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I had a dream last night. About what, might you ask? More like who? The one and only: Prince of Saiyans. We were a couple, kissing and holding eachother. Ugh. I groan as I get up from bed. Remembering the dream, I cringe a little bit. Well, training with Vegeta today is going to be awkward. I shrug it off and get up to shower. I scrub my tail making sure I get all the sweat and dirt from yesterday off. Once clean I wrap a towel around me where I head to the room and change into my stealth suit and other armor since the one I usually wear has a massive hole in the chest. I go into the kitchen where mom was making breakfast. Grabbing a bagel, I head out the door. "I'm off to the castle!" I yell getting ready to take off. "Be careful! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She says. I roll my eyes and take flight. Training class was only every other day so I didn't have that to worry about. I arrive and knock at the door. A large man greets me "Hello, I'm a friend of Vegeta's." That was the strangest sentence I think I've ever said. He looks at me oddly "Um-the King is in a meeting." I give him a look and then realize I didn't throw 'Prince' in there. "I meant PRINCE Vegeta." He nods in understanding "Right this way. He said he was expecting you." My eyes brighten. Has he been anticipating my arrival? Ugh. Focus Sukai. I follow him to the training room once more. "My liege, the female is here." I snap my head at him. "I have a name, you know." Before he could comment back, the door opened. "Ah! You came after all!" He says. I shrug and walk through the door which closes behind me. "How's your arm?" I ask. He shakes his head, "Never mind that. Ready to train again?" He floats up into the air. I stay put thinking about what I could possibly do that I haven't used on him already. "Well, are you coming??" He was so impatient. I roll my eyes and join him. He draws his fists. "I thought maybe we should work on fighting techniques rather than energy." I draw mine. "Sounds good to me." I say with a smirk. "Aaaaah!" He cries as he lunges at me, taking a leg with him. I duck and use my fist to punch his face as it comes forward. He groans with pain and I shake out my fist. "Ow, Vegeta. You have a hard face." I tease. He snarls at me. Then he charges at me again, bringing fist with him this time. I catch it with my hand. Then he draws the other one which I catch too. For a moment we're just floating up there growling at each other. Because mine and his power levels are the same, his force and my resistance counter each other. I quickly pull up both my legs and kick him in the stomach, using it as a boost. "-Ooof-" he grunts as my feet go into his abs and sends him backwards. Once I do my 360 flip, I see that he's on the ground, I fly over to him to make sure I didn't almost kill him again. I land and hover over him. "You should be fi-" before I could finish, he sweeps his leg under mine and trips me. I fall to my back and he quickly scrambles on top of me and pins me down. He gets right in my face and just stares at me for a minute with his eye brows scrunched. His dark eyes narrow, "Since we are evenly matched, you're not going anywhere at the moment. I could kill you right here." I could feel his breath on my skin. He looks me dead in the eyes. I lean up closer to where our foreheads and nose tips were touching. "Kill me then." I whisper. Being this close makes me think of the dream I had. I want to cringe, but I instead stay unfazed. He gasps and stares deeper into my eyes. His eye twitches. "How do you still not fear me?" With a grunt, I quickly flip him over and am now pinning him down. "What's there to fear?" I say grinning down. He smirks. "Impressive. Now, get the hell off of me".

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