8: "I Lost Her"

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Tribecca, New York City.

I was in New York City working on my new album. Planing the new era. A lot of meetings with designers and collaboration. The new outfits, dress code, the theme of a new era, the costumes, the idea of the tour. Vocal practice. Dance choreography practice. A lot of what's going on. A lot of works to be done.

After the kiss gate event, I barely see Karlie. Tree banned Karlie from seeing me. I try to sneak out of my house to see Karlie. But, Tree already knows all my tricks. I can never be going out without her or my bodyguard. I can't drive my own car.

And Karlie's management also agrees that Taylor and Karlie stay away from each other. Stay low. Tree and Karlie's manager was probably friends now. Idk any Karlie's team or her manager.

It almost 3 months now. It's March now. 3 months I cannot see Karlie. WTF. I hate my life. I hate to be away from my girlfriend.

I know Karlie was in Paris right now. I get a text from her last night before she catches the flight. She has a fashion show. I miss her so much.

I watch her Instagram. Scrolling her IG. But, I can't like her pictures. Tree banned me from doing that either. She asks me not to comment on Karlie's IG or like the pictures anymore. Idk if this will shut down the rumors. But, I think it makes it more worst. I read all the Karlie IG comments. All the haters and fans.

I love these two chicks. 😍 #kaylor #friendshipgoal

Kaylor rising 🌟

Kaylor forever

They are just galpal guys. Wtf. Taylor not lesbian.

They still talk about us. Fans start to make up our couple's name. They ship our relationship. The social media is trending with our couple name #kaylor. K stands for Karlie. And Aylor is from my name Taylor. The hashtag name was all over the place. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, even YouTube. It's so overwhelming. We can't shut every fan's post. They are the reason who trigger the media to write about us.

I keep scroll Karlie IG. I saw her IG stories. Who is this guy? The one who held my girlfriend's waist. Look so in love with my girlfriend. Oh, she tagged him.

Is this her ex-boyfriend she talking about. Idk his name. I never ask Karlie about that. Karlie never mentions his name either. We agreed not to look in each other past. I clicked the tag. There are Karlie pictures on his IG too. Idk this guy. He is a businessman.


I saw one photo of Karlie was kissing him. On the lips. Paps was caught it. This is a new picture. At Paris. Yesterday.

I throw my phone at bed. I yell Fuck!!! Out loud. Idk what to feel now.


Tribecca, NYC. 8 PM.

Karlie's POV

Karlie enters the password code on the monitor. And press the thumbprint. The door unlocked. Karlie enters the house. Seeing Taylor waiting for her in the living room. Standing there.

I don't know where to start the conversation from this. Taylor looks so angry from behind her back. She standing by the window. Staring outside the busiest city. Taylor crossed her arms on her body. I don't know what she thinking right now. Probably her mind keeps thinking so many things.

Karlie sits on the couch silently. Waiting for Taylor to speak. Taylor still not looking at her. Quiet.

After a few minutes of silent treatment from Taylor. I start the conversation.

"How are you, babe?"

Taylor still ignoring me.


"I saw you kissing him, Karl! I saw that picture."

I can't say anything because I am not posting that picture. How can I explain this?

"How can you do this to me?" Taylor sounds so angry.

"Taylor, I was drunk. I don't know what I'm doing. It was misunderstood. It was planned by my manager. That was paps pic."

Taylor still not looking at me. She standing opposite of me. Staring out at the window.

"Oh so, that was just paps stunt?" Now, she standing in my direction. Looking so intense. Waiting for my answer.

"You know, after the Kissgate incident, my management team can't control the rumors about me and you. So, my manager decides to plan the stunt. Idk what to do except agree on that. He decides to upload that pic on my social media. I am no control of that."

"I don't know what to believe now, Karlie. Believe what I see. Or believe what you say."

Idk what to say right now. Look at her angry face really make my words keep stumble.

"Who is that guy? Your boyfriend now. Why you never told me about this. About those ideas?"

"I'm sorry. I want to tell you. I wasn't planning at first. It was on the dots. It's just happened. I don't love him at all. Believe me. It just a kiss. Nothing happen between us."

"Who is that guy? Answer me! Is that your ex-boyfriend? Do you sleep with him? Why I think, you still love him? Why I think I'm being betrayed by the person I believe the most in this world?"

"Relax Tay. It just a kiss. Believe me. What's a big deal here. Is just paps stunt. Why are you so jealous?"

"OH!!!. Big deal? Do you think I'm making this big? You think I'm overdramatic and over jealous. This is about trust, Karlie. How I'm supposed to trust you after this. I don't know what you doing behind my back. And I'm not jealous with you and him."

