13:"Let The Games Begin"

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3 years before Reputation Album come out. Before Reputation era begin.

December 2015. Winter. NYC.

After 1989 tour was ended. Taylor Swift was nominated and wins a lot of awards on that years. From Grammy Awards, Billboards Awards, American Music Awards and etc. Her career is on the top. The 1989 album wins Album Of The Year for many awards.

She's been listed as a first solo female artist who ever beat the sale records of The Beatles and Micheal Jackson in music history. She also be listed in the Time Magazine as the most influential people in the world and the highest-paid celebrity on that year. She also be listed forbes 30 under 30 influential young people in the world. She is on the top.

She collected a lot of awards and recognition from her album 1989. She can't believe it what she just accomplished in her lifetime career. She is one of the top female artists now. Her single song "blank space and shake it off" hit ranking number 1 in any digital music platform and radio station world wide.


Behind all of her success, there is someone who want to see her down. Someone who want to see her fall. Someone who jealous of her success. Someone who could ever do anything to ruin her reputation.

It's all started in end of 2015. She ended her tour early from her actual tour schedule because she want to be close to Karlie. She barely see Karlie on that year. Karlie never visit her during 1989 concert tour. Karlie only visit her once when Taylor performing at London while she doing fashion week show over there.

Karlie was busy with her modeling schedule. She just started her foundation project which is "kode with klossy" at the same time. She also enrolled her first diploma in computer science at New York University.

So, Karlie really busy to spend time with her. They both never get to spend quality time together just two of them. When Karlie is at home, Taylor wasn't there. When Taylor at home, Karlie wasn't there. The distance between them keep far and far.

Taylor promised to herself that she will take 3 years break before launching her next new album. She want to spend her time with Karlie.

She want to make it the time that she lost for almost one years while dating Karlie. She doesn't care about her career now. She really thought that her career was stable now. What she really care is about her relationship with Karlie.

Yes, she admitted she make the best records in life but she can't work out on her relationship at the same time.

They both only communicate in telephone through videocall or text messages. If they both are free. Even though, they aren't in same time zone, Taylor and Karlie will still try to make time to keep in touch with each other. They will try to meet each other.
Updating about each other daily basis. Taylor really lose so much time without being together with Karlie.

However, there is one thing Taylor really unpleasant about Karlie. Taylor feel so uncomfortable seeing Karlie always with Josh. Everywhere. They're doing PR stunt frequently. Holding hands. Kissing each other. Hugging. Taylor really can't accept it. She can't take it anymore. This is have to stop. She can't bare to look any kissing stunt from them on tabloid.
She try to hold her jealousy because the last time she being jealous, thay have a big fight. She try to hold herself by not being jealous for almost 12 months now. She can't take it anymore. Who is she to Karlie. Who is josh to Karlie.

When she was busy on tour, Karlie and Josh are around the world doing PR stunt. She doesn't know what really Karlie doing on her back. But, she really trust Karlie.

Sometimes, Taylor secretly watch all Karlie PR stunt pictures because she want to know what Karlie do behind her back. She can't take it anymore. She don't want to have fight with Karlie. She don't to lose Karlie again. She can't do anything.

Almost 12 months, they get distance sometimes. On and off. Keep their distance from each other. Karlie never be at home for long. Sometimes, when Taylor went home at Tribecca. Karlie wasn't there because Karlie always travel for work. Karlie is ambassador of many international brand such L'Oreal, Swarovski, Adidas, Calvin Klein, Dior, Estee Lauder, Apple and etc.

Taylor was so proud of Karlie's achievements. Karlie was passionate about her jobs and focus on achieving her dreams and goals. Karlie is very focused on what she want in her life. That's what Taylor love about Karlie. She is very hard working woman. She don't want to known as just a famous supermodel. She want to be more than that.

Taylor is supportive of Karlie's career. Taylor really proud of Karlie. They both understand each other each other career. They also very competitive with each other.


Karlie and Josh always spotted hang out around New York City recently after "Kiss Gate" incident. They are doing Public Relations (PR) stunt aggressively.

They're always catch by paps hanging out, walking at the park, watching football, having dinner, shopping groceries and attending some private event.

All PR stunt was paid by Josh, Karlie's ex-boyfriends. They pretty everywhere. Karlie don't know that. She thought it was a David's plan.

