Previously on Grojband, our four heroes discovered a magical artifact deep inside a wise old woman's possessions only to find--
"Who are you talking to?" Laney asked the pink fairy. Fairteeny brushed off her blunt tone and sat on the bassist's shoulder.
"Uh, hello? I'm the narrator. I need to set the scene for what's to come," Fairteeny explained, raising her hand delicately into the air and carrying a proper tone. Laney shrugged the tiny fairy off and watched her hover in the air.
"Where are my friends? And why did you dress me like Prince Charming from some lame fairytale!?" Laney asked. Her voice gained more volume as she ranted. Fairteeny crossed her arms and carried a pout.
"Alright... first off, fairytales aren't lame. They are magical tales filled with action! Adventure! Romance! And, the slightest bit of comedy added in, of course." Fairteeny flew through the air as she listed off each genre. Laney's expression quickly morphed into a poker face before the tiny insect continued.
"And, secondly, I dressed you like a prince charming because you now ARE Prince Charming. You possess that fiery and confident attitude that screams prince!"
"Gee, thanks..." Laney mumbled, placing a hand on her hip. Fairteeny frowned towards the girl's irritated behavior, but she didn't press it.
"And, finally, I split your friends up and each gave them a fitting role as well. A jester, a princess, an inventor---"
"Whoa, whoa, WHOA! What did you say?" Laney asked. Fairteeny tilted her head to the side.
"A jester?"
"No, after that."
"An invent--"
"GAH! No! In the middle, Fairteeny!" Laney whined.
"A princess?"
"Why would you make one of the guys... Wait... you didn't make Corey the princess, did you?" Laney's cheeks began to turn red at the sudden realization. Fairteeny sat cross-legged in mid-air, studying the prince's face.
"Well... I couldn't have the boy roaming around, trying to find some way to sing me a song. I want to play out my fairytale first." Laney groaned so loud that it practically shook the rickety building.
"Are you alright?" Fairteeny asked while she watched Laney's scrunched up face and burning cheeks.
"Yup... just... tell me what I need to do to get this all over with?" Laney said before her body relaxed again.
"Well, first off, we need to leave this horse stall and go find your adventure companions," Fairteeny explained while pointing to the wooden doors behind Laney. The bassist pushed them open, and the two girls started their stroll down a dirt road.
"Hey? Can I ride in your hair?" Fairteeny requested as their voices faded in the background.
After their journey began, someone swung open a door from the top floor of the horse stall. The young lady gave out a yawn while rubbing her eyes.
"Ugh, the sun's too bright after my nap... wait..." Trina suddenly gasped once she spotted the drastically different house. "Like whaaat? Am I still dreaming or something? AAAHH!" Trina screamed after witnessing her new outfit: a tad filthy dress with an even filthier apron.
"Am I like a peasant girl or something? GAH! MINA! WAKE ME UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE!!!!"
Silence carried throughout the garage. Mina was no where in sight. This caused Trina to wail even louder.
No More Mina for Trina!!!
Miles away, Mina and her sister were driving back from an out-of-town trip to get medicine for their cat. Carrie held Mr. Mittens in her lap, who laid sound alseep.
"I can't believe Peaceville's lousy vet didn't have the medicine we needed," Carrie growled quietly.
"Yeah, but it all worked out. Mr. Mittens is feeling much better," Mina whispered with a bright grin. She began petting the orange cat while she drove.
"Uuuhh, sis? What is that?" Carrie asked, pointing forward. Mina glanced up to see a ginormous pink bubble surrounding all of Peaceville.
"Hmm... either there's a leak at Tiffany's Bubble Gum factory, oooor Trina found some way to take over the town again and ruin her brother," Mina stated with a shrug.
"Should we be worried about going through the bubble, then?" Carrie asked, eyeballing the jelly-like wall they were approaching.
"Yeah, probably," Mina replied as she started halting her vehicle. However, Mr. Mittens jolted awake from Carrie gripping his fur too hard. The orange tabby went ballistic and started whirling around the car.
"Bad Mr. Mittens! No! Aaahhh!!!" the sisters shrieked before their vehicle thrusted forward, going straight through the bubble. A mixture of light and dust consumed the whole car. Once it disappeared, both girls wore frilly dresses while riding a carriage made of steal and velvet. Mina and Carrie blinked a few times, glancing between themselves and their now calm pet. Their new attire and ride startled the two so much that they became speechless. Finally, Mina turned to her sister.
"So uhh... do we talk about--"
"Sounds good."
Noble Sisters Transition!!!
"Ow! Come on... there's gotta be... Aha!" Corey's voice carried on through the darkness. His hands, though, finally grabbed hold of some curtains. After throwing them open, the view from the window was obstructed by metal bars.
"Seriously?" Corey complained, but at least the poor boy could finally see. He scanned around the room. It was fairly nice for having cage-like windows. A king's side bed laid only a few feet away from him along with marble flooring and bright blue walls.
"Huh, not bad, but why is--- AAAHHH!!!" Corey screamed at the sight of his sudden wardrobe change. His rocker gear was replaced with a puffy gown and a tiara resting on his bare head. "Not cool, Fairteeny! Not! Cool!" Corey chucked the silver tiara to the ground and ripped off the dress, revealing his regular clothes underneath. He then found his beanie stuffed in his pocket, so he placed it back where it belonged.
"Phew... glad that's oOOH COME ON!" Corey shouted once the gown and tiara reappeared back on him. A piece of parchment then poofed into existence in front of the band leader. He nabbed the paper and unrolled it.
"Nice try, human boy, but I can't have the princess of my story looking like a pile of garbage. Your prince will be here to rescue you soon, so be ready for my new classical song. Sincerely, Fairteeny..." Corey read before gaining a dull expression. He then tossed the parchment away.
"Well, I can't sing a new song without my band or Trina. No time for fairytale rescues! I'm coming, guys!" Corey announced as he raced over to the wooden door on the other side of the room. He gave it a harsh yank, but it was bolted shut. The guitarist then ran back over and jumped onto the windowsill. He started pulling at the cell bars. However, the metal wall wouldn't budge. Corey grabbed the nearest object he could find, that being a coat hanger, and rammed the door with it. The wooden exit chipped under the metal object. Corey smiled, but his optimism quickly faded once the dent disappeared in a puff of dust. He continued a few times, but he ended up with the same results. The band leader fianlly dropped the coat hanger and collapsed onto the ground, letting his feet lean against the impenetrable door.
"Oookay, so fairy magic is alot harder to break than I thought. I hope this prince shows up soon," Corey muttered before tossing his tiara again. The head wear simply poofed back onto his noggin two seconds afterward, making the guitarist sigh.
A/n: See you guys in part 3! ๐ค๐
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