't go anywhere."

John B gave Dani a pointed look, but relented anyway, respecting the girl's wishes.

The two teens entered the outskirts of the party right as the music and bustling conversation stopped. Mike Carrera stood at the front of the crowd, a large smile on his face and he observed his friends, family, acquaintances, and restaurant frequenters with pride. "I just want to say a few words, and I'm not much into giving speeches, but I do want to say thank you for coming out and thank you for your support after a rough few months. I want to say thank you to our daughter for being here. Hey, we love you."

Kie smiled, embarrassment flushing her cheeks. "Love you too."

"But most of all... Come here." Mike reached a hand out, bringing his wife to stand beside him. "Thank you, Anna, for 15 years. For making this restaurant a symbol of our life. I love you."

"I love you."

A stranger from the crowd yelled loudly, "Love you, Mike and Anna!"

"Figure eight. The cut. Everyone's together here. One island."

"That's right!" Another man yelled.

"So, thank you for putting up with us. Cheers."

"Thank you all for coming. Cheers!" Anna added, prompting the crowd to add their excitement and cheer to the mix.

The Carreras stepped away from the front, meeting their daughter in the middle. The family smiled and talked about something. It was normal, loving.

Sarah watched in awe and reminiscing, remembering the days when life was simple and her family wasn't fractured.

Dani and John B snuck up behind where the girl stood, crouching down slightly so as not to be seen by many.

"Psst. Sarah." John B whispered, instantly getting the blonde's attention. The boy wasted no time, approaching his girl as soon as she turned to look at him.

The couple embraced, whispering a warm welcome to the other. It was incredibly sweet.



"Long time no see." John B shifted his body in Sarah's hug, bringing his mouth to her ear and whispering a gentle nudge. "Hey, come here. Come here, follow me. Come on." John B grabbed Sarah's hand, bringing her to where Dani waited.

At the sight of her friend Sarah rushed to Dani, throwing her arms around the girl's small frame. Dani stumbled back slightly, not prepared for the affection.

"I have a lot to tell you," Sarah whispered, almost too quiet to even be heard.

"Yeah. Me too." Dani matched Sarah's tone, relaxing slightly as she realized that the bountiful hug was mostly a cover.

Sarah stepped back, taking in the sight of her boyfriend and best friend. "What are you doing here?"

"We have so much to tell you."

"I have so much I have to tell you."

John B shook his head. "Sarah, I... I'm... I'm sorry. For the way I talked to you at the Chateau, for lying about El Dorado, for not being there for you when you needed me."

Sarah's face dropped.

Dani recognized the look instantly, guilt. Whatever it was Sarah wanted to say, John B's apology was making the girl feel even worse.

Sarah's voice was meek, and her eyes refused to meet John B's, or Dani's. "It's fine. I'm sure your dad probably didn't want you to say anything."

"No, no. Hey. I messed up."

Dani glanced at the boy beside her, "John B, I don't think..."

John B continued to watch Sarah, not hearing Dani's warning beside him. He reached a hand out, capturing the girl's face gently. "I missed you, Val."

Sarah's smile was sad as she pulled John B in for another hug. "I missed you too, Vlad."

"Hey, look. We gotta get out of here. We gotta go. Come on."

Sarah shook her head, panic filling her face. "No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait."

Dani cocked her head to the side. Whatever it was Sarah needed to confess, now was not the

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