Chapter 18

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"Do you remember your childhood? Before you went to school?" Mae asked in a whispered tone.

"Yeah, I do." I replied back.

"Birthdays? Your first day of school? Special memories?"

"Ye-" I hesitated as only fragments of memories filled my mind.

I remembered blowing out a cake every year- that's it. I don't remember who went to my birthdays, I don't remember getting any hugs and kisses from my parents, it was all the same. I blew out a candle and smiled and that was it. I remember remember parts of early school, sitting in a classroom surrounded by a blur of figures and no distinct faces. I don't remember playing on a playground, only uncle's front yard. That was when I was 12 when one of the first incidents happened when I took Mason's knee scratch. From then on my memory was clear, right up to the moment where Donna and I said our goodbyes.

"They're fake memory implants." Mae began. "Let's go somewhere we can safely talk."

Just as she finished her sentence, she faintly nodded her head toward the right. I followed the motion and saw one of the workers take a seat at a nearby table, his back facing us.

"Crawl out your window and meet at the roof, there's a fire escape you can climb." She whispered as she leaned in. "If you want answers- then come."

She stood up and stretched. "Your story was inspiring, Jason! Thank you so much for sharing. Unfortunately it's late, we should both head to bed now. Goodnight!" She returned to her high-pitched voice and left the room.

Confused, I got up and headed to my room. Luckily I had my own room, but then again maybe it was a coincidence that I do. I walked past the worker as he hung his head low and scribbled away. His coffee was steaming but it look untouched, something about him was off and mysterious. I wanted to see his face but I knew it would be weird for me to attempt to, so I stared until I could, then kept walking.

I shut the door behind me as I entered my room. I was about to lock it, but then I realized that the bolt was taken off and of course they wouldn't allow locks at an orphanage. Instead I took the desk chair and placed it under the doorknob. I walked over to the window to see the latch already open and an open lock right beside it. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the kids who lived here, if the window was locked shut then that meant no fresh air.

I opened the window wide and stuck my head out the window. I don't really know why I proceeded to do this, but since I was already into it I might as well keep going.

I saw the ladder a foot above my window. Underneath me was another empty street with parked cars and newspapers dancing in the wind. It was easy for me to climb out but I couldn't help wondering what would happen if the ladder gave up. Maybe it was a trap and that crazy bitch wanted to kill me. But of course, I kept going despite the sound of rusty metal rubbing together. Within seconds I was in the roof, and Mae stood on the other side facing the city.

When I reached her I saw that she had changed from her professional clothes to all black and boots.

"Okay, I'm here." I let out a sigh.

"Implanted memories are common in people like us, Carriers. From what I can tell you, we've been tested on and we carry something in our DNA, something that can either break us or make us. That something changes us, that's why we can do what we do. For you, you can take away pain, you don't know this yet but your brother can foresee the future- willingly of unwillingly. Right now he can't control it, but he can eventually with enough practice. I'm a mentalist and I can read people easily. I know their weaknesses and their strengths and for example, Donna and Mason are your weaknesses."

I clenched my jaw. I never realized it, but she's right. I crossed my arms and positioned myself so I was more comfortable and allowed her to continue.

"I know you don't like people know how to really push your buttons so don't worry, we're on the same side."

That's when I spoke. "Sides? Sides for what?"

"I can't explain everything right now, but lets just say that there are some people like us looking out for each other, and others who crave power. Those people are stupid enough to believe the humans who are out to get us, all they want is to get rid of us Carriers because they think we're a threat." She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Aren't we a threat?" I asked as I thought about it. If we can do things out of the ordinary, that should be considered a threat. 

"Everyone's a threat, Jason. It all depends on how you look at things- perspective is everything." Mae looked back to the city and watched the lights dance in the sky. "Most Carriers know not to attract attention to themselves, which is why the most scariest people and least approachable are like us. We were taught to be like that." 

"Taught by who?" These questions flowed through my mind like an endless river. I needed to know more, this was a whole different world I was apart of, and I'm only know about it now. 

"Honestly? We don't know. Some say government, some say aliens- all possible assumptions." 

"And why now? Why didn't you come to me and my brother a long time ago?" I asked, crossing my arms.

She took a deep breath and turned to face me. "Because my friend, Brian, has the same abilities as your brother, only he's older and therefore he can control what he can see. What he saw, was you, your brother, and even Donna being closely followed and watched. We don't know by who."

