Opposite Dimension pt. 3

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Sure why not Transition!!!

Back in Corey's dimension, a few hours had past now. Kin's head was deep inside his invention. Laney and Kon stood off to the side, watching over Jaron. Since he was bored, Kon decided to test fate and balance cards on top of Jaron's head. The blue-haired teen growled under his breath at the drummer's antics. He stomped on Kon's foot, causing the larger twin to yelp in pain.

Kon fell to the ground in agony, leaving Jaron to chuckle to himself, but a single card then struck the side of the laughing teen's head.

"Hey!" Jaron swiveled his chair to see Laney. She gave him a threatening stare. "I'm watching you..." Her emerald green glare sent a chill down Jaron's spine, and he backed down.

However, Kon suddenly jolted upward. A sweet scent filled his nostrils.

"Hey... do you guys smell that?" he asked his bandmates. While the drummer hovered through the air, following the scrumptious smell, Laney sniffed the new smell.

"Cookies?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Kon flew past her while taking in one big whiff.

"Chocolate chip cookies!" Kon answered, zooming up the garage steps and only leaving dust behind. After watching her friend leave, Laney glanced over at Jaron to see him going wide-eyed. If his mouth wasn't taped shut, then the teen would most likely be drooling. He looked over at the red head with a droopy gaze. Laney rolled her eyes at the sight.

"Nope, not gonna happ--"

Jaron's stomach suddenly began to rumble. The bassist squinted at Jaron, who continued with his puppy dog eyes. No hatred or rage was visible in them. All Laney could see was Corey's face, staring straight at her with his pale blue irises.

That was the last straw.

"UGH! Fine! But just one," Laney replied with one huge huff. She stomped up the stairs, leaving a very satisfied Jaron. His triumph, though, was soon interrupted by someone spinning him around. A burst of pink blinded his vision. He blinked a few times before a finger stabbed his chest.

"Okay, Jaron... if you're like from another dimension, then I'd like to make a deal," Trina said before ripping the duck tape off the boy's mouth.

"OW! Katri--" Jaron's mouth was covered by Trina's hand.

"Never. Call me. That. AGAIN!" Trina screamed. She then felt something slimy over her palm. Trina shrieked from her other dimension brother licking the hand that she used to shut him up.

"UGH! MINA! Handwipe... PLEASE!!" Trina added before the teal-haired girl appeared beside her. Trina nabbed a few hand-wipes from the container Mina held and began rubbing furiously. "I need a new hand. Is there like any kind of thing for that?" Mina gave a shrug in response.

"Get out of my face. Why would I ever make a deal with my lousy sister?" Jaron growled. Trina glared at the boy.

"Because... I--"

"Ahem!" All three teens turned at the sight of the brainiac standing by his invention.

"What am I? A piece of road-kill? I'm literally two feet away from you people!" Kin complained loudly. Trina and Mina glanced between themselves. The pink demon nodded towards the twin, and Mina saluted.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Mina screamed before charging towards Kin.

"Oh, come on..." Kin whined before zipping away. The two replayed the extreme tag from earlier while Trina turned back to her alternate dimension brother.

"Look, I don't like you and you, for some stupid reason, don't appreciate me." Jaron opened his mouth to speak before Trina stuffed a hand-wipe down his throat. "BUT! We hate our real siblings even more... right?" Jaron spat out the cleaning product, sticking out his now sparkly tongue.

"Yeah... I guess..."

"Then, you can like stay here, so my brother stays in another dimension. And, you never have to deal with that probably lousy version of me either. Win-win!" Trina smiled, flashing her shiny braces. Jaron pondered on the thought while Kin's screaming grew in the background.

"What about Laney Penn? I can't leave my dimension behind without her." Trina's gaze grew dull before waving her hand as if she were swatting a fly.

"Fine, fine. We can like blast Corey's lame guy friend with the machine-thingy, so you can get her here... deal?" Jaron glanced between his sister and the two screaming teens in the background. A wicked smile then formed over his face.


Wicked Evil Transition!!!

At the same time, Alternate Dimension Mina was busily at work with a similar invention to Kin's. Her band, Corey, and Jaron's best bro were all scattered around the garage.

After giving any information he could on the machine, the blue-haired band leader plopped down beside Katrina on the stage. The air was thick between them. Corey would glance over at the girl every now and then while she tuned her guitar.

"Your guitar's pretty cool... how long have you had it?" he asked. Katrina looked his way, scrunching up her shoulders. She wasn't use to her brother actually trying to start a conversation with her.

"Uuhh... since I was 10? I think?" she replied with a stiff shrug.

"Me too! Except uh... mine's red and orange," Corey explained, trying to make his smile less awkward. Katrina nodded his way before the two went back to their silence. The rest of the teens went back to their own business after witnessing the scene. Kin took a seat next to Corey. He patted his legs while looking around the room.