Taylor really understands Karlie work ethic. She still trust Karlie. Karlie said she never put personal on her work. She's doing what she have to.

Taylor promised to Karlie that she will never look at karlie and josh PR stunt pictures anymore.

They always get big fight when Taylor saw Karlie picture kissing Josh. Taylor never let her jealousy ruin her relationship again. So, she need to control it. She can't lose Karlie now. If karlie said it is just a stunt. For publicity. She believes that. She believes whatever Karlie told her. She believes that.

Karlie know Josh before she and Taylor being friends. Karlie explained to Taylor that her relationship with Josh just a business partner and friend. Only that. Nothing more.

Josh was hiring the paparazzi to follow them everywhere and Josh paid the media to write an article about him and Karlie.

Karlie doesn't know about Josh hiring the paparazzi. She thought the paparazzi like to follows her around NYC just because they're interested in her being Taylor Swift best friends and famous supermodel. That's it. But, that was totally false.

Josh love attention that he get when he get around Karlie. All the flashlight. All the paparazzi. Josh love getting the publicity by the media calling his name to be known as rich entrepreneur and also  boyfriend of the famous and gorgeous supermodel in America.

Karlie doesn't know that all was Josh's plan. Not David, her manager. David just doing what Josh tell him to do.

Josh hired a professional paparazzi to follow Karlie everywhere. Josh want to know who Karlie is in love with. Where she go every day. Who she hang out every day.

Josh also hired 24/7 bodyguard for Karlie. Karlie said she doesn't need any bodyguard. She can take care of herself.

Josh and Taylor are the same. There both hired bodyguard to follow Karlie around. Karlie said to both of them. She really doesn't need bodyguard. Karlie really dont understand why Josh and Taylor insisted to hired bodyguard for her. She's grown up young lady.

After kissgate incident, the paps always followed Karlie everywhere. Thats why Taylor hired a bodyguard for her.

Josh hired bodyguard because he want to know where Karlie go. Who she hanging with. But, Karlie refuse Josh's and Taylor's bodyguard.

But, Josh still hired bodyguard to followed Karlie everywhere. Just watch from far.


The day he called Karlie that night, he want to meet Karlie.
He proposed Karlie again with romantic dinner on the yachts.
Karlie refuse the proposal. He keep asking Karlie to married him  like a multiple times since they been together but Karlie still said, she need some time to think about it and her future. Karlie always give excuses. But, she didn't say NO. So, josh thought there will still be a hope.

That night on that yacht, Karlie said she was fall in love with someone else. But, karlie never told him who the person is. Karlie just apologized  to Josh and she said she just consider Josh as friend and business partner. She still love him as brother.

Josh cannot accept that. He really love Karlie. He want Karlie to be be his wife and to have family with Karlie. To have kids with Karlie. Josh so obsessed with Karlie. He still can't accept that Karlie was loving someone else. He need to find out who the person is.

Josh hired a professional paparazi to followed Karlie everywhere she go.


Josh office building. NYC

Josh look at all pictures that he get from the paparazzi. He open the yellow envelope that he get from the paparazi that he hired.

Josh take the pictures out the envelope. He looks one by one all the pictures. Its all pictures of Karlie and Taylor. Hanging out. At Taylor's apartment. At Karlie's hometown, st louis. At London. At fashion show, Paris.

Josh is being curious why Karlie always hang out with Taylor everywhere. He doesn't know Karlie and Taylor are best friend. Since when they are being friends. He doesnt know that. Josh think on himself.

Josh asking the paparazi who in front of him, seating at the chair.

"Who is this girl in this photo?"

"She is the famous singer, Taylor Swift"

"Since when they're being hang out together?" Josh keep looking at those picture intensely.

"from my sources said, they meet at Victoria Secret Fashion Show last three years ago at London. Since then, they being hang out together."

"I need you to found out more about them. I need you to found out who Karlie's boyfriend. Found out where she go? Where she hang out the most. Who she being hang out with. Follow her. I want you to found out all."

"Yes, sir. I will."

"You may go now."

Josh still look at all the pictures. One photo he held.
Karlie entering at Taylor's apartment. Tribecca.