"Donna? No, she's normal and she has nothing to do with this shit." I spat out. If she ever got hurt because of me I'd never be able to forgive myself. "And if we're being watched, isn't talking right now dangerous?"

"Definitely! But we're not alone." She nodded her head to a tall apartment building off to our right. 

I turned and saw one person wearing all black on the roof. It was still fairly dark, but I was able to pick out his figure and see that he was holding binoculars. He waved, then pointed behind me. I followed his direction and looked at an office building. There were some latenight workers typing away on the computer, but one woman turned from her computer and waved. She had something in her ear and she was talking, I guess with the guy on the roof.

"And there's also Mark." She continued. Right on cue, I felt someone slap me on the shoulder and I turned, but saw no one there. 

Then slowly, a body appeared in front of me- out of thin air. He had blond hair and a sly grin on his face. This wasn't real, none of this should be happening it doesn't make any sense. Even though I didn't want to believe any of this, but I had to. was apart of this world, I always have been.

"I've been keeping a close eye on you and your brother mate," he began in an Australian accent, "chased off anyone who wasn't supposed to be near you guys. Call them Snatchers- they're apart of the government and they're looking for us."

"So Snatchers are after us, Carriers? Even though it's a possibility that they created us?" The questions kept falling out of my mouth.

"Yeah, to either control us or get rid of us. They caught one of my girls a few days ago." Mae replied. Pure anger filled her eyes.

"How do they know who's a Carrier?" 

I saw Mark smile like he's been waiting for the question the whole night. "Snatchers have a radar, something in our blood or our system makes the radar go off like crazy. It's fun leaving blood trails and watching them run in circles, we should try it mate."

"Don't play with them Mark, I told you that already!" She pushed him hard. "We managed to get a radar and that's how we found you. We plan on warning as many Carriers as we can, as long as they aren't helping out Snatchers. We ran into a couple and it wasn't easy." 

"Okay, so you've warned me, now what?" I asked. I watched Mark head off into another direction as he waved at the person on the roof, and Mae just looked around uncomfortably. "Mae? What's the matter?"

"The safest thing to do is leave." She put out simply. 

Leave? What kind of suggestion was that? I wasn't planning on leaving after things were going well for me. Maybe if I've never met Donna I'd leave in an instant, but I don't want to leave her. I want to spend my time with her for as long as I can. She's important to me, more than anyone will ever know. 

The thought of leaving her burned in my mind and I had to shake my head and control my anger so I wouldn't explode at them. 

"I can't." I replied.

"Not anywhere far, at least out of the city. There's a base for Carriers in the woods out if the city and-"

"Mae, I said I'm not leaving. If Donna's being watched I want to be with her so I know she'll be safe." I replied back, raising my voice.

"No offence Jason, but you're the reason she isn't." She pointed out. "We don't know much about her and for now we should keep her out of this." 

"You can go back to here when you know how to protect yourself, your brother, and her." I heard Mark say behind us.  

After a moment of silence, Mae's cellphone vibrated in her pocket. The breeze picked up and a chill was sent down my back. I knew I had to leave, if Donna and Mason's safety was on the line, then I'd leave in a heartbeat. Mark had a point, I can fight and wrestle, but is it really enough to go up against government trained fighters? 

Just when I thought everything was going normal, at least for me, the car takes a turn down insane road. I swear just a moment ago, my world revolved around Donna and Mase, that's it. 

"Shit, we need to go. Mark and Jason go get Mason. Carly and Michael, come with me. There's Snatcher and Carrier activity in the city and it doesn't look good." Mae ordered as she shut her phone and shoved it into her pocket. 

"What's going on?" I asked as I started to get a bad feeling of this. 

"Don't ask questions mate, let's go!" Mark grabbed my arm but I pulled back, refusing to move.

"I'm not moving until I know what exactly the hell is going on!" I shouted.

"It seems like the Snatchers are especially interested in you, Jason. Where have you been staying for the past couple of days?" Mae asked, staring deep into my eyes. 

"Donna..." I heard myself whisper.

"Her house was attacked. We need to get there- now." 

Anger filled my body as we ran downstairs to get my brother. I couldn't think, I couldn't breath. Only one thing stayed on my mind, and if Donna was hurt, then I promise that I'd unleash hell. 


HEY GUYS, exciting news!! If I can finish this book before Nov. 6, then I'm entering it on the (drum roll please) WATTY AWARDS. I'm going to need YOUR guys' amazing support through this and I know it'll be easy! Just continue reading, voting, and commenting! Tell your friends and share my story. I love you guys so much!! <3


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