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it was lunch time and the four boys sat at their usual table, enjoying their food while chatting and telling each other about what happened that day.

"so then he just smiled and ran out the room. poor boy was pretty shocked," felix laughed, while telling seungmin and hyunjin about the chan-related events of that morning.

"i can't believe you actually went up to him like that. you've been crushing on him since day one," seungmin laughed, shaking his head in surprise.

"yeah, right..." jeongin mumbled, proceeding to play with the slice of bread in his hand. he kept thinking about what he had done with chan and wondered whether that was the right thing to do.

his friends seemed enthusiastic about it, but what about him?

he was afraid he had messed up and definitively pushed bang chan away from him.

he knew he was over exaggerating over a high school crush, but deep down he knew what he was doing. he was trying so hard to find a boyfriend because he wanted to prove a point. he wanted to show his friends and family that he was no longer a baby and they should stop treating him like one.

he was already sixteen and didn't need a babysitter 24/7.

a boyfriend would have been enough.

and bang chan was the exact definition of boyfriend material to jeongin's eyes.

he was brought back to reality when he heard a fake cough by his cousin and a pat on his shoulder by felix. he looked up from his fidgeting hands and almost choked for the second time that day when he found bang chan standing next to his table.

"hey, there" the boy smiled, a small smile playing on his thick pink lips paired with his cute dimple.

all the attention of the table was focused on him and jeongin. fortunately, the younger didn't notice that everyone in the cafeteria was looking at them, surprised at how the cool captain of the basketball team was all smiley at the table of a group of younger students.

"hi" jeongin managed to put up a little smile, just so he didn't look rude.

"i've been looking for you since gym class. i wanted to give you the t-shirt back" chan explained, waving the piece of clothing he held in one hand.

jeongin was at a loss of words. it didn't matter what context we were talking about, he just kept replaying in his head that his crush had been looking for him.

for him, yang jeongin! daebak!

"oh, i thought i told you you could keep it until you find a new one. it's no big deal" he looked down at his tray still filled with almost untouched food.

"are you sure? i don't wanna be a burden" a soft smile was now on the elder's face.

"what?! no, no. don't worry, really. just keep it for as long as you need" jeongin said, looking up once again, and noticing another boy behind chan.

"okay," the blonde stood straight once again and fiddled with the t-shirt in his hands. "i guess i'll see you around," he lifted his free hand and gestured a small wave, that jeongin awkwardly copied.

then chan walked away, but his friend—whose name jeongin remembered to be minho—stayed behind, quickly glancing at chan's retreating figure before looking at jeongin. "get ready to have him all around you, he isn't one to accept gifts without giving anything in exhange," and with that, he left, too.

for the following five minutes, the cafeteria was filled with a weird silence, and jeongin felt as if all eyes were on him.

and that was probably true, but his friends assured him he was just being paranoid.

fortunately, the background noise made by voices, dishes and chairs sliding against the floor was quickly back and the previous scene seemed to be forgotten.

yet, jeongin couldn't stop thinking about what minho had said. what did he mean by those words? was chan going to stress him to offer him something back?

at that moment, jeongin could only wonder one thing: why the hell did he walk up to bang chan that morning.

maybe, he should have just left everything in the hands of fate.

it could have been much easier.

annyeong, it's your author here~
soo, there are a few things i'd like to say

1. thank you so so so much for all the positive comments about my english maybe there weren't many, but it really means a lot to me

2. i saw many of you were happy to read about the seungjin ship, so i was wondering... should i write a seungjin book as well? cuz i've got a few ideas in mind

3. i'm planning on publishing a minsung book after this, would any of you read that?

thank you for your attention and now i'll stop bothering you with my looong author's note:)


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