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jeongin was still laying in bed. his mother had come back home only to find her sick son sleeping on his bed, with the covers up to his chin and cushions scattered all around.

she had kissed him on the forehead but let him sleep until he woke up by himself, and when he did she showered him with questions about what happened.

later that day, the doorbell to jeongin's house rang and when his mom went to open the door, he already knew who it was.

a few moments later, his bedroom was filled with his friends, their faces whether looking worried or happy to see him.

seungmin was the first one to get closer to jeongin, sitting on his bed, "innie, hi... how are you feeling?"

jeongin sighed, a small smile still appearing on his lips, "i'm feeling better now," he yawned, "what are you guys doing here?"

"we knew you were sick and of course we came to visit you," his cousin rolled his eyes, lightly flicking a finger at the younger's forehead.

"and we also brought you something..." felix murmured, his voice at a medium tone while he pulled out a stuffed animal from behind his back.

jeongin's eyes widened as felix handed it to him, immediately squishing it between his arms.

"oh my god, guys, thank you so much... it's- it's a fox, just like me! i love it!"

jeongin's happiness was radiating so much that the others couldn't help but smile as well as wide as the youngest.

"no problem, innie," hyunjin said, "but we're not done yet," he said with a smirk, pulling out a tiny red plastic bag from the pocket of his coat.

"here," he handed it to jeongin, and all eyes were on the brunette, waiting for his reaction.

"no way!" he screamed, the packet falling from his hands due to his surprise, "where did you get this?!"

the three boys all looked at each other before seungmin spoke up, "it was, uhm, bang chan. he asked us to give it to you,"

if you thought jeongin's eyes couldn't get anymore wider, you're wrong. because they did.

"b-bang chan?"

he slowly asked, suddenly remembering one of their casual conversations from a few days ago, during their walk back home from school.

"so, do you prefer sweet or sour?" chan suddenly asked.

"i'm more the type for sweet things. and candies especially are my weakness," jeongin admitted, his cheeks turning a bit red while the elder cooed at the sight.

"got it. and what's your favourite kind of candy?"

so that's when chan got the information from him.

jeongin's heart skipped a bit.

he felt... honoured, because the boy he liked genuinely enjoyed their small talks and paid attention to what he said.

he truly felt appreciated.

and he finally remembered that he still hadn't texted chan since he had given him his number.

now he had a reason to do it.

he was snapped out of his daydream when hyunjin clapped his hands in front of his face.

"hey, innie, we're just gonna go. seungmin and i have to work on a project and your aunt wants me back before 6pm. i'll see you soon," he kneeled down and ruffled his younger cousin's hair.

"get well soon, jeonginnie," felix and seungmin also bid their goodbyes and soon his bedroom was quiet once again.

jeongin sighed, hugging his new stuffed animal close to his chest, while he fumbled with the packet of candies in his other free hand.

maybe i should text chan hyung, he thought and reached out to pick up his phone on the bedside table.

hey channie hyung, it's jeongin :)

i just received your gift and wanted to thank you

it was really nice of you

the reply didn't take long to appear of jeongin's phone's screen.

channie hyung

i'm glad you liked it, and don't worry about it, it came from the bottom of my heart

thank you anyway, i love those candies

channie hyung
i know, you told me. that's why i bought them for you ;)

don't be sappy... lol

channie hyung
sorry, you're just too cute >_<

upon reading those words, jeongin blushed as if there was no tomorrow and actually had to fan his face with his hands to let it cool down a little.

don't make me blush, hyung :[

channie hyung
sorry, innie. i was just stating the truth (●_●)

okay okay, fine

now i have to go, my mom is calling for me to take the medicine

i'll talk to you later!!

channie hyung
okay innie, get well~

√√seen at 5:46pm

truth to be told, jeongin was a blushing mess after his chat with his hyung... but, deep down, he didn't regret it one bit.

indeed, now he oh so bad wanted a hug from chan.

sorry for being absent for a while but school is literally killing me ugh i can't wait to get to college-


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