"Soooo... in your dimension I'm like Mina?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess... the Kin I know makes these wicked insane inventions that usually help us with our gigs," Corey stated. He pulled up one leg to lean his arm on.

"Ooo, what kind?" Kin continued.

"He made our own car that was powered by our music, a helmet that tried taking control of my mind and make everything perfect... Oh! And this one invention that sent us into Trina's brain, so we could defeat evil versions of ourselves." Once Corey was finished, he noticed that Kin, along with everyone else in the room, was staring straight at him. "What?"

"Pfft, that's nothing compared to the time Mina created a wristwatch to see into people's thoughts but ended up making us switch bodies," Carrie added from her seat on the detached couch. She was twirling around her drum sticks before tapping them on her jean covered knees.

"Or the time when she sent Katrina inside a comic book when she was trying to send her to the mall," Nick replied as he read a magazine next to Carrie.

"Or the time--"

"OKAY! You guys want me to finish this Alternate Dimension Machine or not?" Mina threatened. She poked her head out from behind the large device before glaring at the group, causing the teens to shut their mouths simultaneously.

After Mina dipped her face back into her work, Katrina leaned over to her brother.

"There was also this time she turned the whole town into animals when she was trying to--"


A chicken leg was chucked across the room and landed straight into Katrina's mouth. She shot a look at Mina who simply whistled innocently while hammering in a nail.

"Hey! Mina, I knew you stole my chicken from Mellow's Chicken House!" Carrie shouted with a frown.

"Blame Nick, he was supposed to get lunch today," Mina said before pointing a finger towards the bassist.

"Yeah, well, you guys always make me go to like three different places so... no," Nick said with a dull gaze, glancing away from his magazine.

"That was one time, Nick!" Carrie spat.

"It was 5 times." Carrie stared up at the ceiling as she tried recalling all five times.

"Well, it won't be this time!" she exclaimed after one long pause. Nick rolled his eyes in response, but the bickering teens quieted down by the sound of laughter. Each of them turned to see Corey chuckling to himself.

"I'm guessing this happens a lot?" he asked Katrina. The pink-haired girl nodded casually.

"Same with your band?" she asked back. After Corey smiled in agreement, a question rolled to the front of Katrina's mind.

"Sooo... I'm guessing the version of me from your dimension is cruel and nasty like my brother?" Katrina questioned while setting down her guitar. She stared right at Corey, causing the boy to glance away. He started rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uh... yeah."

"And she tries to crush your dreams every chance she gets?" she furthered. Corey looked back over at Katrina with a small frown.


Corey watched the pink-haired girl for a moment, waiting for any kind of response. There was a long pause as it seemed like Katrina was in deep thought. She then stuck her hand out and formed a fist.

"Evil siblings can be annoying," she said with a smirk. Corey relaxed at the sight of her smiling face before fist-bumping back.

"Eh, they make for some great sources for lyrics, though." Katrina then let out a huge laugh.

"Totally," she said while grinning from ear-to-ear.

Wicked Cool Transition!!!

Kon and Laney slowly made their way back to the garage. The drummer was swaying back and forth, carrying abit of green in his cheeks.

"Man... maybe I ate too many cookies," he whined while holding his stomach.

"Maybe..." Laney answered before munching on a cookie. She held two more in her other hand. "Owr id cwould be that you ate paurt of tha container."

"Oooh... so that's why the cookies tasted rubbery."

The two made their way around the corner. The garage was dead silent.

"Okay, here's your cookie, Jaron, and I nabbed one for you too, Kin..." Laney trailed off once they reached the bottom. Their brainiac friend was tied up and gagged next to Mina. Trina and Jaron stood behind the large invention with mischievous grins.

Laney and Kon glanced between themselves. The red head then glared at Trina after putting two-and-two together.

"Last time I ever trust cookies again," she spat before tossing the desserts behind her.

"HIYAAA!!!" Mina battle cried and tackled Kon to the ground. The two fell with a loud oof! Kon lifted his head up while the teal-haired girl pinned him down with her foot.

"You didn't have to--" Kon's face turned bright green. "Ugh... I can't... Oof... okay, just gonna lie here for a minute," he moaned before face planting back onto the ground. However, his twin screamed a few words under the duck-tape, signaling something to both his friends. Laney rushed over to untie him, but her path was blocked off by a huge satellite with a red glowing laser.

"Not so fast, loser. You're taking a little trip," Jaron said with a smirk.

"Have fun with my lameo brother!" Trina said as the machine sent one earth shattering blast.


Black smoke filled the room. Coughs and hacks echoed through out the smog. After Mina rushed to open up the garage door again, a signal voice spoke up.


The redhead turned behind her. Instead of seeing the bottom half of the staircase, she saw a whole other garage. Several teens filled the room. One of them wore a signature orange beanie.

"CORE!" Laney dashed past a circular light separating the two garages and embraced the boy in a tight hug. The two carried wide smiles even after they separated.