I try to touch her shoulder. Taylor's eye looks so intense. Like she wants to cry when saying those words.

Taylor refuses my touch. She doesn't want me to touch her.

"Taylor. Listen! I only love you. Nobody else besides you. Only you, I'm seeing now. Please trust me. It was a mistake. I'm wasted. You know what I became when I'm drunk. I swear that all my manager plan. We do this so people won't say anything about us. About the Kissgate incident. People will not be questioning our relationship. Trust me."

Taylor keeps distant away from me. She didn't listen to what I'm saying. She looks really upset. She keeps holding her face down. Looking up. Sometimes, she sighs so loud. Releasing the pressure from her heart.

"Okay, what you see that night. On that picture. Yes, I admit I kiss him. But, that was not what you think it is. He always just my friend." I try to explain a couple of times again and again. That picture was only paps stunt. But, Taylor won't believe it.

" Correction? Ex-boyfriend!" She yells at me. I was shocked at her loud vocal. She starts raising her voice. She really needs to calm down.

"Okay. Ex-boyfriend. But that's it. Nothing more between us. He knows I'm with you now." again I still try to convince her with my words.

"I don't think he over you. I know he still loves you even he knows you with me now." Taylor starts to speculate about my words. She starts thinking I was cheating on her. How I am supposed to explain more. This is so crazy.

"But, I don't. Never. How I suppose to convince you, babe. He is just my friend. My business partner. My investor. That's it. He just doing my manager's favor."

Taylor starts to walk away from me. Look like she wants to leave this living room.

"I think I don't want to see you for a while." Taylor looks at me so intensely.

Karlie grab Taylor's arm. Hold her from leaving the room.

"Taylor. Please can we talk this out? Please don't run anymore. Deal with it instead of run from it. Why you always run whenever we had a fight?"

Taylor wants to run from Karlie. She wants to be alone for a while. Taylor pulls her arms away from Karlie's hand.

"Why? You can't deal it with me anymore? My attitude? You sick of me? Say it, Karlie!"

"What I said is true. You always run whenever we argue on something. You run instead of solving it. You keep it to yourself instead you talk about it. How I suppose to know what you think or feel. If you do not talk about it. How can we solve this, if you run away like this!"

"oh, you want to know what I'm thinking right now. How do I feel? After saw you two kissing? Okay! Yes, I am happy. Yes, I am So fucking happy KARLIE. No! KARLIE. Of course, I'm fucking hate it. I AM FUCKING HATTTTEEEE IT!" Taylor yells at me.

Karlie doesn't have words to respond to that. She knows Taylor really upset right now.
She tries to hug her. She really wants to console Taylor. But, Taylor refuses any physical touch. Any words that come out of my mouth is useless at this time.

"There are no more words I can say right now. I need to clear my head. I think I need to get out of this house. I don't want to see your face." Taylor walks away from me.

"No. You Stay. I go. This is your house anyway. Call me if you need me." I grab my coat and my bag on the couch. And walk away from that living room.

Close the door behind me.


Taylor's POV

The last words Karlie said "This is your house anyway." really make me wanna cry.

Look like I throwing Karlie away. Kick her out of this house. I hate myself. I hate these moments. How can't I calm down? If I am calm down.
Karlie will still in this house with her tonight. Karlie will sleep with her tonight. She really miss Karlie so much. After 3 months of separation from each other.

"This is our house, Karlie. This is our home. Our little paradise." I say it softly.

I cry as soon as Karlie left the room. This is not what she wants it. She can't control her jealousy over Karlie's exes. But, what she saw really make her angry.

I don't really care whatever reason Karlie gives me. I want to believe her if she said so. I keep picturing them kissing on my mind. I really hate him so much. I feel want to punch him in the face right now.
And said, "stay away from my girlfriend".

But, I can't do that. Because I am a celebrity. I'm a public figure. Maybe, he will sue me for a physical attack. I can't do anything to protect my girlfriend from him. Karlie work at one of an advertising company. He invests in many of Karlie's jobs. What I Google on him, I know he is from a rich family. Run a family business. Multi-million company.

Compare to me. I am just a record singer. I build my own brand and my own company. But, my dream is not just to be a famous singer but I want to build my own record label and train talented young artists under my label. I want to produce music and write lyrics. That my dream.

Karlie probably will stick with him. Wherever she goes. And I can't be there 24/7 for her. I really trust her.


After a few months.

Media articles.

Karlie and Joshua spotted had a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant in Paris.

Karlie and Joshua held hands and look happy together after dinner in Paris.

