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Cartah😂 added Mattdino👑

Mattdino👑 y am I in here again I don't want to be here

Mack.bitch💎😈 ok who cares I just wanted u to be here 😘

Mattdino👑 oh well I kinda like Somebody

Mack.bitch😈💎 .............

Cartah 😂 Matt just say it

Mattdino👑 ok well I umm well I-I like u Macky

Mack.bitch😈💎 aww Matt I like u 2

Mattdino👑 Mackenzie Caniff will u be my girlfriend

Mack.bitch😈💎 OMG yessssssss Matthew Espinosa I will be your girlfriend

Tay😝 Did I just see that Matt asked out my baby sister !!

Cam 💎 ^^

Mack.bitch😈💎 yea

Mattdino👑 yea

Tay😝 Matt I do trust you but if she gets heartbroken or any thing like that I will go to your house and kick your ass !!Got it!!

Cam 💎 I will kick your ass Espinosa no promises if you hurt her because that is my baby girl so don't hurt her or I will put u in the hospital

Mattdino👑 Dude I promise I won't hurt her I love her to death She my world dude she's my princess👑👑she's everything you can imagine so like I won't break her heart nor let anyone hurt her I will protect her !!You got my word!! 😘😘😘😘💖💖

Mack.bitch 😈💎 thanks big bro and awe I love you too babe 💖💖😘😘

Mack.bitch😈💎 ok guys like it's 4 in the morning so I'm going to bed goodnight guys

Mattdino👑 goodnight babygirl 😘😘💖💖😘

Tay😝 night sis 💖

Cam👑 love you baby Caniff night💖💖

Everyone: Good night

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