All the picture's of Karlie hang out with Taylor. If she said she in love with someone else. Why he don't get any man pictures. The only man that she hang out is Derek, karlie's best friend. It's impossible Derek the person Karlie love because Derek is gay. Derek have a boyfriend. So, who the person Karlie love. Josh thinking to himself.


December 2014, Winter. NYC.

Josh Penthouse.

Josh get message from his paparazi. A bunch of pictures he get from his email.

Josh sees the pictures of Karlie and Taylor kissing at the 1975 concert. He was shocked at that moment..

And he knew it. There are something off about this two girls. It must be something happen between them. They aren't just best friend.

Josh ask the paparazi to spread the pictures at social media and send it to all entertainment gossip company.

After he know all about it, Josh dig all about Taylor. What she does. What she have. Josh want to know all about Taylor.

Josh hired a private investigator to dig about Taylor past relationship. She need to know all about Taylor. Her strength. Her weakness.

The private investigator (PI) said that Taylor did date random male celebrities during her life career. All is PR stunt. And she always end her relationship within 3 months of dating. Nothing serious.

But, only one girl that she always hanging around back then everywhere together. The actress, Dianna Agron. The PI show all the pictures of Dianna and Taylor together back then. And Josh ask to dig deeper about Dianna.


Josh found out, Dianna Agron was Taylor ex-girlfriend. They stop seeing each other since Dianna move in to London with her husband. And since then, Dianna and Taylor never hang out with each other again.

Dianna start debuting as rising actress in United Kingdom. She living at London with her husband permanently.

Josh want to found out more about Taylor. So, Josh invite Dianna to dinner. At first, Josh are offering a big film heroin role to Dianna if she willing to open up about her relationship with Taylor. And if she willing to help him to found out about Karlie and Taylor.

In return, Dianna will get a lot of film role offer in future. Dianna agreed with Josh's offer.

Dianna was shocked when Josh know about her relationship with Taylor.

He want to know what really happen back then. Why Dianna and Taylor break up. He want to know it all.

Dianna doesn't know about Taylor's current relationship when Josh ask Dianna about Karlie and Taylor are being together. But, Josh ask Dianna to help him to find out abouth them.

Dianna tell all the Taylor's secret to Josh that Taylor is actually a gay woman. She and Taylor are being together before. Taylor is her ex-girlfriend but they broke up 3 years ago. They are in serious relationship. But, something change along the way. Dianna tell of her story to Josh.


July 2014, Summer

Tribecca, New York City

Message come to Karlie phone.

Josh ✉
I need to see you now, Karlie. Meet at my house.
I wait you here. It's important. I know who you love. Is Taylor Swift right?

It almost 10 pm.

Karlie receive a text from Josh. She was at Taylor apartment. It was an early night. She get to hang out and having dinner with Taylor after her busy day working.

She need to see Josh now. How he found out about who she love.

Taylor went upstairs after she was talking about Josh asking to get back together. But, she escaped the part of Josh asking her to get married and Josh proposed her. 

She just asking Taylor about Taylor's opinion on what if her ex-boyfriend want her back.

She want to see Taylor's reaction on that. But, she see Taylor was so calm and she just cool about it. Taylor not asking her who is her ex-boyfriend. Taylor doesnt seems curious about it. Taylor just let her decide by her own future. Let her make her own decisions. Whether to accept him back or not.

She afraid to tell Taylor that Josh actually was proposing her. She scare Taylor will react to say Yes. She didn't want Taylor to get excited that she will get married. Or get back with Josh. She don't want that. So, she hold that thought. Keep it herself.

She just want to be with Taylor. She was so stupid to come up with that ex-boyfriends conversation topics. It really spoiled the mood. She just missed Taylor so much. Why she ever talk about Josh. About getting back together. She barely hang out with Taylor. Maybe, Taylor was thinking about her exes. Thats why she excusing herself to take a moments. But, Taylor never come down. She about to look for Taylor upstairs. She want to apologize to Taylor.
She wait there at living room.

She don't want to lose Taylor. She love Taylor so much.

She wait Taylor to come down. But, Taylor took long time.
She got text from Josh. Josh want to see her. She really have to go.

She just leave some note on Taylor's wine glass.

She leave Taylor's apartment and went to Josh's apartment.
She need to know, how Josh found out she love Taylor. Taylor doesn't know that she love Taylor. She never confess to Taylor or anyone. She never tell anyone who she love.

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