This is bullshit. What is about this headline? I can't see this anymore. I read all the trending headlines. What is happening right now? Why Karlie and Joshua held hands together. If they are just friends? Why do I see this seem so real to me?

I had enough. I need to call Karlie.

I call Karlie. But, the number is unconnected. Maybe Karlie's phone is dead.


Paris. 2 am.
New York City. 8 pm.

Taylor's POV

I send her a voice mail.

✉️ "Hi, it's me. Taylor. What going on Karlie? I thought you go to Paris for work. Call me back."


Karlie walks straight to her hotel room. Room no 3313. Karlie enters her room. She throws her heel away. Karlie search for her phone in her purse. Karlie watch her phone battery dead. She charges her iPhone on the desk beside the bed. She let her phone off while charging. She left it there.

After dinner and a very exhausting evening. Entertaining rich people. Socialize with new people. That dinner was all about the business world. Share and changing business ideas. The corporate dinner is all about networking. That dinner held for a charity event. Raising money to build some education centers outside America. That dinner really sucks her energy out. Her energy low. What is on her mind, she just to sleep. She already imagines a hotel bed. She really hates corporate dinner. She barely knows people at that event.

She removes all her make up. She needs to get fresh up. She went for a quick hot shower.

She wears a robe towel. Drying her wet hair before jumping to bed. She put on her skin routine before sleep. Put on her seaweed mask on her face. She went to bed. Turn her iPhone on.

She saw Taylor VoiceMail and Message.

✉️ Call me. When you back from Paris.

She listens to Taylor VoiceMail.

What's happen? She really doesn't have an idea. Taylor's voice sound she was upset about something.
The kiss accident is far past away.

I went to Google. I google my name. A lot of new articles from entertainment websites. OMG. The media wrote all false news about my relationship with Joshua. I know why Taylor sounds upset. How I'm supposed to explain this. After a few months off from each other from that night's fight.

Playing cat and mouse for a couple of months. Taylor refuses to see me when I try to reach her. I don't know her schedule anymore. Her daily works. She was Mia. She not staying in New York City. She staying in LA now. That was what Tree told me. Taylor refuses to answer my call or reply to my text. I can't reach her.

Maybe she knows, I will visit her at our home if she still stays in New York City. It really hard to track her locations. Because she has a lot of houses in the state. I don't know which house she stays in.

Technically, I started moving to her apartment last year permanently. After, we declaring as a couple. Taylor makes a surprise present to me. She renovates one big room for my closet and dressing room. Special for me. That room she designs only for me.

Back to the article, how I supposed to explain when I see her. She probably already read all those articles. I can't just keep saying I and Josh are friends and also business partners. That will not help at all. As long I have been with Joshua, it will not help my relationship with Taylor.

Taylor really hates seeing me with Joshua together. I can't leave Joshua either. Because Joshua also my investor on one of the projects I work on. Technically, I working under him. I'm building one charity work in the education field focus on IT for young teen girls. Teach a young girls how to code and build websites or apps. How can I convince Taylor of those articles? About the gossip.

Karlie tries to call Taylor.

Taylor's Phone is ringing.
Taylor answered the call.

Babe ❤ appears on Taylor's iPhone screen.

"Hello, Karlie. How are you?"

"Hi, Tay!. I'm fine. Thank you. How about you? "

"I'm good too. I called you. But engaged. It went to the mailbox.

"I'm sorry, my battery dies. I already read your message. I think I know what you gonna say. Before, you want to say anything. Let me explain after I went back to New York. Where are you now?"

"I'm at home, New York.

"Great. I will be there at 3 pm tomorrow. I see you at home. I really miss you so much. I really want to hug you. Kiss you. "

"okay. See you when you here. Have a safe flight."

"Don't you miss me too?"

"Hmm." Taylor reply short.

"Good night, babe. See you at home."

"Good night"

"I love you, Taylor!"

The phone ended. Karlie was really disappointed with Taylor's behavior. How Taylor mistreat her like that. So cold. How Taylor does not miss her as she misses her.

This is fucking bullshit. Why I feel like her relationship with Taylor was difficult. She loves her. But, the timing is always messed up.

I really need to buy Taylor for some presents. I hope she likes the locket I bought in Paris Market near the bridge. It almost one year now since we dating. I think we need some vacation to work on our relationship. Short getaway. Away from the city. Just two of us.


Taylor staring and talk to her phone.

"I love you so much, Karlie. I miss you too"

That words so hard for me to say. Why?

I'll be your summer sun for you forever winter if you go.


May Love Always Find You.

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