"What happened? Where's--"

"Gah!" Corey and everyone else in the garage turned to see the black smoke had finally vanished on the other side. Jaron and Trina stood there with Kin's invention. The boy with braces glared his copy down.

"Quick! Close the portal!" he spat to Trina.

"UGH! Like what do you think I'm trying to do?" the pink demon argued while she smashed every button she could find. Corey glanced between them and the captured twins.

"HEY!" he shouted in anger as him and Laney charged towards them. Katrina, her drummer, and bassist weren't far behind.

"Jaron! Cut it out! This is insane!" Katrina cried out to her brother. She tried to yank him away from the machine. While she was distracting him, Corey and Laney rushed over to rescue the twins.

"No! There's no way I'm going back to my lousy dimension with you and your band!" Jaron screamed as he shoved her back. Carrie caught her from behind, and Nick rolled up his sleeves.

"I'll get him," he said. The bassist then grabbed Jaron by the arms and threw him over his shoulder. "Let's go, Jaron."

"What-the-what!? Let me go, Punk! Let me go!" Jaron shouted while his cheeks grew red. He squirmed under Nick's grip, but the older teen was too strong.

"Man, what a baby. That's definitely our Jaron alright," Carrie said to her band leader. Jaron's fists tightened, and his teeth nearly cracked.

"You. Losers. Are. DEAD!" he screamed before shooting out of Nick's grip and up into the air like a fireball. A blue book and pen hovered over to his side. He snatched both and practically burnt the page with every rage filled word he wrote. Once he was finished, the young teen went limp and fell back onto the garage floor with a loud smack. The diary bounced off his head and into Katrina's hand. She glanced over at Corey, who had just finished untying Kin. Both him and his band stared at the scene in utter horror.

"Well... I'm never gonna unsee that," Laney muttered after shaking Kon awake.

"Yeah, that beats my quota of creepy," Corey finished. He then turned back to Kin. "How did you guys even open a portal anyway?"

"I'd guess when we blasted both our inventions at the same time, it created a portal between the two dimensions," Kin explained while pointing a thumb over to Alternate Dimension Mina, with her machine, on the other side. She waved towards them with a large grin. Corey then looked over at their own invention to see Trina kicking it angrily.

"Stupid machine-thingy! GAH! Mina! Let's get smoothies," she called out to her bestie. Mina took one last look at her doppelganger before following Trina out of the garage. Katrina watched her go, sighing at the sight.

"It's weird, right?" She snapped out of her thoughts once she saw Corey strolling up to her. "Seeing another version of you that's like your brother?"

"Oooh, definitely," she said with a laugh. The two grew silent, glancing at the ground while racking their brains on what else to say.

"Hey, bros? We better close the portal quickly. It's slowly tearing our reality apart," Kin explained as he pressed a few buttons on his machine. Corey glanced back at Katrina. A smile grew on his face.

"I guess I better go, then. Nice meeting you, Katrina." He held out his hand to fist bump, but this time, he formed the rock-and-roll symbol with his fingers. Katrina smirked at the sight. However, instead of fist bumping back, she wrapped Corey into a hug. The blue-haired teen stiffened by the sudden gesture. He looked over at his band to see their shocked gazes.

Even if she wasn't Trina, the gesture still felt extremely weird.

"Uuh, Katrina? What are you--"

"Just... thanks..." she muttered to him.

"For what?" Corey furthered. He noticed his sister's band behind her. They each seemed abit surprised too, but there was a hint of something more.


"For being... you, I guess. It's just good to know that I have a nicer brother out there, you know?" her words rang through Corey's mind for a moment. The corner of his lips turned upward before he wrapped his arms around Katrina.

"Yeah... same here." The two were quiet for a minute more, enjoying the only hug either of them ever got from their sibling.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Guys! Portal! World destroying!" Kin shouted after an alarm went off on his invention. The two band leaders separated and walked back over to their friends. Each of them waved goodbye before the hole in reality closed for good. Corey watched as the sight of his guitar playing, chill older sister had vanished before his eyes.

"You okay, Core?" Laney asked, seeing that the blue-haired teen still stared where the portal was.

"Yeah..." he replied.

A stage light suddenly appeared over his head. "Because life is sometimes messy. As much as we want order and glamour. As much as we want to put life into a tight little bottle and have things go our way, it shatters. It tears. It CATCHES ON FIRE! The best thing to do is to just live with the damage and pick up the glass shards afterwards."

The mysterious stage light clicked off quickly, and the twins strolled over to the him.

"Anybody else realize that we didn't play any music today?" Kon asked. The rest of the band blinked a few times before shrugging in response.

"Thanks for coming out everyone!" Corey cheered before shutting the garage door.

A/n: First episode down. I realize there weren't a whole lot of funny moments in this chapter, but I hope you still enjoyed. Get ready for another episode next!

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