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it was again a school day. jeongin barely had the will to get up and get ready that morning. he didn't feel like going to school, also because a pounding head ache was torturing him.

he didn't remember feeling sick the night before so he was quite confused as to why he was feeling like crap.

nevertheless, he managed to get dressed and packed his school bag. he quickly ate some biscuits from the box on the kitchen counter and dashed out of the house, after bidding his goodbye to his mom.

the walk to school seemed longer than usual and when he finally got to the entrance of the building and saw his cousin and his friends, a small smile lit up his features.

"hey, guys," jeongin said, going to sit on a bench next to hyunjin; felix and seungmin standing in front of them.

"hi, innie," felix said, his deep voice already showing.

"hey, are you alright? you look pale," seungmin asked, getting closer to jeongin's face. "well, you're always pale, but today you are even paler."

jeongin rolled his eyes while his best friend examined his face, placing a hand on his forehead to check if he had a fever.

"i'm fine!" jeongin snatched the other's hand away and pouted, "i'm just a little tired."

but, tired or not, it soon was gym class and all the students were piling into the gym. there were already some basketballs on one side of the room, rackets and little balls piled up on the other.

jeongin snorted as soon as he got in, resting his head on felix's shoulder, "i don't wanna do anything today. can we leave, please~?"

felix didn't turn to him while he shook his head no, because he had learned that if he saw jeongin's big doe eyes and cute pout, he would give in. and he couldn't.

"c'mon, innie. look, there's chan!" felix exclaimed a little too loud and pointed his index in front of them.

bang chan turned around upon hearing his name and smiled brightly when he saw the younger, immediately walking towards him.

"oh no, he's coming here. and i look like shit," jeongin mumbled, moving away from his friend and running his hand through his hair to fix it a little.

"hey, jeongin" chan gave him one of his side smile which made a small dimple appear on the left side of his mouth.

"hi, hyung" jeongin blushed a bit, feeling self-conscious at that moment.

in the meantime, felix had left to go change, leaving the two by themselves.

"are you feeling okay? you look a bit tired," chan said, concern lacing his voice.

jeongin almost screamed in front of the all gym. was it that evident that he didn't feel well? or was everyone watching him? he felt even more embarrassed and blushed more.

chan furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding the sudden reaction of the younger.

"sorry, did i say anything wrong?"

jeongin shook his head and was about to say something more, when the coach called chan and the boy had to leave, after addressing an apologetic smile to the younger.

jeongin just took a deep breath and went to change.

when he came back into the gym with felix by his side, the other class—the one with chan—was already playing basketball.

chan was now wearing a dark red headband between his blond hair and it suited him perfectly, pairing with his fair skin.

a few drops of sweat covered his forehead when the game started to become more intense and he was running from one place to another to catch the ball.

he had noticed jeongin was watching him from anywhere he moved around the gym and maybe, just maybe, that motivated him to put more effort into that simple friendly match.

he just felt like he had to show his best since jeongin was there, obviously focusing on him. chan didn't know what that feeling meant, just like he didn't understand why his stomach and chest burnt a little whenever he was around the younger.

but he did know that jeongin wasn't really good at hiding his emotions, and chan knew perfectly well that he had a crush on the elder, but was too shy to do anything.

and he was proved the point a few minutes later. after scoring a point, he cheered and smiled brightly, and when he searched for jeongin and winked at him, the younger's face became so red chan was afraid he was going to explode.

but that was enough for him to know what the younger truly felt.

i'm feeling curious today soo, my dear readers, where are you from?

your author here is from italy🤙🏻


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