She Ruined Us

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I pulled the brush through my hair and placed it on my dresser. Today was the day. I was going to tell my best friend, Chandler that I had feelings for him. I am very apprehensive. I don't know how he feels about me but I can't hold my emotions in any longer.

It was about two years ago I had developed feelings for him. I was entering my teenage years and found an interest in boys. Chandler has always been my best friend but going through puberty around him, I noticed how funny and attractive he became as he had entered puberty as well.

I got in my car and drove to his house. I didn't know how I was going to tell him. I didn't plan anything, my plan was to wing it.
I pulled into his driveway and I entered his house. I never knocked because we've been friends for so long.

"Chandler!" I yelled. He came running down the stairs. "Hey (Y/N), I have some important news" he smiled. "Yea, so do I" I told him. My hands were sweaty and shaking. My heart was pounding out of my chest. "I need to go first" Chandler whined. "Okay" I laughed.

"Okay, so, lately I've been talking to this girl I met on the cruise last month and she's now my girlfriend!" Chandler stated excitedly. My smile faded. "What's wrong?" Chandler asked, suddenly concerned. "Let me tell you my news and you'll understand. Just don't talk until I finish. Okay?" I said. He nodded and I began my explanation "for the past two years I've had these strong feelings for you. I've never felt this way about anyone. Just the thought of you makes my heart flutter. But I know you don't feel the same because you now have a girlfriend. That's okay, I get it. I'm not pretty. I also know that our friendship will be awkward now so, that's why I'm ending us until I get over you". Chandler looked shocked and upset. "(Y/N) no please don't go. You're my best friend you are beyond gorgeous and I love you. Please, let our friendship be awkward". I sighed "but how, we won't be able to be us. And see, even after I said I know you don't feel the same, I still had the hopes in me that you would say you did." I yelled angrily. "(Y/N), I'm sorry but I don't feel that way. I know it sucks but you will get over me" he said, touching my arm. I pushed his arm away and began to feel tears stroll down my face "and what if I don't? Do I just keep pretending to be happy every time you have a girlfriend? Do I hide the pain when I'm sitting at your wedding? Chandler, I'm sorry. This friendship is over.  I love you and I will miss you but I can't handle this. Goodbye Chandler" I said exiting his house.

I entered my car and punched the steering wheel. I wish I could reverse time and I wish I never told him. I drove down his driveway as he came out of his house, yelling at me to come back. I never did turn around. I never did return his calls. I never got over him and I never will...

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